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  • The Way, The Truth, And The Life PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 21, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes knowing Jesus as our guide to the Father, embodying the way, truth, and life, and experiencing God beyond mere knowledge about Him.

    Greetings, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. It is indeed a privilege to stand before you today, under the banner of our Lord's grace and love. As we gather in this sacred space, let us pause and reflect on the profound mystery and magnificence of our faith. Our faith, dear friends, is not one more

  • Acquired Thru Faith-8(:3c)

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 8, 2024

    8 of 10. The apostle Peter informs those who are faithful in Christ, that they are amply supplied for godly living. God’s people are amply supplied for godly living thru their faith. But, ?What does Christian faith acquire for God’s people? A provision of God, acquired thru faith in Jesus, is...

    ACQUIRED Thru FAITH-VIII—2Peter 1:3c(:1-4) Attention: The potential beauty of the parsonage’s/pastorium’s yard is becoming lost to various weeds. I recently purchased some ‘Weed Killer for Southern Lawns’ for use on centipede grass(& other kinds). It’s supposed to kill broadleaf weeds in more

  • Recieving Spiritual Wisdom

    Contributed by Js Collins on Nov 20, 2013

    At the beginning of man there was full knowledge of God and with great understanding Because of sin the light flickered and mans view of god became dimmed. but a candle is given by God to seek and see and understand his will.

    Receiving Spiritual Wisdom Proverbs 20:27 27 ¶ The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly. At the beginning of man there was full knowledge of God and with great understanding . it was a bright and burning light at first, but through sin is become a more

  • Aware, Available, Able

    Contributed by David Welch on Dec 2, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Message from Psalm 139 on God’s omnipresence (available), omnipotence (able) and omniscience (aware).

    “Aware, Available, Able” Psalm 139 Introduction Music plays an important role in most everyone’s life. Music not only expresses our innermost soul but is able to move it as well. Most movies would have little impact without the music. Music expresses the more

  • Wrestling With Loneliness Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Oct 14, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Both the pervasiveness and pain of loneliness is well known and documented. But what does the Bible and the Church have to say and do about it? Bottom line: loneliness can only e overcome through intimate relationships with Jesus and other people.

    WRESTLING WITH LONELINESS Part 2 in Series: “Does Anybody Know, Does Anybody Care?” Rev. Todd G. Leupold, Perth Bible Church, Sunday October 5, 2008 AM INTRODUCTION: Paul McCartney famously sings: “All the lonely people, Where do they all come from, All the lonely people, Where do they more

  • I Am Known Of Him

    Contributed by Roger Wilson on Jul 24, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Understanding that we are, have been and will be known by Jesus, based on His words in the parable of the good Shepherd.

    John 10:11 (ESV) I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13 He flees because he is a more

  • Embracing God's Purpose For Men PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 6, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes our identity as God's deliberate, purposeful creation, encouraging us to live in alignment with His divine design and purpose.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this sacred gathering. It's a beautiful day, isn't it? The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and we are here, together, ready to bask in the warmth of God's Word. Isn't it amazing how God's creation reflects His glory and reminds us of His love for us? We are His more

  • Who Is The Holy Spirit?

    Contributed by Ruel Camia on May 3, 2007
    based on 12 ratings

    Introduction: The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. He has a personality and will on His own even though He is intimately united with the Father and the Son. John 14:16-17 I. The personality of the Holy Spirit: A. The Holy Spirit is D

    Who is the Holy Spirit Introduction: The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. He has a personality and will on His own even though He is intimately united with the Father and the Son. John 14:16-17 I. The personality of the Holy Spirit: A. The Holy Spirit is more

  • Jesus, A True Friend, Chooses Us.

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on May 19, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Sermon for the 6th Sunday of Easter, series B. In calling us "friends" Jesus discloses the how intimately God loves us, and gives us an example to emulate in our being friends to one another.

    6th Sunday of Easter May 21,2006 “Series B” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, you sent your Son, Jesus the Christ, to reveal your will and grace for our lives. He is our Lord and Savior, who gave his life more

  • Prayer's Missing Link Series

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is no foreigner to prayer. He knows it intimately and He also knows that a heart that is unforgiving will make prayer ineffective and dead. The bondage of unforgiveness is something that will weigh us down so much that our prayers will be fruitles

    Prayer’s Missing Link Griffith Baptist Church – 12/30/07 A.M. Service Text: Matthew 6:9-15 Key Text: Matthew 6:14-15 The Introduction When Narvaez, the Spanish patriot, lay dying, his father-confessor asked him whether he had forgiven all his enemies. Narvaez looked astonished and said, more

  • Things That Make Christians Different From The World: Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Terry Frazier on Sep 10, 2012

    There is no single thing that makes Christians different from the world than an active, vibrant, intimate, and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Without Jesus we are not only in the world but we are of the world. But unfortunately, too many Christi

    Things That Make Christians Different From The World: Jesus Christ Of all the things that make Christians different from the world NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING is more important than Jesus Christ. The main reason that we were created was to worship and praise God but since Adam and Eve messed that more

  • Dying Well Series

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Apr 1, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    In his final word, Jesus teaches us how to die well. He points us to an intimate relationship with a Heavenly Father, to a life that continues after death, and to a completion of all that God has for us in this life.

    Dying Well Seven Last Words from the Cross Part 7 * Luke 23:44-46 “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Today we tackle an unusual topic for an Easter Sunday. Usually we talk about life and life everlasting. We’ll get there, but first, let’s consider where that life comes from: death on a more

  • A Love That Doesn't Quit Series

    Contributed by Antonio Torrence on Sep 15, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Humanity struggles with its knowledge of love. Although we have written about love, talked about love, and explored the many varieties and dynamics of love, humanity stills has to evolve in it practice of love.

    John 3:16 and 10:11 “A Love That Never Quits”-Reverend A. LaMar Torrence I. “I wish I knew how to quit you”. The infamous line comes from one of the most controversial movies that have come out of Hollywood where the character Ennis del Mar has to learn how to love, how to choose and how to make more

  • Musings Of A Seed Picker 3 Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Oct 24, 2008

    Exposition of Acts 17:26-28 about how God has dealt with man in general from a big picture perspective

    Text: Acts 17:26-28, Title: Musings of a Seed-Picker 3, Date/Place: NRBC, 10/26/08, AM A. Opening illustration: maybe the quote from What is a Healthy Church Member re: knowing major biblical themes and storylines of redemption B. Background to passage: Again this is the continuation of Paul’s more

  • Home Security

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Apr 28, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Protecting the 'home front' of our church from the enemies' attacks from without and within.

    HOME SECURITY MATTHEW 12:22-37 Rev. Todd G. Leupold, Perth Bible Church, January 3, 2010 AM INTRODUCTION: (mole theme adapted from Pastor Joseph Smith, Sept. 01, Have you ever had a turf war with a mole? Moles are unpleasant, destructive, and even dangerous animals. How? more

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