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  • The Great Denominational Explosion Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 11, 2014

    Following the reformation, the church fragmented into many denominations. This lesson examines the question of what makes a church a true, biblical church.

    So far in our lessons, we have walked through church history and made some very significant stops along the way, examining some of the great creeds and confessions, councils and synods, and some of the great divisions within the church. Tonight, we are going to be examining the advent of more

  • A Great Commission Church

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Apr 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon to challenge the church to greater missions effort.

    “A Great Commission Church” Acts 13:1-3 Scripture Reading “A LOCAL CHURCH THAT IS NOT MISSION MINDED IS BY DEFINITION NOT A CHURCH! It’s a religious club that makes little or no impact on the world.” James Capps Aside from the church at Jerusalem the single more

  • The Great Why Of God Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 17, 2012

    God's global purpose for us, unity, receivers or reproducers

    The Great Why of God (God’s global Purpose from the beginning till today) Daniel 3: 28-29 (p627) Sept. 25, 2011 INTRODUCTION: I had spoken at the South East Christian Church men’s breakfast a couple of weeks before the package arrived in the more

  • The Great Shepherd's Claims

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 18, 2012

    Jesus made two revealing points. 1. His sacrificial death was the very reason God loves His Son so much. God loves His Son just like any man loves his child. But God loves Jesus even more, in a more special way, because Jesus was willing to pay such a

    As we move along in our study of the Gospel of John you might remember that last Sunday morning the message came from John 10: 1-16 when Jesus referred to Himself as the Good Shepherd. Tonight we will pick up there in verse 17. READ 17-18. This is the final proof that Jesus is the Good Shepherd more

  • The Great Engagement Party Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Apr 24, 2012

    In the midst of all the 'worship wars', it is important to buld a biblical foundation for worship.

    “The Word on Worship: The Great Engagement Party” Leviticus 9:1-14 & Isaiah 6:1-8 During my sophomore year in college I learned that worship – which was instituted, commanded, and ordained by God – could be a real battle ground. Stunned as I was, it was good preparation for more

  • The Great Revelation And Announcement Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 24, 2012

    Revelation means to uncover or unveil. It means to pull back a covering or a veil that is hiding something. This is what the Book of Revelation is. It is the great revelation of Jesus Christ to us, His followers.

    We begin by looking at some basic facts about the Book of Revelation. Revelation means to uncover or unveil. It means to pull back a covering or a veil that is hiding something. This is what the Book of Revelation is. It is the great revelation of Jesus Christ to us, His followers. more

  • The Secret Of Great Giving

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Feb 1, 2014

    In commending the Macedonian Christians, Paul revealed the secret of great giving.

    “We want you to know, brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as more

  • Becoming A Great Church

    Contributed by James Lee on Nov 3, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    This outline comes from a sermon by Cary Paulk In order to have great communities we need great churches. We need churches impacting the community for Jesus… In order to have greater churches, we need churches filled with great Christians. In order to

    How would you like to see your community become a greater community? In order to have great communities we need great churches. We need churches impacting the community for Jesus… In order to have greater churches, we need churches filled with great Christians. In order to have churches more

  • Among The Great Company

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Nov 10, 2016

    A sermon for All Saints' Sunday

    I know many of us are sitting here this morning thinking of people we love who aren’t with us today. Maybe our parents, or a sibling, or our spouse, or even a child, died a long time ago, or maybe it was just a few days ago. But however or whenever we experienced that loss, there is still at more

  • The Great Multitude In Heaven Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    They (the great multitude) were saved by trusting the Lord Jesus. In their psalm (song) they celebrate their salvation and attribute it to their God and to the Lamb, and they thanked God for His gift.

    By: Tom Lowe Date: 12/10/2015 Series: Verse By Verse Through Revelation--#21 Title: The Great Multitude in Heaven more

  • The Great Catholic Et Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 17, 2016

    whenever Catholic theology gives an answer, it usually has the word “et” in it. There is always an add-on, an essential “and.”

    Tenth Sunday After Pentecost 2016 The parable usually called “the Pharisee and the Publican” could just as easily be called “Self-delusion and self-understanding.” But let’s understand that Jesus told this parable to Pharisees, who trusted in themselves that they more

  • The Spirit Of The Great Heart

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Aug 17, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A short message using Johnny Clegg's, Song Spirit of the Great Heart. One person at a time, we can reach out as Christ to Christ!

    Start with Chorus 107. To be like Jesus I have centered this morning on a piece of music that actually comes out of South Africa, my reasoning being that we are to praying for the Malawi territory as part of our prayers. written by a man by the name of Johnny Clegg, a 63 year old Anthropologist, more

  • The Great Hold Up

    Contributed by John Gail on Sep 17, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon explores how success is assured for Gods people only when they fight under Jehovah Nissi. The Banner of God.

    THE GREAT HOLDUP Text: Exodus 17:8 – 16 Intro: As Israel traveled from the Wilderness of Sin by the command of God they come to a place referred to as Rephidim. They have traveled for three days through the wilderness from the Red Sea to this place. They have been without water trekking more

  • So Great A Salvation

    Contributed by Kent Kessler on Jul 15, 2017

    People who know their own God-story have to share it. It is THE method God uses to spread His love and grace to others. Being Christ's witness is the sign of the Holy Spirit in your heart.

    If you have a coming-to-Christ faith story, I’d like for you to write down 1-2 names of people who impacted your life for the sake of Jesus Christ; people whom you’d say you’d not be a follower of Jesus, a disciple, saved, regenerated believer if wasn’t for “fill in the blank.” Did you know over 2 more

  • Great Faith Rewards

    Contributed by William Baeta on Aug 21, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    “Then Jesus answered her, O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” (Mat 15:28)

    Theme: Great faith rewards Introduction: The introduction to the most widely read book in the world are the simple yet significant words “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Everything begins with God. He is the Creator. “All things were made through Him, and without Him more

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