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  • He Has Risen

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Apr 3, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    We come to Church this Sunday to Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Ever since Jesus burst out of the grave having conquered death and hell, Christians have worshiped and celebrated this Day. The greatest day in history was the day that Jesus Christ cam

    INTRODUCTION · We come to Church this Sunday to Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. Ever since Jesus burst out of the grave having conquered death and hell, Christians have worshiped and celebrated this Day. · The greatest day in history was the day that Jesus Christ came forth from the tomb. more

  • He Has Risen!

    Contributed by Douglas Dudley on Mar 8, 2005
    based on 24 ratings


    He Is Risen Text: 1st Corinthians 15:1-22 (Read) Introduction. The modern observation of Easter comes by combining 3 traditions. The first is the Hebrew Passover, which is celebrated during Nisan, the 1st month of the Hebrew Lunar Calendar. The 2nd tradition comes from the Christian more

  • "He Has The Keys"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Oct 4, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that Our Resurrecting Saviour has the Key to Death and Hell.

    U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris CP Walker Taegu, South Korea BIG IDEA: JESUS HAS THE KEYS TO OPEN AND SHUT THE DOORS OF DEATH AND HELL. REFERENCES: Revelation 1:18; Matthews 27:51-54; Revelation 20:1; Isaiah 53:1-5; Revelation 2:12;16; 19:15,21; (his face shine like the sun, and a sharp more

  • Has He Risen?

    Contributed by Eric Darr on Nov 11, 2004
    based on 86 ratings

    This title may strike you in an odd way..... Has He Risen? While we are so accustomed to hearing He Has Risen. The reason I bring this title with a question mark vs. an accustomed exclamation point is because some of us in the church do not show a

    Has He Risen? While driving to church on Easter Sunday two years ago, I told my children the Easter story. "This is the day we celebrate Jesus coming back to life," I explained. Right away, my 3-year-old son, Kevin, piped up from the back seat, "Will He be in church more

  • He Has The Power Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Aug 4, 2021

    Essential King Jesus: Jesus has all authority and all power to forgive sins.

    ESSENTIAL KING JESUS: HE HAS THE POWER MARK 2:1-12 #kingjesus USE AUDIO BIBLE: Mark Chapter 2:1-12 [4:02] INTRODUCTION… HE-MAN (p) He-Man is a superhero and the main character of the sword and sorcery-themed Masters of the Universe franchise more

  • Everything In This World Has Been Given To Us

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 28, 2016

    To show that GOD has restored to us everything in this world that Adam has lost and He made us accepted in the Beloved by making us His sons.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you accepted in the Beloved? Yes. Ephesians 1:6 Ephesians 1:6 (Amplified Bible) [So that we might be] to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace (favor and mercy), which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: more

  • He Has Risen

    Contributed by Glen Lawhun on Apr 18, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    After the cheering, after the crucifixion, afer the resurrection light began to shine.

    He has risen! April 18, 2004 Acts 26:22-23 Ac 26:22 "Therefore, having obtained help from God, to this day I stand, witnessing both to small and great, saying no other things than those which the prophets and Moses said would come-- 23 "that the Christ would suffer, that He would be the first to more

  • He Has Risen PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 20, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the significance of Christ's Resurrection, emphasizing its manifestation of God's power, Christ's majesty, and the mission it entrusts to believers.

    Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Christ. It's a joy to gather with you today, to embrace this moment of fellowship and to bask in the love of our Savior. We're here to celebrate the cornerstone of our faith, the miracle that solidifies our hope and fuels our courage — the Resurrection of more

  • What God Has Given To You Is Yours Forever

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Feb 18, 2019

    GOD is never going to take back any gift He has given to you neither would He cancel any invitation He has extended to you.

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: *WHAT GOD HAS GIVEN TO YOU IS YOURS FOREVER* Romans 11:28-29 King James Version (KJV) 28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes. 29 For the more

  • Using What God Has Given

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 30, 2007
    based on 48 ratings

    Jesus told this parable to remind us that what we have is not ours. God has given us gifts and they are what we can handle. We must invest and use them. A day of accountability will come.

    1 Peter 4:10: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” It is not too difficult to identify the talents we have. • Some are good at music, some good at drawing, cooking, writing… • After a short period of time, more

  • Using What God Has Given Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 791 ratings

    God gives each of special abilities and expects us to be faithful in using what we’ve been given. Instead of “hiding” our gifts we’re to invest them in kingdom service. There’s no getting around the fact that we are responsible for what we’ve been given

    Using What God Has Given A man from out east had always dreamed of owning a cattle ranch and had finally saved enough money to buy his dream spread in Wyoming. His best friend flew out to visit and asked, “So, what’s the name of your ranch?” His buddy told him that he had a really hard time more

  • Using What God Has Given

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Parable of the Talents (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Using What God has Given Reading: chapter 25 verses 14-30. Quote: “The word ‘Faith’ in the Bible is spelt ‘R.I.S.K.’” Quote: To laugh is to risk appearing the fool To weep is to risk appearing sentimental To reach out for another is to risk involvement To expose feelings is to risk exposing, more

  • Using What God Has Given

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 24, 2010

    Using What God has Given (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: chapter 25 verses 14-30. Quote: “The word ‘Faith’ in the Bible is spelt ‘R.I.S.K.’” Quote: To laugh is to risk appearing the fool To weep is to risk appearing sentimental To reach out for another is to risk involvement To expose feelings is to risk more

  • Using What God Has Given

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Jan 24, 2005
    based on 64 ratings

    The parable reminds us that every believer is given God’s Spirit and the message of eternal life. Our job is to seek to bring a good return from that message by our faithful proclamation. We are Christ’s ambassadors . . . we are charged to point the los

    Using What God Has Given Luke 19:11-27; Matthew 25: 14-30 The parable we look at this morning is about wasted potential and neglected responsibility. In this parable and the sister parable in Matthew 25 the master leaves his servants with money to invest. When he returns some of the servants more

  • God Has Given Our Hearts Desire

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    To show that GOD is the Giver of our heart's desire and He's not witholding anything good from us. Psalms 84:11 For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; the Lord bestows [present] grace and favor and [future] glory (honor, splendor, and heavenly bliss)! No

    I. EXORDIUM: Is GOD the giver of your desires? Yes. Psalms 37:4 Psalms 37:4 Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD is the Giver of our heart's desire and He's more