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  • Joy To The World - A Study Of Philippians- Part 5 "Joy In Givingjesus" Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Dec 26, 2016

    Part 5 of our study of Joy- Christmas Day 2016

    Joy to the World A study of Philippians Part 5 “Joy in Jesus” Philippians 4:4 Merry Christmas I am so glad to see each and every one of you here this morning Over the last few weeks we have been studying joy as explained and described by the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Church more

  • God's Song Of Joy

    Contributed by James May on Apr 11, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    The obedient and committed Child of God brings a song of joy to the very heart of God.

    God’s Song of Joy Sunday, April 11, 2010 – AM By Pastor James May There is an old hymn that we often sing that says, “What have I to fear; what have I to dread? I’m leaning on the everlasting arms. I have blessed peace with my Lord so near; leaning on the everlasting more

  • Breakthrough For Joy

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Feb 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Every now and then something happens, after a long struggle, to give us a breakthrough. So with God in Christ, planning from the foundation of time for the cross and achieving a breakthrough victory at the empty tomb. So count nothing impossible.

    Every now and again, in human history, we achieve a breakthrough. Something which we have worked for, hoped for, fought and died for, finally happens. There has been struggle and agony and seemingly endless defeat, but suddenly it all works out. That’s called a breakthrough. You know the feeling. more

  • The Joy Of Peace

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Aug 19, 2013

    Paul gives clear instruction to teach us how to be free from worry and wrapped in the blanket of God's peace. If we want wholeness or victory and advance in our spiritual life it begins and is governed by our thought life.

    Intro: David Jeremiah gave a list of how not to have joy and peace. In his book on joy he said I guarantee that if you follow these guidelines you will have unhappiness. 1) Make little things bother you: don’t just let them, make them. 2) Lose your perspective of things, and keep it more

  • The Joy Of God's Message

    Contributed by Bob Soulliere on Dec 16, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Some messages bring joy and some do not. I remember a 13 year old boy standing in his mothers front room and looking out her window at the weather, it was late November or early December and watching it rain and snow, sleet and thinking what a gloomy day

    The Joy of God’s Message Some messages bring joy and some do not. I remember a 13 year old boy standing in his mothers front room and looking out her window at the weather, it was late November or early December and watching it rain and snow, sleet and thinking what a gloomy day. Suddenly a green more

  • The Joy Of Serving God Series

    Contributed by Rob Willis on Dec 20, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    A different message on JOY (the theme of the third week of Advent) that focuses on joy that comes from serving God.

    It’s the 3rd week of Advent – have you been keeping up at home? I hope so. Today’s topic is JOY. Just as in the past weeks with peace and hope, JOY is a huge subject that we will barely scratch the surface of today. But I want to use a great story from John 4 to show you one way that Jesus said you more

  • The Anger And Joy Of God

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 7, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    (PowerPoint Slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing Is God judging America - and how should we live?...

    The Anger and Joy of God Psalm 37:1-6 This morning I want to speak with you from the Word of God on something rather unusual - The Anger and Joy of God. I dare say that as I have prepared for this morning, I have come to realize that God is angry, and we tend to misunderstand how angry He really more

  • Give Till It Feels Good

    Contributed by John Mcmillan on Mar 12, 2003
    based on 16 ratings


    I’m sure you’ve all heard the old saying "GIVE TILL IT HURTS", well this old saying, that you and I have heard all our life’s goes againts everything God stands for. I have yet to run across one story in the bible or of anyone I’ve ever met that got hurt because of giving, I can’t think of a more

  • Harvesting God's Joy Series

    Contributed by Charles Wilkerson on Nov 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Our Joy is full when we obey Christ and we do that by remaining growing through Him

    Demi-Lee Brennan had a liver transplant at age 9. She faced a life on anti-rejection drugs like every other transplant patient. Nine months later, however, her red blood cells were being attacked by her own white blood cells. It was as if her body was treating them as if they were an invader. more

  • Overflowing Joy Series

    Contributed by Daniel Devilder on Dec 3, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The concluding sermon of Nehemiah that considers the result of a life built with God at the center: When We Build with God at the Center, We will Overflow with Joy in all Things.

    (This is especially from 12:43ff) Today we come to the end of our study in Nehemiah—not that we have mined all the truths therein—we have only TOUCHED on chapter 13, which ends the book on a bit of a downer—seeing what happens when people don’t stay dedicated to God But that is NOT our focus more

  • God's Joy Parties! Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Nov 8, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    We are called to be a people of Great Joy. We are called to celebrate, to rejoice and to share the message of Joy in Jesus! This sermon shows us how we can do that!

    Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; Luke 1:47 - 55 (Call to worship - Psalm 126) Theme: Joy/Rejoicing Title: God's Joy Parties We are called to be a people of Great Joy. We are called to celebrate, to rejoice and to share the message of Joy in Jesus! INTRO: Grace and peace from more

  • Giving - With What Kind Of Givers Is God Pleased? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 25, 2008

    In this last lesson from the series we look at some princples of giving found in Paul’s correspondence with the Corinthian church, and I try to inspire us with the joy of giving.

    Introduction: A. One Sunday a preacher told his congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate that morning. 1. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns. 2. After the more

  • God's Demonstration Of Joy

    Contributed by Jim Erwin on Dec 14, 2007

    God has demonstrated FOR His Son with joy. Instead of demonstrating against things, Christians can demonstrate FOR something - God.

    When we speak about demonstrations, we usually talk about showing our view or opinion AGAINST a thing, a person, or an idea. Demonstrations can be a public display that shows others what we believe. Demonstrate can also mean to show evidence of about something. We hear about demonstrations quite more

  • Bringing Joy To God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 13, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    Although it is true that God wants to bring His children joy, it is surprisingly true that we can bring God joy too! (these sermons parallel Rick Warren’s "Purpose Driven Life" chapters, in this case, ch.8-14; but they are not a repeat, rather same theme

    Bringing Joy to God Introduction 1. Just how personal and emotional is God? 2. The answer: Very! 3. G. Walter Hansenin, Christianity Today wrote, “I am spellbound by the intensity of Jesus’ emotions: Not a twinge of pity, but heartbroken compassion; not a passing irritation, but terrifying more

  • The Joy Of Confidence In God Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Aug 30, 2020

    Based on Phil. 4:19 - This sermon encourages the hearers to be confident in God's faithful provision for their needs.

    “THE JOY OF CONFIDENCE IN GOD” Phil. 4:19 FBCF – 8/30/20 Jon Daniels INTRO – Story of couple, Fred & Cheryl – adopted a 5 y/o girl Haitian girl named Addie whose parents had been killed in a car accident. Beautiful moment when that little orphan walked across the tarmac at the airport more

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