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  • Introduction To Joshua (Part B) Series

    Contributed by Larry Wilson on Aug 6, 2010

    Sermon 2 of the series. In our first sermon, we saw that Israel has a new leader. Now we find them ready to inherit a new land. This is a land very important to Israel. And it is a land that is very important to God. Was then, still is! Let's look at what

    THE BOOK OF JOSHUA (Introduction: Part B) Calvary Baptist Church July 20, 2003 I wish to thank Warren Wiersbe for much of the material in our study today. I highly recommend to you without reservation His Be Series, now being collected as the Bible Exposition Commentary, His Expository more

  • All The Power You Need

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Apr 16, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    God is calling people to rise above who they think they are, and become more in His power.

    April 17, 2005 Morning Worship Text: Judges 6:11-27 Subject: Gideon’s Call Title: All the Power You Need I want to begin today by telling you good news. God is in this church today. And because He is here, there is no obstacle big enough to keep us from becoming what He has expressly called us more

  • "The Sword Of The Lord" Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Jul 28, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    God frequently trims our resources to get us to depend entirely on Him. When we’re serving in God’s army we become part of the “overwhelming minority.”

    “The Sword of the Lord" Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts Many of us are familiar with the management concept of downsizing—we’re told to “do more with less”. However, nations don’t usually downsize when preparing for war! They mobilize their reserves more

  • What Is In Your Hand? (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 4, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    With a rod in Moses’s hand he was able to save the Israelites from Egypt. God has already given each one of us something in our hands. What are we doing with it? Our choice to use, misuse or abuse the thing in our hands will also reap the same consequence

    Opening illustration: My mother’s uncle was a soldier in WWII. He had served the British Army in the course of the colonization of India. During the war he was captured by the Germans and sent to the concentration camp. To India he became a MIA. His family was in shock and cried their life more

  • Every Man Stood In His Place

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 7, 2007
    based on 31 ratings

    Helping people find their place in God’s plan is one important part of the church’s responsibility.

    EVERY MAN STOOD IN HIS PLACE Judges 7:21 INTRO: A speaker to youth did a takeoff on the story of Gideon, presenting Gideon as a modern-day Rambo. The experiences of Gideon are indeed exciting and adventurous. I read about a minister who used the story of Gideon in speaking to a group of fifty or more

  • God Is Looking For A Few Good Men

    Contributed by Billy Kryger on Nov 19, 2003
    based on 105 ratings

    We need men in our churches to fulfill their God-given responsibility.

    INTRODUCTION: I am firmly convinced that America is in the state that she is in today because the Church is not doing the job that Christ left for us to. I have been preaching now for more than 20 years and in that time I have been in churches in nearly every State of this great Nation and I more

  • When The Ark Of God Is Captured By The Enemy

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Jun 18, 2021

    The ark of God represents the presence of God. It was the symbol of God's power and glory in the nation of Israel. When the bearer of the ark of God allows sin to reign in his heart, the presence of God departs from the ark.

    TEXT: 1 Samuel 4:10-11 (NLT) "So the Philistines fought desperately, and Israel was defeated again. The slaughter was great; 30,000 Israelite soldiers died that day. The survivors turned and fled to their tents. The Ark of God was captured, and Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, were more

  • What God Can Do With A Little

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jul 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Here begins the beautiful story of “Feeding the Five Thousand,” which is told by all four of the evangelists and this is the only event from the earthly ministry of Jesus told in all four gospel. It shows what God can do with a little!

    The first outstanding event of Jesus feeding of the five thousand, occurs right after the report of the twelve apostles, who had just returned from their first missionary tour. This is a glowing account of their work and their teaching. Matthew says that Jesus withdrew to a desert place apart when more

  • Sermon # 23 - Finding Favor With God Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jun 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Do we want the favor of God on our lives? As we study the life of Gideon, and others from the bible we will understand what those pre-requisites are for God’s favor to rest on us, and all we do.

    We read in Judges 6:17-19, So Gideon said to Him, “If now I have found favor in your sight, then show me a sign that it is you who speak with me. Please do not depart from here, until I come back to you, and bring out my offering and lay it before you.” And He said, “I will remain until you more

  • Part 1: The Seriousness Of Disobeying God Series

    Contributed by Marlou Javier on Jul 14, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The book shows a repeated four step cycle that takes place seven times in the book. That is, 1. REBELLION. Falling into sin, idolatry, and apostasy. 2. RETRIBUTION. God’s punishment. 3. REPENTANCE. Israel cries for help. 4. RESCUE. God delivers via a judge.

    The book of Judges starts with “After the death of Joshua…” - There were 15 judges in all. Eli and Samuel were the last. THE WORD “JUDGE.” - “judge," means "bringer of justice." - These "judges" were like a cross-mixture between a mayor, a marshal, a prophet, and a more

  • How To Move Heaven With Your Prayers

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Apr 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating


    HOW TO MOVE HEAVEN WITH YOUR PRAYERS 2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, more

  • Idols, A Levite And A Concubine Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 7 ratings


    Idols, a Levite and a Concubine Judges 17-19 9/13/09 INTRODUCTION „X As head of the Iraqi Olympic Committee, Uday oversaw the imprisonment and torture of Iraqi athletes who were deemed not to have performed to expectations. According to widespread reports, torturers beat and caned the soles of more

  • Stay Grateful For Gods Care. Numbers 22 (Lesson In Numbers)

    Contributed by Ronnie Miller on Jan 2, 2012

    Book of Numbers is the journey when Gods people were held in Egypt and God caused plagues to come upon the land. So Pharaoh the king freed Gods people and by the leadership of Moses and Aaron ...God sent them on a journey to a land that God had promised t

    Stay Grateful For Gods Care. Numbers 22 (Lesson in Numbers) Let me give you a outline of the book of Numbers so everyone will be up to date with what's going on and what Gods message is in this book. There are many messages in the book of Numbers. Book of Numbers is the journey when Gods people more

  • Gideon And Purah

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 14, 2016

    To show that GOD doesn't want hypocrites in the church, but GOD will continue to give them to their own depraved mind believing a lie rather than GOD. Romans 1:28 (Amplified Bible) And so, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or approve of Him

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you clinging to your own good works? No. Only to JESUS. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers/unbelievers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD doesn't want hypocrites in the church, but GOD will continue to give them to their own depraved mind believing a lie rather than GOD. Romans more

  • How Patience Is Developed Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 10, 2010
    based on 36 ratings

    We are not to expect to have life easy & comfortable. Our great expectation is the blessed hope of Jesus' return. That event brings our eternal rewards. We must patiently endure hardships & heartaches until Jesus returns.

    JAMES 5:7-12 HOW PATIENCE IS DEVELOPED [Matthew 5:10–12 / 1 Peter 4:12-13] From addressing abusive rich non-believers James turns again to restless suffering saints. Learn endurance was his counsel at the beginning of his letter (1:1-5). Be patient and endure is his continued counsel as his more

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