Bruce Pratt
Contributing sermons since Sep 7, 2006
Newest Sermons
Worthwhile Conversation
Contributed on Mar 4, 2008
The Christian’s speech should be a reflection of the Holy Spirit’s working, bringing value to those around us.
WORTHWHILE CONVERSATION When I was in my twenties, I couldn’t hold on to money. If I had a dollar, I’d spend it. If I saw something I wanted, I bought it without much consideration as to whether it was a good deal or not. I’m not totally sure whether it was a function of getting older or ...read more
Making The Most Of Grace
Contributed on Feb 11, 2008
There is much more to God’s grace than just its saving power. Christians need to learn to get the most out of God’s grace.
MAKING THE MOST OF GRACE I’m a pretty technically minded guy, and I like gadgets as much as the next person. But I just don’t seem willing or able to embrace the technology that has sprung up around cell phones. They make me feel positively old-fashioned. Maybe it’s just that when I hear the ...read more
Newest Sermon Illustrations
I'm A Pretty Technically Minded Guy, And I Like ...
Contributed on Feb 11, 2008
I’m a pretty technically minded guy, and I like gadgets as much as the next person. But I just don’t seem willing or able to embrace the technology that has sprung up around cell phones. They make me feel positively old-fashioned. Maybe it’s just that when I hear the word phone, I assume that the ...read more