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Sermons on gods priorities:

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  • God's Priority

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Aug 3, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    God’s priority must also be the priority of His children.

    Today, I want to speak with you about that which I believe should be the driving force behind everything our church does. That which should be our priority is that which is priority in the mind of Almighty God - seeking and saving the lost. This is the mission that Jesus was sent to fulfill: "For more

  • God's Priorities For The Church Series

    Contributed by Christopher Roberts on Jan 4, 2002
    based on 70 ratings

    In the first church God laid down 4 priorities for the 3,000 new believers. Any successful church will devote themselves to these priorities in all that they do.

    Please e-mail me with any comments or if you use any part of this at your church at I would love to hear about it. God Bless! - Chris Think about this for one second. What are the priorities for the church. When we do that we can’t help but have a long list of things the more

  • God's Priorities For You

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 24, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    What really matters?

    God’s Priorities for You 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Sermon by: Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church, West Monroe, LA Jan. 16, 2005 *What really matters? -This week I watched part of a documentary about the crash of a Concorde jet in France. *Over 100 people died, and it all started because of a strip of more

  • Aligning Our Priorities With God's Priorities Series

    Contributed by Rick Finitzer on Jun 10, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    All of us from time to time have taken the steering wheel of our lives away from God to direct our own path or course.

    Cornerstone Church March 5, 2006 “Prayer 101 - Lord, Teach Us To Pray” Series “LESSON 3: ALIGNING OUR PRIORITIES WITH GOD’S more

  • The Priority In Prayer Series

    Contributed by Ralph Juthman on Nov 27, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    Gods priority in prayer is His work in you, not just His blessing for you.

    THE PRIORITY OF PRAYER Eph_3:14-21 INTRODUCTION Be careful what you ask for What would you ask for if you found a genie-in-a-bottle and were granted three wishes that were bound to come true? If you could have three wishes fulfilled, what would you ask for? Have you heard the story of a young man more

  • Faith - God's Priority - Our Blessing

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Oct 18, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Pentecost 19: Many things distract us from the blessings our faith point us toward. But Jesus says to rid ourselves of the things that can harm our faith.

    When I first bought my car, it was a joy to keep it up. I washed and cleaned it several times a week. I didn’t like for Sofi or the kids to eat in it. I was careful to park it so that it wouldn’t be damaged by others opening their doors into it. Oil changes were religious experiences. Taking care more

  • God's Priorities In A Pressure-Packed World

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Aug 15, 2001
    based on 113 ratings

    In life of faith, in following Christ as our Master, we are faced many times with tough calls, what can we do and how can we decide what to do, how can we cope.

    God’s Priorities in a Pressure Cooker world By Andrew Chan, PBC, Vancouver, BC, August 15, 2001 I Peter 3:13-19 A group of friends went deer hunting and paired off in two’s for the day. That night one of the hunters returned alone, staggering under the weight of a 200 pound deer. The group asked, more

  • Priorities

    Contributed by Craig Smee on Jul 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at Mattew 6:33

    INTRODUCTION As fathers and husbands, there is always something to do. And even if you get to doing everything, there always remains that simple aspect of spending time with your family. In fact things get so busy sometimes for all of us, that we often loose track of where or sometimes even who we more

  • The Priority Of Knowing God!

    Contributed by Sharon Stonestreet on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    How wonderful that God desires and has made a way for us to know Him, it should be our priority to know Him.

    THE PRIORITY OF KNOWING GOD! PHIL.3:1-14 Last week I preached that Jesus is our only foundation as a Christian. These scriptures again confirm and emphasize how important it is to make Jesus our priority. Look with me at verses 7,8,&10a. Paul says I count all things loss for the excellence of the more

  • Priorities

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Aug 3, 2021

    The greatest tragedy of life is that so many are willing to settle for less than the best.

    The greatest tragedy of life is that so many are willing to settle for less than the best. To accept mediocrity, insignificance, the petty when life could have meaning, fulfillment, and purpose. What you receive depends on your priorities. What is really important? Your priorities will affect more

  • Priorities, Priorities, Priorities

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Jan 11, 2013
    based on 11 ratings

    In this new Year, we need to prioritize our lives just as the Jewish exiles needed to do upon their return to Judah.

    Priorities, Priorities, Priorities Haggai 1:2-4, 13 Intro. A husband and wife were attending a county fair where, for twenty dollars a person, a man was giving rides in an old airplane. The couple wanted to go up but they thought twenty dollars a person was too expensive so they tried to negotiate more

  • Priorities, Priorities, Priorities!

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Sep 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A short sermon looking at the priorities Jesus sets in this Bible reading and asking what our priorities are. My prayer is that His priorities will be ours.

    Priorities, priorities, priorities! I wonder how you react to hearing those three words, or was it one word? Are you thinking ’time management’? Do you have a ’to-do list’? Do you wonder if you have got your priorities right? Would you like more time for those things you consider to be top more

  • Priorities

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Nov 11, 2018

    God and His Kingdom must come before our own selfish desires.

    Priorities November 11, 2018 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: God and His Kingdom must come before our own selfish desires. Focus Passage: Haggai 1:1-7 (Pew Bible page 1089) Introduction: A little boy, who loved his grandfather dearly, wanted to more

  • Priorities

    Contributed by Phillip Krueger on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 110 ratings

    Do our life-priorities match God’s goals and plans for our life?

    A CHANGED LIFE REQUIRES NEW PRIORITIES “A Changed Life---Priceless” 3-14-04 1. A woman was sitting next to an empty seat at the Super Bowl stadium. A man asked the woman about it. The woman explained, “It was my husband’s…but he died.” The man said to her, “I’m surprised that another relative more

  • Wise Or Otherwise

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Sep 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We must chose between living with God's priorities or the priorities of the world.

    Wise and Otherwise James 3: 13 – 4:3 Intro: A minister, a Boy Scout, and a computer expert were the only passengers on the small plane. The pilot came back to the cabin and said that the plane was going down but there were only 3 parachutes and 4 people. The pilot said, “I should have one of more

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