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  • Proof Noah's Flood Really Happened Series

    Contributed by John Gaston on Dec 6, 2017

    The fossil record says "Yes!" The vast sedimentary rock says "Yes!" The vast coal seams, quick-frozen mammals, extinction of dinosaurs, polystrate trees, pre-Cambrian void say "Yes!" The wiorldwide legends and the sightings on Ararat say "Yes!"

    EVIDENCE NOAH’S FLOOD REALLY HAPPENED I. GEOLOGICAL FINDINGS SUPPORT THE FLOOD IF THERE HAD BEEN A FLOOD, WHAT EVIDENCE WOULD WE EXPECT TO FIND? SIX EVIDENCES: A. Evidence #1—FOSSILS HIGH AND DRY Fossils of sea creatures high above sea level due to the ocean waters having flooded over the more

  • Agent Of Salvation

    Contributed by Steve Sheek on Dec 25, 2022

    Tree of Life Messianic Congregation Houston Texas. Families sometimes have differences of opinion on how or if to celebrate Christmas. Don't let differences separate you from your families. Be like Joseph. Be the agent of salvation for your family.

    20221224 Parashat Miketz – Agent of Salvation Torah Portion                         Genesis more

  • 5 Ways To Speak Without Regret Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Sep 11, 2024

    Words spread easily. Kudzu was introduced from Asia for soil erosion control. But the problem with Kudzu is it easily spreads and suffocates native plants and even trees. Knowing that your words can spread so easily, think before you speak.

    I want to speak to you about 5 Ways to Speak without Regret. Let’s talk about the power of your words for the next few minutes. We continue a series entitled Give Me THAT Attitude. Often, we tell our children, “Don’t you give me that attitude.” This is the exact opposite. These are attitudes we more

  • Forgive And Heal

    Contributed by Steve Sheek on Dec 20, 2021

    Tree of Life Messianic Congregation Houston. Joseph had an opportunity to punish his brothers for their treachery but instead forgave them. The result was a cohesive people group leaving Egypt 400 years later to become the nation of Israel. Forgiveness brings healing.

    20211218 Parsha Vayechi – Forgive and Heal Notes Torah Portion Gen 50:15-21 Haftarah 1 Kings 2:1-7 Brit Chadashah Ephesians 4:26-32 The last reading from the book of Genesis is named Vayechi, which means "and he lived." The title comes from the first verse of the reading, more

  • Figs

    Contributed by Greg Addison on Nov 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    As believers, we are saved and commanded to bear fruit. We will be judged on how we bear fruit. Jesus uses the parable of a barren fig tree to teach us of both the coming judgment of our productiveness, as well as how to bear fruit in the christian life.

    HOOK: Figs – Janet preserving my Gran’s homemade fig preserves. I love fig preserves. READ: Luke 13:6-9 LOGO – Be doers of the Word and not hearers only James 1:22 I. F RUIT: First, we see in this passage that the purpose of a fig tree is to bear fruit Let me give you some facts about more

  • The Gold Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 8, 2021

    The gold, the jewels, the beautiful garden fruit trees, and the clear flowing stream from the throne of God, are all a part of the final paradise. Peace and prosperity forever is just what man most craves. That is what the search for gold has always meant to people.

    On our vacation in South Dakota, we stopped in the small town of Keystone. Almost every store in town had a variety of Black Hills Gold on display. Seeing all this gold made me want to study gold in the Bible. The streets of the New Jerusalem are to be made of pure gold, and that means gold more

  • You Can’t Unscramble An Egg (Lent 1 February 26. 2023)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Apr 25, 2023

    Why did Adam and Eve fall? Was it because they both took a bite of the forbidden fruit? Of course they did. All it took was a bite for them to lose their mostly unrestricted place in the Garden of Eden. The fruit of tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the restricted part of the garden.

    YOU CAN’T UNSCRAMBLE AN EGG Text: Genesis 2: 15 - 17 and 3: 1 - 6 Genesis 2:15-17  The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it.  (16)  And the LORD God commanded the man, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; more

  • Waiting Has A Purpose

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Nov 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12). This verse talks about two seasons of our life: a season of waiting and a season of fulfilment. Inevitably all of us go through both these seasons in life.

    Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 This verse talks about two seasons of our life: a season of waiting and a season of fulfilment. Inevitably all of us go through both these seasons in life. All of us go through periods of waiting in our more

  • When Was Jesus Really Born, And Why It Doesn't Matter.

    Contributed by Steve Sheek on Jan 10, 2022

    Delivered at Tree of Life Messianic Congregation Houston 25 Dec 2021. An in-depth study of the date of the Messiah's birth. We know it wasn't 25 December but when was it? And does the actual date really matter.

    20211225 Parsha Shemot – When was Yeshua (Jesus) born and does it matter. Blessing Torah Portion – Ex 2:1-10 Haftarah - Isaiah 27:7-13 Brit Chadashah Matthew 1:18-25 Shemot is both the title for the second book from the scroll of the Torah and the title of the first Torah portion therein. more

  • Celebrating A Timeless Jesus At Christmas Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Apr 7, 2024

    Christmas was just the beginning of a round-trip that Jesus took from heaven to earth and back to heaven. Jesus went from sitting on a throne, to laying in a manger, to hanging on a tree. He went from being a king with a crown, to a baby with diapers, to a criminal on the cross

    Christmas kicks off at Cross Church officially today! I hope this is the best Christmas for your family and you have experienced. Now perhaps the best news concerning Christmas came from our friends at Hallmark. Hallmark announced they are really close to developing a second movie more

  • The Christmas Star

    Contributed by Richard Stevens on Sep 17, 2024

    The Star of Christmas is not the star that led the Maji from Mesopotamia to Jerusalem and ultimately to Bethlehem. It's not the star on the top of our Christmas tree, not Santa Claus, not our good feelings, good will, gifts, hopes for peace, celebrations or any of the rest.

    SLIDE – Introduction I want to talk a little while this morning about the Star of Christmas. Now, I’m NOT talking about the Star that appeared to the Maji. That Star they led from Mesopotamia over to Jerusalem. That Star that King Herod couldn’t see and didn’t know about. So, Herod called more

  • And It Was Winter

    Contributed by Steve Sheek on Nov 29, 2021

    Tree of Life Messianic Congregation Houston. 27 November 2021. We are entering the season of Hanukkah. Yeshua (Jesus) was in the Temple at Hanukkah. All of us experience winter in our lives, but the Lord is walking in the Temple. We need to invite Him into our temple.

    20211127 Parsha Vayeshev – And it was Winter Blessing Torah Portion Gen 37:1-8 Haftarah Amos 3:1-8 Brit Chadashah John 10:22-30 The ninth reading from the book of Genesis is named Vayeshev, which means "and he dwelt." The title comes from the first verse of the reading, which more

  • Palm Sunday

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 17, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    "The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: ‘Hosanna! ‘Blessed [is] He who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of

    “The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out: ‘Hosanna! ‘Blessed [is] He who comes in the name of the Lord! The King of Israel!’ Then Jesus, when He had found a more

  • Get Off The Mountain

    Contributed by Ronnie Smith on Jul 16, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    · You go out in a field in the heat of the day. You thurst but there is no water. You hunger but there is no food. You spot an apple tree. They look good but the branches are to high. You can’t reach them. YOU HAVE TO FINALLY REALIZE YOU MUST SHAKE

    Deuteronomy 1 1 These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab. 2 (There are eleven days’ journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir unto more

  • Genesis 25:1-6 - How To Leave A Lifechanging Legacy? Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jul 21, 2011
    based on 24 ratings

    God said that nations would come from his family tree and Abraham is proving this to be right. But the promise God made to Abraham was that the blessing that would come to the human race would come through his son Isaac. (Genesis 12:3; 17:19)

    Genesis 25:1-6 - HOW TO LEAVE A LIFECHANGING LEGACY? The artwork and design of my wife’s book on her family tree is magnificent. The storyline is clear and so interesting. Hours and hours of work, a labour of love. I am so proud of her. A legacy for generations to come. In the prologue of her more

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