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  • Rest Interrupted

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Feb 22, 2023

    Feeding of the Five Thousand

    Rest Interrupted Mark 6:30-44 Good morning. I want you to think about the kind of rest you hope to get when you have nothing urgent to wake up for, the next morning. You think, tomorrow is a day with nothing planned, so you go to bed with little to dwell on, thinking you are going to get good more

  • Divine Interruptions Series

    Contributed by Mason Davis on Aug 21, 2024

    You're going make it through, and God’s going make it for you. All the glory will go to Him when we get home, home to heaven.

    DIVINE INTERRUPTIONS By: C. Mason Davis TODAY’S SCRIPTURE Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.” You're going make it through, and God’s going make it for you. All the glory will go to Him when we get home, home to more

  • Abreviated Messages

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Jan 11, 2015

    Not all messages that a preacher preaches get finished. Many factors come into play that can interrupt the sermon. Some are from the enemy; yet sometimes it is God Himself that intrudes for a more lofty reason.

    Abbreviated Messages Mark 16:20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Many kinds of messages: encouragement, challenge, exhortation, consolation, prophetic, etc. Most of them get preached to the last point. more

  • Joseph - The Dilemma Of Interruptions Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jan 3, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Interruptions are often opportunities in disguise

    NOTE: This is a manuscript, and not a transcript of this message. The actual presentation of the message differed from the manuscript through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is possible, and even likely that there is material in this manuscript that was not included in the live more

  • Interrupt Jesus Now

    Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Jul 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    JESUS loves and responds to interruptions

    JESUS our SAVIOR likes interruptions especially from anybody at anytime. As HE walked on earth, HE was interrupted for many reasons. True to HIS Kingly nature, HE did not disappoint. HE handled them all with that supernatural, flawless grace, leaving no stone unturned, no question ultimately more

  • When God Interrupts

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Jan 13, 2019

    God Interrupts the Mundane to Bring about the Magnificent

    The January 13, 1992, issue of Fortune Magazine featured the "Biggest Business Goofs of 1991": In an act of corporate cooperation, AT&T reached an agreement with the power company in New York City, ConEd. The contract stated that whenever power demands exceeded the utility's grid, more

  • Love Does Not Insist On Its Own Way Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 8, 2016

    When I love like Jesus loves I see life’s interruptions as divine opportunities

    ENGAGE This week, I came to the conclusion that perhaps I’ve done enough preaching on loving like Jesus and maybe it’s time to move on to something else. That’s because I’m finding that God seems to be providing way too many opportunities for me to apply what I’m more

  • Interrupted By The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Apr 12, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon is about the Interruptions of the Holy Spirit that occurred on the Day that the Holy Spirit fell on Gentiles. It deals with how we are to be open to Holy Spirit interruptions and how we are allow the Holy Spirit to always be in Control.

    Scripture: Acts 10:44-48 Call to Worship - Psalm 98 Title: Interrupted by the Holy Spirit This sermon is about the Interruptions of the Holy Spirit that occurred on the Day that the Holy Spirit fell on Gentiles. It deals with how we are to be open to Holy Spirit interruptions and how we are more

  • Divine Interruptions And Surprises

    Contributed by Jeffery Scott on Jul 14, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Jairus had faith that Jesus would heal yet that faith was tested three times.

    I. The Seekers Humility A. Who was Jairus? B. Notice he came the same way the demon possessed man came. C. He came with the right heart. 1. Submissive Heart Psalms 34:18 (NKJV) 18 The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit 2. Sincere more

  • Shepherds And Sheep Interrupted Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Jan 6, 2013

    This series looks at the 5 stories after Jesus was born and the one thing whic unites all of them: their search for the Christ.. IN this sermon we see when God wanted to announce the birth of His son, he went to the lowest of the low, reminding us that Go

    Shepherds and Sheep Interrupted Luke 2:8-20 In this series, we’ve been looking at the Scriptures about the birth of Jesus which we don’t get to very often. The first three have been the stories after the birth of Christ but today we come to our first story before the birth of Christ. more

  • But God, The Divine Interruption Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Feb 9, 2014

    Dead, then alive, all because God stepped in!

    EPHESIANS # 3 From the first part of Chapter 1, we learn these transforming truths. “I am blessed... with every spiritual blessing!” “I am included in God’s family by His design and will.” “I am valued because He invests His grace in me.” “I am more

  • Christmas Interruptions: Joseph Series

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Dec 8, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Christmas interrupts the unraveling of your life. Your fears, like Joseph’s, are unfounded, and for the same reason: The child in Mary’s womb!

    You’ve got to see this first Christmas from Joseph’s point of view. I mean, his heart was full of anticipation over his recent engagement to Mary. His head was no doubt filled with images of what his life was going to be like, and he saw nothing but blue skies and smooth seas ahead. more

  • When Interruptions Come Knocking

    Contributed by Jeffrey Wildrick on Feb 28, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    We all hate being interrupted. But many of the most important moments in Jesus' ministry were the result of interruptions, such as when a bleeding woman interrupted him on the way to heal Jarius daughter. We can learn from Jesus example.

    "When Interruptions Come Knocking” March 1, 2015 Luke 8:40-56 INTRO: Has this ever happened to you? You've had a hard day. Finally you have a few quiet minutes for yourself, you pour a hot bath, you throw in some bubbles just for a touch of luxury. You put your toe in - kind of hot, but more

  • The Last Supper

    Contributed by Scott Cox on Mar 17, 2001
    based on 940 ratings

    Observations made of the Last Supper and applied to the obervance of the Lord’s Supper.

    Introduction: One of the biblical scenes that artists have tried to portray more than any other is the Last Supper scene. Each artist uses his imagination as he paints the scene. In some paintings the mood is festive, the disciples portrayed with smiling faces looking up to Jesus. In others the more

  • When My Life Is Interrupted, I Respond By… Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Apr 6, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    I want to begin today's sermon by getting you to fill in the blank to a statement that I am about to make. Here goes! When my life, the way I want to live it, is interrupted, I respond by (now you fill in the blank.)

    Introduction: I want to begin today's sermon by getting you to fill in the blank to a statement that I am about to make. Here goes! When my life, the way I want to live it, is interrupted, I respond by (now you fill in the blank.) Over the past several weeks, I believe that it is a fair more