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  • Wise Up! Series

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Aug 25, 2014

    To have the wisdom to live in a chaotic and confusing world, we must grow in our relationship with Christ.

    Title: Wise Up Text: Daniel 2:1-49 Truth: To have the wisdom to live in a chaotic and confusing world, we must grow in our relationship with Christ. Aim: To pursue and submit to Christ’s will in order to live wisely. INTRODUCTION During the week, when I have lunch at home, I often watch a more

  • Adding It Up

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Oct 25, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    A thanksgiving message

    13, October 2002 Dakota Community Church Adding It Up Introduction: The young man was feeling very proud of himself. As a brand-new college graduate he had taken the C.P.A. Exams & passed with flying colors. Now he was a full-fledged Certified Public Accountant. His father had been an immigrant more

  • Wake Up!

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Dec 4, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    Wake up from the hypnosis of hypocrisy and wake up to the greatness of Christ’s finery.

    In 547 B.C., King Croesus of Sardis marched to fight King Cyrus of Persia. Croesus was defeated and retreated to his fortress-like city of Sardis where he thought he would be safe from further attacks. Even when the Persian army filled the valley below Croesus slept soundly thinking the enemy would more

  • Lifting Up Tired Hands

    Contributed by Dean Morgan on Jan 21, 2009
    based on 146 ratings

    Pastor appreciation is very much in order. God’s word calls us to support clergy. In 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 we read...

    LIFTING UP TIRED HANDS Exodus 17:8-13 Pastor appreciation is very much in order. God’s word calls us to support clergy. In 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 we are told: "And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and more

  • Wake Up! Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Mar 4, 2003
    based on 66 ratings

    5th in a series on the seven Churches in Revelation. Looking at characteristics that help us have a positive presence in our community and in our church.

    Wake up! Revelation 3:1-6 INTRODUCTION: Today our study brings us to the church of Sardis. A church that has no commendation from the Lord, and from the very onset of the passage, you can here the dire situation this church faces. Yet there is a rich amount of practical material for our own walk more

  • Moving On Up

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Mar 1, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Like the Jefferson’s of the 70”s sitcom fame it is time for some of us to move on up in the Kingdom of God.

    February 2005 Dakota Community Church Moving On Up! Introduction: Like the Jefferson’s of the 70”s sitcom fame it is time for some of us, especially some of the youth to move on up in the Kingdom of God. At some point in time each of us must make the decision to stop coming to church to be fed more

  • Add It Up

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Jun 16, 2020

    I don’t know if this has ever happened to you but it happens to me way too often. I meet someone and at first blush I’m excited because they seem to be as committed to the same ideas as me. However, over time, I realize we aren’t alike as I thought.

    I don’t know if this has ever happened to you but it happens to me way too often. I meet someone and at first blush I’m excited because they seem to be as committed to the same ideas as me. However, over time, I realize we aren’t alike as I thought. They haven’t changed. I am noticing their more

  • Sober Up PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 22, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores discerning right from almost right, listening to God's voice over others, and making decisions based on truth in a world full of misinformation.

    Good morning, dear friends. It's a joy to be with you again, in this sacred space where we gather, united in our love for God and our desire to know Him more. We're here to open our hearts and minds to the wisdom of His Word, to seek His guidance, and to grow in our understanding of His will for more

  • Grow Up

    Contributed by Kirk Devine on Jul 1, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    This message deals with the issue of moving on in the perfection that Christ has called us to walk in.

    GROW UP! HEBREWS 5:12-14; 6:1-6 (Story of the Olsen twin with anorexia…) Anorexia is defined as: “a prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite.” It is an eating disorder which causes you not to grow… Let me suggest to you today that the church is experiencing “Spiritual Anorexia…” We’re more

  • Lighten Up! Series

    Contributed by Patrick Slack on Sep 26, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever know or seen someone so wound up they were fixing to burst? It can be a sad sight. Have you been in that place where you were so stressed out or wound up that you lost all your joy? Are you living with Joy in your life or you letting your

    Lighten Up? Opening Video: Patch Adams Joy Have you ever know or seen someone so wound up they were fixing to burst? It can be a sad sight. Have you been in that place where you were so stressed out or wound up that you lost all your joy? Are you living with Joy in your life or you letting more

  • Palms Up

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 22, 2020

    Palm Sunday Message

    Introduction- Good morning, Thank you for letting me into your home as we try to find what the new normal is for our lives right now. Excited to see what the Lord can do with some willing hearts and His anointing. Can I just say God’s has got this! For all the hearts that are restless, the Lord more

  • Shake It Up!

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Feb 9, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    A message about getting out of ruts, of being decanted like wine (emptied from vessel to vessel) The dangers of stagnation, and the upward call of God in Christ.

    Shake it Up De 1:6 "The LORD our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, 'You have stayed long enough at this mountain. De 1:7 'Turn and set your journey, and go to the hill country of the Amorites, and to all their neighbors in the Arabah, in the hill country and in the lowland and in the Negev and by more

  • Man Up PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Recognizing your sin, repent, and taking responsibility for your actions in order to experience God's grace.

    Good morning, church family! Today's sermon is all about God's graciousness, the need for repentance, and the call for each of us to "man up" and take responsibility for our actions. As C.S. Lewis once said, "We all want progress, but if you're on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn more

  • Heads Up Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Sep 27, 2023

    Families gather and celebrate, but do we know what leads up to Easter? The stops along the way are important and have life application!

    The Road To Easter Pt. 3 - Heads Up I. Introduction It becomes the question that every parent loathes. It is the question that grates on your very last nerve. From the back seat, battling for every inch of real estate with your seat hogging sibling, when seconds feel like days and hours feel like more

  • Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus!

    Contributed by Tex Cox on Jan 30, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    This morning, as we continue into our New Year, I’d like to take a look at a verse that I think we ought to read every day of the year. As a reminder of just WHO our God is:

    I found an old file entitled: “Kids on Love & Marriage” Concerning the Proper Age to Get Married "Once I’m done with kindergarten, I’m going to find me a wife." -Bert, Age 5 "Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then." -Camille, age 10 "No age is good to get more

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