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  • Three Circles: Gospel

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Aug 23, 2018

    The gospel means that God made a way out of our brokenness. The gospel is simple. The gospel is God’s promise to us—if we repent and believe. The gospel continues in power to reorient us to experience God’s design.

    Three Circles: Gospel (Put 3 circles in notes) 1. The gospel means that God made a way out of our brokenness. ? Genesis 3:14-15 1 Peter 3:18. John 3:16 The Heart of the Gospel: God sent His one and only Son to shed His blood once and for all to cover us. 2. The gospel is simple. 1 more

  • Committed To Promoting The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Sep 28, 2016

    Even though Paul was in bonds, he rejoiced that the Gospel continued to be preached. He refused to allow his circumstances create despair. We too must seek every opportunity to share our faith, while rejoicing for others who are committed as well.

    Committed to Promoting the Gospel Philippians 1: 12-18 As one reads the opening verses of this letter, it is not immediately evident that Paul was bound in prison. His joy and positive attitude conceal the difficulties he faced daily. Although he was not free to move about within society, Paul more

  • A Big Gospel Heart Series

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Apr 17, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    We are accepted by God because of what Christ Jesus did for us on the cross. We are called, in turn, to extend that acceptance and welcome to all those from all over the world who fill our community.

    A Big Gospel Heart One Sunday a children’s program leader noticed a little girl standing outside the room, looking in with great eagerness at the fun the other children were having. The leader went outside and invited the little girl inside. "They’ll all laugh at me." "Why do you think that more

  • Understanding Law And Gospel Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Sep 20, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    A look at how Jesus handles the Law.

    Dakota Community Church September 20, 2009 The Field & the Force 7B The Force at Rest – (Part 2) So far we have looked at: 1. When the Church is the field When the church is the field it is seen as the place people come to do the work of God. 2. When the Church is the (labor) force When the more

  • Overview Of The Gospel Of John Series

    Contributed by Dr. Rich Denning on Apr 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    This message is an overview of the Gospel of John. The series followed with an emphasis on the deity of Christ and His miracle (signs) which point to Him being the Savior.

    Authorship: Two Plausible Options – John, the apostle or Johaninne School. Author identifies himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved. Some say John the Elder or John the son of Zebedee. Recipients: Probably Christians living in Ephesus. (More specifically, Jews who became Christians and more

  • The Gospel For (Computer) Geeks

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Sep 26, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    God can speak to us about spiritual health through our computers.

    The Gospel for (computer) Geeks Occasionally I preach a message that is best understood by a limited target audience, such as Nascar Sunday, Sports Sunday, etc. This is one of those. So if you don’t understand all the lingo don’t worry you will understand the spiritual application. I have more

  • The Gospel Of Man, I Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Mar 30, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    In three sermons, we will look at the man-made gospel of the law, the man-made gospel of the heart, and the God-made gospel of the cross. First, the gospel of the law.

    7/7/13 The Gospel of Man, I Acts 15:1-5 D. Marion Clark Introduction For the next two Sundays, we are going to examine two alternative gospels to the gospel. They are two sides of the coin that can be labeled the gospel of man. They are quite popular, so popular that their adherents exceed more

  • The Gospel: Christ In You Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Sep 8, 2015

    This is a classic passage for living a life for God. The Christian life is letting Christ live through us.

    You may have heard someone describing their conception or rather their misconception of Christianity something like this: Christianity is taking the ten things you like to do most and stop doing them and taking the ten things you like to do least and start doing them. How can you explain this kind more

  • The Gospel Shaped Life! Series

    Contributed by Rickey Bennett on Aug 17, 2009

    The life we’re called to live is to be informed and motivated by the gospel.

    Please turn in your Bibles to Colossians 2:4-8 The apostle Paul, having preached Christ in you, the hope of glory, now begins to explain how that truth is to shape the life of every believer. There is a path we are to walk in the presence of Christ and in the power of Christ. Let’s read verses more

  • The Gospel According To Ruth

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Nov 1, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the gospel of Jesus as it took place in the book of Ruth

    -paraphrase story -couple, Elimilech and Naomi move to Moab from Bethlehem. -he dies, but leaves her with two sons, Mahlon and Kilion. -they both get married, but then die ten years later. -Naomi decides to go back to her people, both daughters say they will go, but Naomi points out the more

  • A Call, A Gospel, & A Task Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 31, 2011
    based on 74 ratings

    In Paul’s initial address in the letter he seeks to establish who he is & what he is about. He is God’s man & everything he is & does revolves around God

    ROMANS 1: 1-7 "A CALL, A GOSPEL, AND A TASK" In the preface to his commentary on Paul’s letter to the Romans, Martin Luther wrote: "This letter is truly the most important piece in the New Testament. It is purest Gospel. It is well worth a Christian’s while not only to memorize it word for more

  • A Blood-Stained Gospel Series

    Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Feb 27, 2016

    To abandon the blood-stained cross is to abandon the power of the gospel.

    INTRO: 1. Mel Gibson’s movie called “The Passion of the Christ” has stirred a great deal of response throughout our nation…some I truly expected, some I find more disturbing. a. It came as no surprise to me when the press, which glorifies the filth and immorality of more

  • An Introduction To John's Gospel Series

    Contributed by Craig Cramblet on Mar 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    An introduction to John’s Gospel. How and why is it different from the synoptic Gospels?

    “The Jesus Files” An introduction to John’s Gospel “Jesus: He is a path, if any be misled. If any are hungry, He is bread. Those in bondage, He can make free. If any be weak, how strong is He! To the dead, He is life. To the sick, He is health. He is the truest source of joy, and more

  • Four Soils And The Gospel

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jan 30, 2012

    A sermon dealing with the different types of "soil", or hearts, in which God plants His Word, and the evidence of faith the seed produces.

    Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Title: Four Soils and the Gospel Date/Place: NRBC, 1/29/12, AM Opening illustration: the college Physics profession and the student’s responses. Background to passage: Only instructional passage to the crowds. Palestinian farming practice of sowing seed, more

  • Called To Live The Gospel

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Oct 29, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    If we want to see people come to Christ we need to be able to walk the talk. And that may mean SACRAFICIAL LIVING (no I didn’t saying GIVING!)

    I Thessalonians 2 :7-13 Story: In his book, The Life God Blesses, Gordon Macdonald describes his encounter with a black South African, a high-ranking member of the African National Congress. He was profoundly impressed by the man’s understanding of African history and politics and his insight more

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