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  • Gifted (Part Three) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on May 29, 2018

    when you look at the three main passages on Spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:6-8, 1st Cor. 12:7-11, Eph. 4:11-16) Paul lists them but he doesn't really define them. But even so, the gifts can be defined through our understanding of them and how they're used.

    GIFTED (part three) What's interesting is when you look at the three main passages on Spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:6-8, 1st Cor. 12:7-11, chapter 14 [tongues and prophecy], Eph. 4:11-16) Paul lists them, explains where they're from and explains what they're for but he doesn't really go into defining more

  • The Unwanted Christmas Gift Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 8, 2020

    We’re heading into the Christmas season, and in a few weeks we’ll be looking at gifts under the Christmas tree. What was the best or worst Christmas gift that you remember?

    How many of you can remember a Christmas gift that you wanted, oh, so badly? Illustration: For me, one of the best gifts ever came to me way back in 1967 when I was in grade school. There was a toy truck called the “Johnny Express (TM) that I wanted so bad, I could taste it (a figure of speech we more

  • An Extravagant Gift Of Appreciation

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Oct 19, 2023

    Seeing all the smiles, but knowing there was a betrayal, a denial, and desertion just ahead. It must have been tempting to stop the celebration and pour out his heart, but Jesus smiled and received this gift of appreciation, then celegrated the giver.

    Sermon - An Extravagant Gift of Appreciation Scripture Lesson: Matthew 26:6-16 “Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had previously had leprosy. While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume and poured it over his head. The more

  • Nature Of The Gifts Of The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Aug 19, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Based on 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, eight characteristics of the gifts of the Spirit are examined.

    Intro We are examining the gifts of the Spirit. Last week, we talked about the purpose of the gifts. The gifts of the Spirit are not designed to entertain the saints or make church more exciting. The gifts of the Spirit are to build up the saints so they can do the work of the ministry. The gifts more

  • Understanding The Gifts Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Marty Baker on Apr 22, 2024

    The Holy Spirit is God's power and presence within you. When you receive His gifts, your life will be changed. Today I want to talk about spiritual gifts. A genuine sign of being a Christian is the strong desire to identify your spiritual gifts and to them to help others.

    The Holy Spirit Series #3 Understanding Spiritual Gifts Dr. Marty Baker / April 21, 2024 / 1 Corinthians 12:7 Welcome to Stevens Creek Church. I am so glad that you are here today. I want to welcome all of you in our Grovetown Campus and in our South Campus and all of those watching online. more

  • Spiritual Gifts- The Source Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 29, 2021

    A three-part sermon series exploring the spiritual gifts, what they are, and how we can use them today.

    Spiritual Gifts- The Source June 6, 2021 Scripture- 1 Cor 12:1-6 This morning we're going to be getting a new series for the month of June about a subject I haven't spoken often about since I've been here as the pastor. Since I've been here, I've talked a lot about the basic more

  • Giving The Perfect Gift Series

    Contributed by Chris Carroll on Jan 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We open up our Bibles once a year at this time to read the Gospel accounts of Jesus coming from the portals of heaven to lie in a bed of straw on this earth. Yet, to be honest isn’t it so much more than that? Isn’t there something more majestic about the

    Everyone loves to receive gifts at Christmas time. And I am sure that as Christmas approaches we are wondering what lies behind those wrapped presents. I remember as a child that these 4 weeks of advent were so difficult. I would go by that tree about 30 million times a day looking at the box and more

  • Congratulations, You Are Gifted. Series

    Contributed by Daniel Richter on Oct 10, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    You are gifted by God to serve God.

    You Are Gifted! What Satan Doesn’t Want You to Know About Spiritual Gifts. Sunday, January 15th, 2006 Part One of a Six Part Series Intro: A couple of years ago, my Dad and I took a week off and went up to our cottage at Delta Lake Camp. We went because it still had the original 25 year old roof more

  • The Gift Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 17, 2014

    God is the greatest giver of gifts. James declares, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning” (James 1:17). God only gives good gifts.

    Title: The Gift of the Holy Spirit Text: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with more

  • God's Gift Of Rest Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Apr 19, 2017

    Take one day off a week to gain perspective and be more productive.

    Quick, do the math: A bat and a ball cost $1.10. The bat costs one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? If you came up with 10 cents, you’re in good company. That’s the answer most people come to. It’s intuitive, appealing, but WRONG! Do the math. If the ball costs 0.10 more

  • The Son’s Gift Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 9, 2010

    Christ gives every believer the Holy Spirit who delivers us from the penalty and power of sin, dwells within us to give us a different attitude and destiny, and directs us to intimacy with our Heavenly Father. This is the true Spirit of Christmas.

    Just a few days before Christmas one year, a postal worker at one of the main sorting offices found an unstamped, handwritten, messy envelope addressed to God. Curious, he opened it and discovered that it was from an elderly woman who was in great distress because all of her savings – $200 – had more

  • God's Internal Gifts Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Dec 24, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    When Christians receive the Gift of God, Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord, there are gifts that are put on the inside of them that manifest themselves in a way that is beneficial to spiritual health and to the building of the kingdom of God.

    Turn your Bibles to Luke 2:10-11, 14 Title: God’s Internal Gifts Theme: Benefits of Receiving God’s Gift, Christ Series: Grasping the Truths of Christmas Introduction: Have you ever received a gift inside a gift? I once read of a lady who received a pair of gloves for Christmas. The fingers more

  • The Ultimate Valentine's Gift Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Feb 13, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus showed us the greatest gift of love when he died on the cross for us.

    The Ultimate Valentine's Gift Text: Rom. 5:1-11 Introduction 1. Illustration: If yesterday is like Valentine's Days of the past, over $1 billion was spent on chocolate, $1 billion on cards, and 218 million roses were sold in the pursuit of or in an attempt to demonstrate love. The Bible tells more

  • Ambassadors With Contradictions

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Jul 3, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    We live with contradictory feelings about many things, including our church. We do not get the gift of reconciliation fully until there is conflict, but God wants to give the gift of reconciliation now, if we will accept it.

    Church, some say, should be a place of peace. Church should be a place where we can come after a week of dealing with conflicts, fears, and doubts, and find peace. I was told we don’t want conflict at church. And I do understand. I do understand why, when we come to the hour of worship, we want more

  • The Apprentice Series

    Contributed by Ric Freeman on May 2, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    loosely based on "the Travelers Gift" by Andy Andrews

    The Apprentice April 18, 2004 AM Psalm 25:1-14 There is much talk right now about another of the reality type TV shows called the "Apprentice. It stars Donald Trump -- the billionaire -- And it gives young men and women a chance to work under him and possibly land a really nice job. And of course more

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