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  • A Breakfast With The King Series

    Contributed by Steven Devroy on Mar 1, 2024

    This morning we are looking at a unique encounter that the disciples had with Jesus. More specifically, we are looking at an encounter that Peter had with Jesus.

    Opener: Good Morning everyone! We are so blessed to be here this morning and worshiping the Lord together as a family! Last week, we celebrated father day and if you were not able to get your mug, please be sure to grab one as you leave today! Last week, we continued with our sermon series on more

  • Priest-King Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Mar 6, 2016

    We see how Jesus fulfills the image that most captured the Jewish imagination and stirred hope in their hearts.

    Psalm 110 Priest-King 5/31/15 D. Marion Clark Introduction Jesus continues his walk along the Emmaus Road with two of his disciples, interpreting “to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself” (Luke 24:27). He is the Offspring of Eve who bruised the head of Satan; he more

  • Christ The King

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Dec 9, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Description of how great Jesus is

    “Christ the King” Hebrews 2 Intro: One of the great truths of scripture is that God reveals himself to man. Hebrews 1 tells us of this truth. Let’s read there. Read Chapter 1. We have a God who reveals himself and his will to his creation. It says in verse 1 he has revealed himself through more

  • Your King Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Aug 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Zechariah 9:9 predicts the First Advent of Christ and specifically his Triumphant Entry on the first Palm Sunday. Message expounds this promise and its fulfillment in the New Testament.

    Intro Our previous study concluded in Zechariah 9:8 with God supernaturally protecting Jerusalem from a brutal attack by Alexander the Great. Now in verse 9 Zechariah declares the coming of Messiah and the manner in which he will come. His manner contrasts dramatically with that of Alexander. Like more

  • Thin King Series

    Contributed by Tom Burkholder on Sep 2, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, the employee that never seems

    Thin King Series: Melodrama or Mellow-drama - Act 4 Introduction: In the drama of life, how do you respond? There are many things that are beyond our control: the person that yells at us, the person that cuts us off in traffic, the store clerk that talks on the phone instead of helping us, the more

  • The King Returns Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 7, 2020

    A Journey Through the Larger Story of the 66 Books of the Bible

    You know that Zach Williams song that Billy just sang quickly became one of my favorite songs of all time the first time that I heard it. At the lowest point in my life, when I crashed and burned in ministry 14 years ago and hurt my family as much as they had ever been hurt Jesus never gave up on more

  • Christ Is King

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Oct 23, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As followers of the King we are His subjects and should live every minute of our lives in faithful submission to the lordship of Jesus Christ realizing His preeminence and sovereignty.

    Christ is King Revelation 19:1-15 Countless millions throughout the world may live as if Christ is not King, but that does not change reality. Christ is King over all. Christ is King over the atheist. Christ is King over the good. Christ is King over the bad. Whether or not more

  • King Jesus

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Apr 17, 2019

    Jesus came meekly on a donkey but will return victorious on a war horse.

    King Jesus April 14, 2019, Morning Service Palm Sunday Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Jesus came meekly on a donkey but will return victorious on a war horse. Focus Passage: Matthew 21:1-11 Supplemental Passage: And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, more

  • Welcoming The King

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Mar 11, 2008
    based on 20 ratings

    Those who welcome Jesus as King must also learn to trust Him with their future.

    Palm Sunday: Welcoming the King! Text: Matt. 21:1-17 [also see Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44; and John 12:12-19] Intro: The account of what is often called the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday is found in all four Gospels. It is in Matt. 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, and John 12. It is a very important more

  • The Return Of The King

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Feb 5, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    As Christians we long and wait for the day that the King returns.

    The Return of the King Matthew 25:31-46 January 23, 2005 Morning Service Introduction One of my favorite movies has to be the final chapter of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Return of the King. The major portion of the movie takes place in the land of Gondor. Gondor is a land without hope and more

  • In The Service Of The King

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Jun 22, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    As Christians we need to use the gifts and talents we have been given toserve the King of Kings

    In the Service of the King Matthew 25:14-30 September 6, 2009 Morning Service Introduction Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources rep asked a young accountant who was fresh out of school, "What starting salary were you thinking about?" The Accountant said, "In the neighborhood of more

  • The King Is Coming Series

    Contributed by Rudolf E. Y. Mensah on Apr 5, 2020

    The King is coming to the world affected with COVID-19 pandemic. He is coming with the vaccine no scientist could come out with. He will heal the world of pain and pandemic. Happy Palm Sunday.

    And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, ‘‘ Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.’’ (Matt.21:9) INTRODUCTION The King is coming to the world affected with COVID-19 pandemic. He is coming with the more

  • Encounter The King

    Contributed by Richard Schwedes on Nov 11, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for Palm Sunday to encourage people to encounter Jesus, the true king.

    We are nearly there. It’s nearly Easter. Maybe you are looking forward to that extra dose of chocolate. Perhaps your looking forward to an extra day or two off. Maybe it’s a chance to catch up with someone or some things. And it is also a wonderful opportunity to spend time with the most important more

  • The King Is Coming

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    It is Palm Sunday. King Jesus is riding down the mountain into Jerusalem.

    The King is Coming Luke 19:28-40 April 1, 2007 I was listening to NPR News on the way in to the church this morning and heard some very good news. Despite everything we have heard and have been led to believe during the past 30 years, Elvis has not left the building. He is alive and well and was more

  • The Servant-King

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Nov 24, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon was prepared for Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday in November of 2007. The thesis is that as disciples of Jesus Christ we are to follow in His steps in being servant leaders.

    The Servant-King --Jeremiah 23:1-6 Kings, Queens, Presidents, Governors, priests, and pastors are called to be good role models before their people. Unfortunately that was never the case with any of the kings of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and with many of the kings of Judah as well. Our more

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