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  • From Suffering To Hope

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jun 1, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    When life seems to give us a raw deal, as Christians we can stand tall knowing our suffering can make us strong and develop in us new depths of integrity and maturity which give us our confidence about the future.

    Romans 5: 1 – 5 From Suffering to Hope Intro: You have one of those days or weeks that absolutely wear you out. All you want to do is relax and forget about everything. You sit down in front of the TV and want to escape --- There appears before you a commercial for BOWFLEX – you know the one more

  • Trusting God

    Contributed by Isaac Magsino on May 28, 2020

    It is easy to say I TRUST GOD in a general sense - when life seems so good and our expectation for our life is high. But what about when life is on the rough times? When our perspective is on the verge of collapsing? Question to think about: How do you enjoy the Faith you have in God?

    TRUSTING God I Corinthians 13:13 May 31, 2020 Intro: Focus: Identify clearly on how to TRUST God I. TRUST God with Your Faith It is easy to say I TRUST GOD in a general sense - when life seems so good and our expectation for our life is high. But what about when life is on the rough times? more

  • Prayer: It Is Our Little Secret

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Nov 21, 2004
    based on 4 ratings


    PRAYER: IT IS OUR LITTLE SECRET MATTHEW 6: 1-13 NOVEMBER 7, 2004 INTRODUCTION: From the final scene of "Shrek": Fiona: "I was supposed to be beautiful" Shrek: "But you are beautiful" YOU SEE, FIONA HAD A LITTLE SECRET. AT NIGHT THE BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS BECAME AN ORGERESS. Unconditional love. It’s more

  • Let Our Behavior Be Guided By The Spirit

    Contributed by Carl Benge on Jul 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Beginning Service of Ministry in a new congregation Teaching on how are actions need to be guided by God. Fruits of the SPirit

    Today marks the beginning of a new church year. This new year will be filled with many things for us as we go forth in ministry together. Though we cannot be certain of what lies ahead of us, we can accept that there may be challenges along the way. We know there will surely be many blessings more

  • What St Gregory Teaches Us About Evangelization Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 1, 2012

    Prayer is pre-eminent; the Word must inform our music; evangelization must be done, especially with the help of women.

    September 3 2012 St. Gregory the Great Verbum Domini The Book of Genesis envisions the creation of the world as more of a birthing than a creatio ex nihilo. We know that God created everything, and created it from nothing. But when the author of Genesis began his narrative, he picks up at a more

  • Men Standing Firm Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 1, 2016
    based on 20 ratings

    How was Titus going to "straighten out what had been left unfinished" in Crete? It was an evil land and he was only one man. How did God expect him to do such a daunting task?

    How many of you have ever heard of a television show called “This Old House” (the majority raised their hands). It is a popular home improvement show that is now in its 36th season – that’s 36 years it’s been on TV. It’s popular because people are intrigued with more

  • "In The Chaos Of The Pigpen…. Hope And Direction”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Mar 23, 2022

    Jesus uses 3 parables to tell what God's character is like. It is "grace". Some history of the culture from Ken Bailey is included. To the Pharisees “You think you know God, but you do not." Jesus is the God of Ezekiel 34.

    In Jesus Holy Name March 27,2022 Text: Luke 15:11-31 Redeemer “In the Chaos of the Pigpen…. Hope and Direction” “Now all the tax collectors and sinners were coming near to listen to Jesus… and the Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling and saying… This fellow more

  • Fishing

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Jan 17, 2005
    based on 41 ratings

    A sermon for the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany The call of the first 4 disciples

    3rd Sunday after the Epiphany MATTHEW 4:12-23 "Fishing" When Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, he returned to Galilee. 13Leaving Nazareth, he went and lived in Capernaum, which was by the lake in the area of Zebulun and Naphtali&endash; 14to fulfill what was said through the prophet more

  • Can Anything Good Come Out Of Nazareth Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 7, 2014
    based on 34 ratings

    Nazareth would seem to be an insignificant backwater town. That's how most scholars have painted it. The city didn't even seem to make much difference in the life of Christ. But is there more to its story?

    OPEN: What you just saw was the opening celebration for last year’s “Christmas in Nazareth”. It’s a 5 day festival that begins with the lighting of a Christmas tree and fireworks. In the following days there are parades, more

  • The Challenges Of Crises

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jun 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The challenge we face in every crisis through which we pass, is whether we will view it through the "eyes of faith" or through the "eyes of the flesh."

    The Challenges Of Crises Text: Num.14: 1-10 Intro: Most of us are familiar with the biblical account of Israel’s wilderness wanderings. It is an account from which much can be learned about God’s loving care for His people, as well as the frailties of human nature. Among the many spiritual more

  • A Work In Progress Series

    Contributed by Darrin Hunt on Feb 19, 2007
    based on 20 ratings

    Part of an extensive study in Philippians, we are reminded here that God is not finished with us yet.

    Content in Christ: A Study in Philippians A Work in Progress Phil. 1:1-6 Illus. A retired preacher was cleaning out the dresser when he found 5 eggs and $1K. •He asked his wife and she said she saved 1 egg for every bad sermon. •5 eggs in all those years. Not bad. But what’s the money for? •Every more

  • "Memories, Prayers And A Bright Future"

    Contributed by Mark Hensley on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    Paul loved the church at Phillipi, find out why!

    West Greeley Baptist Church August 11 2002 Philippians 1: 1-3 “Memories, prayers and a bright future” By Pastor Mark Hensley 3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until more

  • "Pauls Heart, Paul's Prayer"

    Contributed by Mark Hensley on Aug 16, 2002
    based on 68 ratings

    Look inside the great heart of the Apostle Paul!

    West Greeley Baptist Church August 18 2002 Philippians 1: 7-11 “Paul’s heart, Paul’s Prayer” Pastor Mark Hensley “7It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God’s grace more

  • Father's Day

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Jun 12, 2024

    from material by Floyd McClung and John Dawson of Youth With A Mission

    A PERFECT FATHER (only God!) Authority - Parents are from God. Trust - We know Who we can trust. Values - Modeled by Christ Affection - God loves us. Presence - Always there for us Acceptance - Always accessible Communication - Incarnation PARENTS IN THE LORD ARE NEEDED HEALING FROM A LOVING more

  • The Positive Message Of The Gospel Is Simple Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 29, 2015

    Our preaching should be simple, and incorporate positive examples.

    Thursday of 22nd week in course 2015 Joy of the Gospel St. Gregory the Great “May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in more

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