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  • Mortals Are Entitled To Grace

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 16, 2015

    To show that GOD loves mankind or us so much because He wanted us first to avail of His Grace and then His eternal life, all kept in JESUS for the sake of JESUS and in JESUS's Name.

    I. EXORDIUM: Who is your Keeper? JESUS. The GOD of Peace. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (Amplified Bible) And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul more

  • On Trial: Grace Or Guilt?

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Oct 2, 2014

    Today we are going to look at Romans 8:1-4 which is the response of Jesus Christ to our accusers on the “sinful nature” team. Let us read the response of the defense and I believe along the way you and I will gain some perspective on grace and guilt.

    GRACE OR GUILT ROMANS 8:1-4 INTRODUCTION Order in the court! I am going to ask you to put yourself on trial this morning. I want you to imagine that you are sitting in the court room of life and you are in the hot seat. You are on trial. Your actions and thoughts are on trial. Your attitudes more

  • A Grace Needing World

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Aug 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    But do we really understand what it means when we say that God is a God of grace

    A Grace-Needing World Date: May 20,2012 Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:9, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 1 Peter 4:10 If you have seen paintings depicting people/late 17th cen. • You may remember that they seemed to always have a pale, chalky complexion. • When you look at pics/Queen Elizabeth more

  • We Believe In Grace Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    God’s grace is measured by the same yardstick as His power. We will marvel at the “riches” of His grace. We will marvel at His “kindness.” God’s grace is designed for people to marvel at God throughout all of time.

    This morning I want to talk to you about zombies and two steel mill works in Western Pennsylvania from the 1970s. Along the way, I want to talk about God’s grace. I’m continuing a series of messages entitled Creed: 9 Essentials to the Christian Faith.We are exploring the beliefs that form the more

  • Rahab A Trophy Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Robert Robb on May 13, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    Rahab’s conversion

    Study 4 Rahab – A Trophy of Grace: Introduction This evening in our studies of the book of Joshua we come to what is probably one of the most well known incidents in the whole of the book – the salvation of the prostitute Rahab from Jericho. From a purely literary point of view chapter 2 is not more

  • Beware Of Grace-Robbers! Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 9, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    If you think God has already done 99.999999999% of what’s necessary for you to be saved, and then it’s up to you to do the remaining .00000001%, then you don’t understand grace.

    INTRODUCTION: When I was younger I had brief dreams of being a Biblical Archaeologist. I thought it would be a glamorous job, and that I would unearth some exciting treasure like the Ark of the Covenant or something. So I was excited about an opportunity in college to travel to Israel and to more

  • The Mountains Of Law And Grace Series

    Contributed by Grant Macdonald on Nov 22, 2011

    At their worst, fences keep us out of the place we most want to go.

    What do you think about fences? Are you FOR them or AGAINST them? I guess that depends on whether the fence is yours or someone else’s. If you put up a fence, it is because you are trying to protect your property or your privacy, but if someone else puts up a fence that keeps you out of more

  • God's Amazing Grace

    Contributed by Brent Hutsell on Mar 15, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Looking at what God's grace accomplishes in the life of a sinner!

    God’s Amazing Grace John 5:1-9 Introduction We preach about it, we sing about it, we even testify of the amazing grace that God has so wondrously shed abroad in our lives. What do we mean by the term grace? G.W. Knight wrote these words to describe grace: “When a person works an more

  • Grace In A Flawed World Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jun 11, 2020

    In these days of turmoil, rely on God’s grace to save you despite your sin, to use you despite your status, and to give you victory despite your stupidity.

    Several years ago (2011) Chevrolet produced a Superbowl commercial which featured a Silverado pick-up truck, acting like a modern-day Lassie. It repeatedly rescued a young boy named Tommy from various disasters. Take a look… (show Chevy Silverado Superbowl Commercial 2011; more

  • Somerset Is A Grace Place Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Feb 13, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to show us what we must do in order for God’s grace to abound in us.

    1 Corinthians Somerset is a Grace Place! 1 Corinthians 5 February 16, 2003 Intro: A [Rock and a Soft Place, Citation: Anna Zogg, Salt Lake City, Utah. Christian Reader, "Lite Fare."] Soon after my brother moved, he made a point of meeting his new neighbors. He found that a Christian family more

  • The Greatness Of God's Grace Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Oct 28, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    Reformation Sunday sermon -- you have a choice between performance-based religion or a pardon-based relationship.

    The Greatness of God’s Grace Romans 5:20-21 Rev. Brian Bill 10/29/06 Note: I used the sermon by Ray Pritchard called, “Martin Luther’s Highway to Heaven” for background information for this opening first-person monologue: Good morning. My name is Marty. I’d like to tell more

  • 2) Seeking Grace

    Contributed by James Lyons on Mar 9, 2023

    Part II

    2) Seeking Grace, Ruth 1:18-2:4 We left off last week listening to Ruth’s interchange with her disheartened mother-in-law, Naomi. And we saw in Ruth 1:16-17 her incredible statement of faith. Let’s look at it again. 16 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from more

  • By Grace You Are Saved!

    Contributed by Dustin Bumgarner on Mar 4, 2014

    This message focuses on God's grace in action, His great plan for our life, as well as a short story of how God's great grace changed a life in just a few short weeks. Enjoy!

    The topic I chose for today’s message is Grace. When we do what is right and just, when we follow God’s rules, when we step out of ourselves and let God lead our paths, we will have His grace and favor! Grace is God at work in us. God shows His great grace the most, when He gave up His more

  • The Way Of Grace & Peace Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 15, 2015

    1) The dual source of his apostolic authority (Ephesians 1:1a), 2) A dual description of believers (Ephesians 1:1b), 3) A dual blessing for believers (Ephesians 1:2a), and 4) The dual source of those blessings (Ephesians 1:2b).

    If you are a fan of the game show: " Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? ", you may be familiar with a recent contestant named Justin. He said: "I got to $250,000. It was a life-changing sum. It was mine, and I could’ve walked away with it. But I was never going to walk away. Before the show I had more

  • Renew: Grace And Truth Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Apr 17, 2021

    I believe from studying revival’s of the past that we get renewed and revived by understanding Grace and Truth. They are connected together and not in conflict with each other.

    Video Transition: John 1:14 Summary of our Series Renew 2021: Thesis: We need to be renewed by connecting or re-connecting with the Lord this year in 2021. To do this requires a renewed mind, a renewed soul and a renewed passion for Jesus. Key theme Scripture Verse: “Do not conform to the more

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