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  • God-Fearing Mother

    Contributed by Jose Cabajar on May 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God-fearing mothers are God-given blessings not only to our homes but also to our society. We cannot imagine how wicked our land would be without the presence of godly mothers in our homes.

    God-fearing mothers are God-given blessings not only to our homes but also to our society. We cannot imagine how wicked our land would be without the presence of godly mothers in our homes. What an edifying sight to see a godly mother leading her children to the saving knowledge of our Lord more

  • A Word To The God-Fearing

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 19, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Peter's sermon at the house of Cornelius: the Gentile Pentecost.

    A WORD TO THE GOD-FEARING. Acts 10:34-43. Whilst meditating on a rooftop in Joppa, the Apostle Peter received a vision in which he was warned ‘not to call anything impure which God has cleansed’ (Acts 10:15). Meanwhile, in Herod’s seaport of Caesarea, a God-fearing Roman Centurion named more

  • The Fear Of God

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Aug 11, 2022

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” as the Book of Proverbs stresses repeatedly. May we seek to live as God-fearing people who humble our hearts in reverence of His glory and live in faithfulness to His will.

    The year was 1845. A man named Carl Steinman was fascinated by volcanoes, and going against the advice of his guide, he ventured to the edge of a dormant volcano while visiting Mount Hecla in Iceland. Although it had last erupted over fifty years earlier, the guide noticed there had been more

  • Cornelius: The God-Fearing Gentile

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on May 5, 2003
    based on 183 ratings

    This is an examination of the qualities of the first Gentile to be converted to the Christian Faith. As we see, he is an individual who provides inspiration and an example for all.

    One of my favorite conversion stories in the Book of Acts is that of Cornelius, the Roman Centurion. In fact, one of the first sermons I ever delivered came from this passage. In that lesson and even my later studies of the passage, I must admit, I focused more on Peter than on Cornelius. You more

  • Fear

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 30, 2010
    based on 66 ratings

    The devil is the sinister minister of fear. It's the opposite of faith, which is what pleases God. Fear Degrades our Lord, Destroys our Lives, and Delights our Enemy. Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPoint.

    Fear Nehemiah 6:9-19 In chapter 6 it's the devil's last ditch effort to stop the good work on the wall. We have seen him use distraction and slander, and now fear - [worry, anxiety, nervousness.] Twice in our passage we see 'afraid' and also 'fear.' The more

  • The Fear Of God

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Mar 5, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Fearing God is essential in order to be spiritually successful. Christians need to cultivate this virtue in their lives.

    Today, we are going to examine a topic that once was considered to be a very basic part of religious life. It was discussed quite often even to the extent that it was part of common conversation back in the days of our great-grandparents. Today, the topic is shunned by society and even by most more

  • Fear God?

    Contributed by Dennis King on Oct 5, 2021

    As is often the case with military veterans who have endured actual combat, conversations eventually circle around to war stories and then on to; “Were you scared?” Those who saw actual combat often reply, “Only the foolish are not afraid.” Fear can be friend or foe! Fear is our warning system.

    As is often the case with military veterans who have endured actual combat, conversations eventually circle around to war stories and then on to; “Were you scared?” Those who saw actual combat often reply, “Only the foolish are not afraid.” Fear can be friend or foe! Fear is our warning system. It more

  • Fear Not

    Contributed by Fran Van Hoven on Jun 25, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    What is God’s solution for us & what He can do for us as we go through difficulties in life.

    Fear not…For I am with thee, says the Lord What is God’s solution for us & what he can do for us as we go through difficulties in life. Isaiah 43: 1 But now, this is what the Lord says-- he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have more

  • God Fearing Yet Worships Idols

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jan 18, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Are we sometimes create our idols of our own and yet profess to fear GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that you need to choose your GOD everyday, or be a victim of unseen idols that will pull us do

    I. EXORDIUM: Are we sometimes create our idols of our own and yet profess to fear GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that you need to choose your GOD everyday, or be a victim of unseen idols that will pull us down. IV. TEXT: 2 Kings 17:41 (New King James Version) more

  • The Fear Of God

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jun 6, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Part of our series on the major themes or lessons from the minor prophets. In this Sunday’s Message we’ll be looking at what it means to fear the Lord from the prophet Haggai, and those things that dissuade us from fulfilling God’s call, and how are we to respond.

    The Fear of God The Book of Haggai Watch: We’ve been working our way through the minor prophets looking at their major themes, and in the process seeing some of God’s characteristics to boot. To date we’ve looked at the prophet Jonah and the theme of more

  • No Fear Series

    Contributed by Paul Wallace on Oct 28, 2008

    Where there is no fear of Lord, there is no restraint from doing evil.

    NO FEAR (of God) Genesis 20:11 “No fear”. It’s on clothing, it’s in commercials. But having no fear is stupid. Little children with no fear of heights can get hurt badly. Having no fear of boiling water on a stove leads to burns. Having no fear of getting hurt leads to reckless driving. It may more

  • Fearing Fear

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Nov 14, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    If we are so afraid of people that we stop following the Lord, we do not trust Him. It shows that we have doubted His plan, His power, and His promises.

    Opening illustration: Mrs. Ima Terror chased her husband through the crowds at the zoo, waving her umbrella and unleashing insults like invisible missiles. Her perspiring and winded husband, seeing that the lock on the lion’s cage had not quite closed, yanked it open, jumped into the cage, more

  • Fear

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jun 21, 2018

    Satan stops at nothing to make us think that God doesn't exist or doesn't care.

    Fear Mark 4:35- 41 Introduction: 2003 in Paris with Jennifer at Eiffel tower. --- Level 1, Level 2. Another GLASS ELEVATOR! Clung to pole in center listening to my heart pounding. Wasn’t afraid. I WAS TERRIFIED!! What are you afraid of? I. VS. 35 “Let us go across to the other more

  • Fear

    Contributed by Matthew Davaughn Cox on May 3, 2018

    Psalm 27:1

    FEAR - If the truth be told we have all feared something at one point in our lives. I believe it is safe to say that we all have a fear of something right now in our lives. Now, think about every fear that you have, out of all of those fears how many of them are related to God? Hang in there with more

  • Fear Of God

    Contributed by Greg Smart on Oct 20, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    You don’t have to look very far to realize in this day that it is more a form of godliness and deny the power of it we need a real fear of God struck in the hearts of our churches.

    THE FEAR OF GOD ROMANS 3:18 1. THE FEAR OF GOD IS A GREAT RESTRAINT FOR EVIL – PROVERBS 16:6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. A. We need a revival to restore the fear of God to human hearts. B. If we fear God, we regard His authority. Fear more