
Summary: Satan stops at nothing to make us think that God doesn't exist or doesn't care.


Mark 4:35- 41

Introduction: 2003 in Paris with Jennifer at Eiffel tower. --- Level 1, Level 2. Another GLASS ELEVATOR! Clung to pole in center listening to my heart pounding. Wasn’t afraid. I WAS TERRIFIED!! What are you afraid of?

I. VS. 35 “Let us go across to the other side.”

A “The other side” is the Gentile territory, the country of the Gerasenes. A dangerous and inappropriate place for a devout Jew. The land of the pagan. The land of people we fear because they are not like us.

C Who are the Gentiles of our community? Why do we fear getting involved with “those people”?

II. VS. 37”A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.”

A Disciples turn to Jesus in anger. “Don’t you care if we drown?

B When the storms of life threaten us, we turn to God communicating our fear, anger, or panic and ask: “why?” or “are you there?” “God get up and do something!”

III. The only thing that enabled me to make it to the top of the Eiffel Tower was Barbara at my side saying, “It’s OK. You’ll be all right. I’m here with you.”

A When God calls us beyond our comfort zone, we are afraid. We fear venturing out when God is calling us to serve or to do.

B Satan stops at NOTHING to get us to think we are all alone and God doesn’t care or isn’t there to help and guide us.

Conclusion: We become fearful when the storms of life howl and the waves of change crash upon us because we think WE are in control. We believe it all rests on our shoulders. We like to keep one hand on the rudder just in case God doesn’t know where HE is leading. If you fear venturing forward when God is calling, then you are not praying enough! Let go of the past and the familiar and risk the excitement of following God’s leading.

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