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  • The Christmas Gift Of Detachment

    Contributed by James Kevin Bachmann on Dec 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The gift of detachment will benefit us much more than any material gift.

    The Christmas Gift of Detachment “What did you get for Christmas?” people often ask after the long-awaited day arrives on Dec. 25. They wait for the coming of Jesus as they do the coming of St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus. I read a story this week about a superior who received gifts from more

  • A Gift Worth Receiving

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Dec 20, 2001
    based on 37 ratings

    This sermon illustrates what receiving Christ really is through the Biblical story of Simeon.

    A Gift Worth Receiving Luke 2:21-33 December 23, 2001 Intro: A. [Prayer and God’s Sovereignty, Citation: Mark Ashton, A Voice in the Wilderness (OM Publishing); submitted by Owen Bourgaize, Guernsey, United Kingdom A small boy was writing a letter to God about the Christmas presents he badly more

  • The Gift Of Life (Joy) Series

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Dec 19, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    What do those angels mean when the announce "great joy?" Joy as a gift from God.

    The Gift of Life (Therefore Joy) December 14/15, 2002 Intro: I remember it clearly. Our elder’s board was gathered for a one-day retreat focussed on setting goals for our church. We began by sharing what some of our personal goals were for the next year, and one of our Elders made a statement more

  • God's Greatest Gift

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 8 ratings

    Understanding the John 3:16 story

    What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone? Hear about God’s greatest gift. Boy chasing skunk on the Grand Canyon Good news so incredible that we can’t believe it - eternal life so beyond us that we are like that boy. Nicodemus was at the top of the pyramid of the Israelite society. He had more

  • Spiritual Gifts Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Dec 6, 2013

    The gift of our talents

    Ephesians 4:4-16 (p. 815) December 8, 2013 Introduction: Paul says, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” And then he goes directly into a list of “ones.” There is “one” body, “one” Spirit, more

  • The Gift Of The Law 030324 PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the call to reject personal idols, serve God alone, and embrace His liberating love as revealed through Scripture.

    Good morning, dear family of God. I feel a warmth in my heart as I stand here before you today, looking at the sea of familiar faces eager to discover more about the infinite love of our Lord. We are gathered here, not by coincidence, but by divine appointment. Today, we find ourselves standing on more

  • Giving The Greatest Gift

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jul 2, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This message is a call to evangelism.

    “GIVING THE GREATEST GIFT” Isaiah 43:1-13 INTRO – (Craig’s "Operation Christmas Child" testimony) “Only one life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Is this how you are living your life? Are you living your life for Christ in such a way as to leave a lasting legacy? more

  • Gifted (Part Eleven) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Aug 6, 2018

    We've covered prophecy, serving, teaching, encouragement, giving, leadership, mercy, the messages of wisdom and knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, discernment, tongues, apostle and evangelism. We finish the serieswith pastor and administration.

    GIFTED (part eleven) We've come to the end of our spiritual gifts series. We've covered many gifts on our journey: prophecy, serving, teaching, encouragement, giving, leadership, mercy, the message of wisdom and the message of knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, discerning between the more

  • Spiritual Gifts- The Source Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 29, 2021

    A three-part sermon series exploring the spiritual gifts, what they are, and how we can use them today.

    Spiritual Gifts- The Source June 6, 2021 Scripture- 1 Cor 12:1-6 This morning we're going to be getting a new series for the month of June about a subject I haven't spoken often about since I've been here as the pastor. Since I've been here, I've talked a lot about the basic more

  • The Perfect Christmas Gift

    Contributed by Lew Slade on Feb 15, 2007

    What makes any gift perfect - what makes God’s gift,his son, perfect for all of us?

    The Perfect Christmas Gift I don’t know about you but I find it almost impossible to buy presents for people, particularly at Christmas. I seem to wander around the shops for hours getting more and more frustrated - then I finish up buying something I saw in the first shop I was in three or four more

  • The Father's Opened Gift

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Dec 30, 2013

    If you have experienced the Father's Love in Christ at Christmas, this is not the end of all things but the beginning of everything: If anyone is in Christ, he is a new Creation.

    The Father’s Opened Gift 2 Corinthians 5:11-17 We have been looking at some of the gifts of the Almighty God in sending Jesus, the Messiah, the one-and-only-one-of-a-kind “Son of God”, anointed to come to earth in the Flesh to demonstrate the lavish Love of God in Christ’s more

  • "The Perfect Gift"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 12, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon for the Christmas Season.

    Ephesians 2:1-10 “The Perfect Gift” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Have you ever just watched people as they shop during the Christmas season? I was out at the mall this past week and watched people as they shopped for gifts and bargains. I was more

  • Outbreak Of Spiritual Gifts

    Contributed by Darrell Vaughn on May 27, 2010
    based on 105 ratings

    A Powerful sermon the encouraged believers to Stir up the Gift's of God.

    “Father, I am your servant, willing and desiring to be used to bless your people.” Sermon Summary: Are the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit being manifested in your life? Acts 5:32 We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey more

  • The Gift That Last Forever Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Dec 13, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "Church On The Rocks". This is also the 2nd sermon in this "Christmas Series". This sermon looks at the gift that last forever.

    Sunday Morning December 15, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: ¡§Church On The Rocks¡¨ (#4)[Christmas #2] THE GIFT THAT LAST FOREVER 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Introduction: 1. According to the commercial what is, ¡§The gift that last forever¡¨? Diamonds. For those of you that are like more

  • The Most Important Gift Series

    Contributed by Andrew Stringer on Jul 28, 2007

    Before we can give of our time, treasures, talents, etc... we must give ourselves to God!

    THE MOST IMPORTANT GIFT II Corinthians 8:1-15 Introduction: 1. We are in the midst of stewardship emphasis month. 2. How many want to be a poor steward in any area of your life? Hopefully not any! 3. We all want to be good stewards–how do we learn? 4. By studying other good stewards! 5. more

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