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Sermons on gods plan for man:

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  • God's Plan For The Man

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Feb 21, 2003
    based on 370 ratings

    A Father’s Day Message

    GOD’S PLAN FOR THE MAN Psalms 128:1-6 INTRO: If there’s anything in shortage today it is men. Real men who will say as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Not everyone who is a male is a man. I mean a real man, a godly man. You can be born a male, but it takes maturity to be a man. You’re more

  • The Man With A Plan

    Contributed by Todd Catteau on Mar 1, 2022

    This sermon uses God's plan for Abraham in Genesis 12 to remind us that God is a God who plans and calls us to faithful obedience even when the plan is vague and challenging.

    Man with a plan The Old Testament is essentially a story about a family – the family of a man named Abraham who lived about 2000 years before Jesus and he is introduced in Genesis 11. We don’t know how early this is in the history of the world but in the Biblical account it’s pretty early. In more

  • God's Plan For Genuine Human Life

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jun 4, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    Psalms 1 provides for us God's plan to experience a Genuine Human Life. 1. Being a progressive learner. 2. Being a productive and prosper person 3. Knowing how to finish strong

    Scripture: Psalms 1 and Genesis 1:26-28 Theme: God's Plan for Genuine Human Life INTRO: Good morning and God's richest blessings! What a wonderful Lord's day! What a great time to live and experience the joy of God's Love, Mercy and Holy Spirit in our worship and in our lives. What more

  • A Man With A Plan Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Feb 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus makes himself known thorugh his followers.

    Title: A Man with a Plan Text: Matthew 4:12-23 Thesis: Jesus makes himself known through his followers. Epiphany Series: Encountering Christ in Epiphany • The First Sunday after Epiphany: Christ’s Identity. The First Sunday after Epiphany we encountered Christ at his baptism where more

  • Skilled Or Committed - 2 Series

    Contributed by Brian Stevenson Athisayaraj on Mar 11, 2015

    God's plan is not a program. God's plan is man, and you are that man" - Pastor. Colton Wickramaratne

    * Some of the ideas presented have been adopted from other authors to help expand and explain the subject. Brian Money and Brian Love There is always a conflict between the two. One is Business orientated. One is Christian minded. And the strangest of all is that they are one and the same more

  • "God's Plan For A Godly Man"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Jun 9, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Qualities of a godly man

    “God’s Plan for a Godly Man” Father’s Day – 2008 June 15, 2008 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 As apostles of Christ we could have been a burden to you, but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the more

  • Diet Plan Of God For Man

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 5, 2014

    To show that GOD has a glorious plan for mankind because He loves us so much, it included even our diet plan.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you eating pork? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD has a glorious plan for mankind because He loves us so much, it included even our diet plan. IV. TEXT: Genesis 1:29 (Amplified Bible) 1:29 And God said, See, I have given you every plant more

  • Plans Of Man And Purposes Of God

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 10, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    A man’s plans may be one thing (Proverbs 16:9), but it is God’s purposes that prevail (Proverbs 19:21).

    MAN’S PLANS AND GOD’S PURPOSES. Ruth 3:1-5; Ruth 4:13-17. The days of the judges (Ruth 1:1) were turbulent times. ‘There was no king in the land, and everybody did what was right in his own sight’ (Judges 21:25). Anarchy ruled, and God disciplined His people through cycles of invasion, more

  • The Modified Copy Of Adam

    Contributed by James Linders on Jun 15, 2015

    It was GOD'S will that man had to multiply and fill the earth. Although Adam's genes were predominantly male genes, God HAD to suppress it so that He could make Eve....the modified version of man....SHE would be equipped to increase the human population.

    Genesis 1:27 "....He created them MALE and FEMALE.” Genesis 2:17 Then the LORD God said: "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper SUITABLE for him." God created the heavens and ALL other life forms on earth. At THIS stage He decided that His creation was NOT more

  • God's Amazing Plan Series

    Contributed by Mark Jones on Mar 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    the Proto-Evangel of Genesis 3:15 and how God’s plan from the foundations of the world affects our daily lives

    God’s Amazing Plan-From the Foundations of the World Sermon 1 in the Easter Series-The Road to The Cross EOLS: God’s provision for our salvation is eternal and shows His amazing, loving individual plan for His Creation. Often when I begin to do research and as I long to satisfy my inner more

  • The Superior Plan Of God

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Aug 23, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    God has his plan, and man has his. God’s is based on complete knowledge, man’s on guesses and speculation. Guess which one is superior?

    Passage: Acts 13:13-41 Intro: I was listening to a message made by Dr. Stephen Hawking concerning the ability of the human race to survive the next 100 years. 1. here is the gist: we need to be very careful we don’t destroy ourselves with nukes before we develop the capacity to leave planet Earth more

  • Man's Plans Vs. God's Purpose

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Dec 30, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    This outline illustrates through scripture how God sees us and how He expects to see us as well as how we should look at ourselves.

    Rev. Bruce A. Shields DD House of Faith Ministries Man’s Plans vs. God’s Purpose 12-28-2003 Proverbs 19:21 – “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Who are we? How does God see more

  • God Or Man? Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Nov 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    God’s plan from the very beginning is to take ordinary people and transform their lives with Jesus.

    Intro: How many of you can think of a time when you did the right thing, and got in trouble for it? I can recall a few, but my stories aren’t really appropriate for a sermon here so I’m looking to you to think of some stories that illustrate a time when you did the right thing, but got in trouble more

  • Plan B From God Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 18, 2021

    God could have written you off as a bad experiment. But your divine friend, now your divine judge, has a plan “B.” He won’t leave you to the nasty existence you chose.

    Christmas Christmas is the favorite day of every child. It’s also the favorite of the child that inhabits the center of every adult. So instead of a sermon, let’s play a Christmas adventure game, a game of pretend. Imagine yourself as Adam or Eve. The first Adam, the first Eve. Alive in the more

  • A Simple Plan For Sinful Man

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Dec 26, 2003
    based on 23 ratings

    God has a simple plan for sinful man

    A SIMPLE PLAN FOR SINFUL MAN TEXT: ACTS 16:25-31 1. THE ASKING- What took place in this man’s life that brought him to this pivotal point...that he would ask this question. What must I do to be saved ? a.. praying - Paul & Silas were praying...probably praying for their own release and more