
Summary: JESUS loves and responds to interruptions

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JESUS our SAVIOR likes interruptions especially from anybody at anytime. As HE walked on earth, HE was interrupted for many reasons. True to HIS Kingly nature, HE did not disappoint. HE handled them all with that supernatural, flawless grace, leaving no stone unturned, no question ultimately unanswered.

Just a few instances of the interruptions that give us insight into HIS royal MAGNIFICENT SELF are listed here, read the first five books of the New Testament for a better narration and meanwhile bow down and worship HIM now.

i. JESUS, our KING was interrupted for information by the rich young ruler, who comes kneeling before HIM with weighty questions. So, Beloved, rulers and leaders can interrupt JESUS and HE will answer them. They may not like or accept the answers but HE will answer them. HE will answer you, you may not like the answer, but HE will answer you, maybe He already has.

ii. JESUS, our HEALER, was interrupted for healing by very many people. So, the sick can interrupt JESUS and HE will heal them and guide them. See the incidence of the man whom JESUS told to sin no more lest a worse thing happen to him. John 5:14, the lepers who JESUS told to present themselves to the High Priest. The bleeding woman, the bent woman. HE healed them all some even unknowingly. It is HIS nature. So, just ask HIM and hear what HE says and/or see what HE does!

iii. JESUS, our FATHER, was interrupted by seriously distressed parents. You know, children can cause your death. Ask JESUS, HE knows this firsthand. See, the Sidonian woman with a demon possessed daughter, Jairus and his sick and soon dead daughter, the man with his demon possessed son who kept on endangering himself, the woman with a dead son. HE answered them, HE answered these parents who were in great distress and trouble and with no other hope, HE will answer you, but it’s a good idea to ask HIM to don’t wait a minute longer.

iv. JESUS, our HIGH PRIEST was sought by Nicodemus the religious leader at night. There are things Nicodemus should have known but he didn’t. JESUS told him anyway. So, are you a confused Pastor, minister, lay leader, JESUS will answer you too. So, you are having problems in your ministry, talk to HIM, HE will tell you what the challenge and solution is, then the ball is in your court. Are you scared that others may see. JESUS takes private inquiries too at any time of the day and night. Ask Nicodemus, and JESUS doesn’t charge for consultations. They are freely given and so you should also freely give.

v. JESUS our BRIDEGROOM was interrupted at the wedding in a place called Cana. When HE was relaxing at a wedding, HE was interrupted because the wine was finished. HE didn’t disappoint despite it not being HIS time. Beloved, this is not a license to drink. There are many things we don’t understand or know. The bible also says winebibbers and drunks are going to hell. Be on the safe side and ask HIM when you see HIM. By the way, beloved, we are told of a grand wedding to come, I’m talking real grand, like out of this world grand, style up, talk to JESUS, get your garments ready, the invitations are already out. Believe you me; you don’t want to miss it. It is known that should you miss it, you will weep and gnash your teeth. Don’t miss it! Can’t wait to see the cake, out of this world! Don’t say you were not invited!

vi. JESUS our PROVIDER was interrupted for money by the tax collector. They had no money and the tax man was there, well, JESUS sorted the matter out and His taxes and Peter’s were paid, you know the incident. The one of the fish and the gold coin. I am not telling you, go look it up. HE will sort out your monetary troubles. HE will provide for you. Here it comes, one of my favorites, Matthew 6: 25-34. JESUS will take care of you. There is nothing impossible with The LORD.

vii. JESUS our LORD was interrupted for pampering and beautification by the woman with the alabaster box. She interrupted HIM to wash HIS feet with her tears, HE didn’t refuse, HE accepted. So, Beloved, you feel like pampering the LORD with praises, interrupt HIM, perfume HIM with your praises, bless HIS HOLY NAME, sing HIM a song like only you can, believe me, HE not only notes such displays of affection and gratitude but HE likes them too and dwells in their midst. Interrupt HIM now, for this one. Tell HIM or show HIM how much HE means to you, HE stores the tears in a bottle, one day you will get to see them, and be comforted beyond your wildest dreams. So go ahead, beloved, tell HIM how WONDERFUL HE is and how you appreciate the things HE does and is doing for you. Go on, call HIS NAME and tell HIM, HE is right there with you.

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