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  • Jesus Told Stories/Parables - Introduction Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 11, 2024

    Parables: One of Christ’s most popular forms of teaching.

    A. WHAT IS A PARABLE? 1. A parable is a story. a. Actions that lead to a conclusion. b. Actors who are people. c. Narrative or interaction. 2. That is true to life. Parables are not myths about flying horses, or talking objects in nature. 3. But not a historical event. The story did not more

  • Ephesians Series - Part 1 - Introduction Series

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Dec 7, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    When I first studied through the book of Ephesians there was one out of the many sections that intrigued me…one section that amazed me...

    When I first studied through the book of Ephesians there was one out of the many sections that intrigued me…one section that amazed me. It was found in chapter three. In this chapter the Apostle Paul writes about the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to him for the churches (vs. 2). What more

  • A Christian’s Heart - Introduction Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on May 21, 2016
    based on 6 ratings

    This is the introduction to the new sermon series, "A Christian's Heart." In this sermon we look at the heart, specifically the spiritual heart and three aspects of what a Christian's heart should be, a loving, changed, and a heart that follows God.

    A Christian’s Heart - Introduction Today we’re going to begin a new series on the type of heart Christians are to possess. This morning I’m going to give you a little taste of this series as we look at three things I consider to be tantamount to anyone who calls themselves more

  • The Introduction And Vision Of The Lord Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jun 24, 2009

    John’s introduction and magnificent vision of the Lord

    Revelation Chapter One The Prologue I. The Revelation’s Introduction (v.1-3) A. The Revelation Designated (v.1) 1. Source: Given by God unto Jesus Christ (v.1a) 2. Purpose: To show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass (v.1b) 3. Method of Delivery: Sent and signified by His more

  • Prayer A Why When How Introduction

    Contributed by Joseph Neil Adams on Jan 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A simple introduction to prayer for a Church that didn’t pray together

    Genesis 18:23-33 Luke 11:1-13 You know I hear more comments about how difficult it is to pray or how confusing it is that God sometimes seems to answer and other times doesn’t or how God doesn’t really hear us or how nothing really changes because of our prayers. So I figure we need some teaching more

  • James: An Introduction And Exposition Of James I Series

    Contributed by David Wilson on Feb 26, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    A in-depth look at James Chapter one encouraging the reader to view the book of James in full context. This entire series is also available as an IBOOK via ITUNES for the nominal cost of $4.95

    Introduction James is my favorite book of the Bible. I have always been drawn to its practical approach and straightforward method of approaching the subject of living one’s faith. James doesn’t spend a lot of time discussing doctrine, though the book is full of doctrinal concepts. Instead, more

  • We're At War - Introduction Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 24, 2021

    The beginning of a series focusing on the fact that we're at war. A series on spiritual warfare.

    Revelation 12:1-5, 7-8, 17 We’re at War! September 26, 2021 Most of you know I’m a sports guy. I enjoy watching and playing sports. One thing that drives me crazy when watching is when you hear an announcer say that the team or individuals LOOK FLAT. Have you ever heard that said about your more

  • Letters To The Seven Churches Of Revelation Introduction

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Apr 21, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Revelation was to prepare and strengthen the Christians of Asia Minor (seven churches) so that they will remain faithful against the impending persecution.

    Letters to the Seven churches of Revelation Introduction Revelation 2: 1-1-29 As we begin this study on the letters of the 7 churches of the book of Revelation, I have mingled feelings. For one thing Revelation is the final book of the bible of 66 books. We come to Revelation after reading and more

  • The Hope Of Provision

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 18 ratings

    God is our shepherd and He will provide for us

    A Story of Provision Psalm 23 June 17, 2001 I. God is our Shepherd A. We are the sheep of God 1. The qualities of sheep a.) We belong to God – He has bought us with a price b.) There is no mistaking the fact that we are not our own. Everything we are and everything we have is because of God 2. more

  • The Dna Of An Encourager

    Contributed by Brian Winslade on Jul 17, 2001
    based on 150 ratings

    A look at the life of Barnabas - known for his disposition of encouragement

    The DNA of an Encourager Unedited transcript of sermon delivered at Windsor Park Baptist Church 550 East Coast Rd, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand, E-mail: Sunday 18/3/2001,  Brian Winslade, All rights reserved Unless stated otherwise, all Scripture quotations in this more

  • See The Lord As Your Shepherd

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Jul 18, 2001
    based on 59 ratings

    Isaiah’s inspired words give depth and beauty to the dearly loved statement, "The LORD is my shepherd."

    “The LORD is my shepherd.” Of the many comforting words in God’s Word believers throughout the ages have cherished those. The Holy Spirit put those words into the heart of a shepherd-king named David approximately 1000 years before Jesus was born. They have been sung and spoken, shared and more

  • How Important Is A Reputation Series

    Contributed by Brian Winslade on Jul 22, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    Barnabas’ reputation was so significant they gave him a positive nick-name

    How Important is a Reputation Unedited transcript of sermon delivered at Windsor Park Baptist Church 550 East Coast Rd, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand, E-mail: Sunday 8/4/2001,  Brian Winslade, All rights reserved A group of frogs were travelling through the woods more

  • Encouragement Jumper Leads Series

    Contributed by Brian Winslade on Jul 22, 2001
    based on 448 ratings

    Following the example of Barnabas in being known for our encouragement of others

    Encouragement Jumper Leads Unedited transcript of sermon delivered at Windsor Park Baptist Church 550 East Coast Rd, Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand, E-mail: Sunday 29/4/2001,  Brian Winslade, All rights reserved You might have heard the story of the married couple more

  • The Ministry Of An Encourager Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Nov 18, 2000
    based on 89 ratings

    The Life of Barnabas is an example of how we should live lifes of encouragement.

    A Study of the Book of Acts Sermon # 10 “The Ministry of an Encourager.” Acts 4:32-37 One of the great tragedies of our time is that there are so few kind people around. There are plenty of mean spirited, critical, cynical people, but there are few who just take the time to be kind as a more

  • What Are They Saying About You?

    Contributed by Carlton Coon on Dec 27, 2000
    based on 184 ratings

    Reputation . . . what people are saying about you . . . have you given consideration to it lately?

    What Are They Saying About You? I. How does one pick a plumber? a mechanic? a carpet-layer? an evangelist? a truck driver? The answer: By referral. What others are saying about that person. II. Very heavy weights (like people’s respect and confidence) are hung on the thin wire of reputation. more

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