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  • The Gift Of Discernment Series

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    A message on spiritual gifts (1 of 4)

    THE GIFT OF DISCERNMENT 1 Corinthians 12:10 INTRO: Several years ago there were many Auburn-Alabama jokes going around. One of the best is the story of the Auburn student who got his first pair of shoes at age 20. He was so proud of his shoes that he started walking backwards to see what nice more

  • The Gift Of Discernment Series

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Spiritual Gifts Series - 4 of 13.

    THE GIFT OF DISCERNMENT 1 Corinthians 12:10 INTRO: Several years ago there were many Auburn-Alabama jokes going around. One of the best is the story of the Auburn student who got his first pair of shoes at age 20. He was so proud of his shoes that he started walking backwards to see what nice more

  • The Gift Of Discernment Series

    Contributed by David Johnston on Apr 28, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    A closer look at the Gift of Discerning of Spirits and the importance of it’s use in our Churches today.

    (this is a continuation from Gifts of the Spirit Part 3) Let’s look more closely at the Gift of the Discernment of the spirits. Definition: a spiritual gift that supernaturally enables a Christian believer to distinguish between holy and unholy spirits through the power of the Holy Spirit. more

  • The Gift Of Discernment Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Apr 29, 2008

    How do we as Christians prepare our hearts so we can accuragely discern what is happening in the unseen realm. (Material taken from The Three Battlegrounds by Francis Frangipane)

    Discerning of Spirits- The Gift of Discernment (Taken from- The Three Battle Grounds- Francis Frangipane) Monte talked- last week- about the importance of the creeds and the reasons for which they were written He talked about … the Old Roman Creed, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, the more

  • The Gift Of Discerning Of Spirits Series

    Contributed by Donna Kazenske on Nov 17, 2002
    based on 164 ratings

    Discerning of spirits is such a vital gift to the body of Christ. The enemy has gotten away with a lot of demonic manifestations in our church services because the gift of discerning of spirits was not functioning in the leadership.

    By: Donna J. Kazenske 1 Cor. 12:7-10 "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom, through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another the gift of faith by the same Spirit, to another more

  • The Gift Of Discerning Series

    Contributed by Mandla Tshabalala on Nov 11, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    We take a look at the gift discernment and the impact is has on our lives. We also answer a few questions such as-who can walk in this gift and how. This is a life changing series for anyone looking to walk in the gifts of the Spirit

    The gift of discernment, in a spiritual context, refers to the ability to perceive and understand spiritual truths and realities. It involves the capacity to distinguish between what is of God and what is not, to recognise the presence of good and evil, and to make wise and sound judgements in more

  • Gift Of Discerning Of Spirits

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Oct 6, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The Lord’s coming is getting closer with each passing day. Even as the end time prophecies of the Bible are unfolding themselves, earnestly seek the gift of discerning of spirits so that we will not fall into the wiles of the enemy.

    We are living in the last days. The Lord’s coming is getting closer with each passing day. Even as the end time prophecies of the Bible are unfolding themselves, it is essential to remember the caution that Jesus gave us. “Watch out that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4) and more

  • Counterfeit Theology Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 2, 2005
    based on 41 ratings

    How can you tell real doctrine from false? It involves knowing the source of the information and knowing the real thing very well.

    In this chapter Paul reveals the source behind the false doctrine that was spreading around Ephesus - commands Timothy to point them out, then encourages him to keep doing the things a pastor does, even if people put him down. As a pastor in this role Timothy needed: - A strong sense of the more

  • Gifts Of The Spirit 5- Propecy & Discernment Of Spirits Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Sep 17, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    1) The three sources (of revelation) 2) The three standards (against which to measure it) 3) The three stages (at which error can creep in: revelation, interpretation, application)

    Gifts of the Spirit 5- ¡§To another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits¡¨ 1 Cor 12:10 WBC 19/9/4 pm - How can I become more discerning about what is from God and what isn¡¦t? - How can I be wise about mistakes made in the prophetic yet completely open to what God might be more

  • Life In The [stand] Fast Lane Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Nov 25, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    How can I stand as a godly person with discernment in a society that does not recognize spiritual success?

    November 24, 2002 1Now when it was reported to Sanballat, Tobiah, to Geshem the Arab and to the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall, and that no breach remained in it, although at that time I had not set up the doors in the gates, 2then Sanballat and Geshem sent a message to me, more

  • Who Are You?

    Contributed by Curt Cizek on Sep 18, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Americans struggle with who they are. If they would only listen to God and see who He has made them to be.

    Who are you? Who has God made you to be? Spiritual Gift assessment Identity crises – mid-life crises – my own identity crisis - James Dobson – Straight Talk God has made you – we are the crown of God’s creation – very good Sin spoiled but 2 Corinthians 5:17 – Anyone who is in Christ is a new more

  • Eliminating False Discernment Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on May 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How do we as Christians prepare our hearts so we can accuragely discern what is happening in the unseen realm. (Material taken from The Three Battlegrounds by Francis Frangipane)

    Discerning of Spirits- Eliminating False Discernment Introduction Last week, started a series on- Discerning of Spirits. We looked specifically at the Gift of Discernment. This week- safe guards against false discernment. What is Spiritual Discernment? Spiritual discernment is the grace to see more

  • The Shack - A Study In Discernment

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 24, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    ❶ Shack’s Endorsements ❷ Heresies In The Shack ❸ What’s Not in The Shack ❹ A Few Steps For Discerning Heresy

    I Kings 3:9 Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people? - A Novel - About a man named Mackenzie (Mack) Phillips whose daughter, Missy, was brutally murdered by a serial more

  • The Gifts They Brought

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jan 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon for Epiphany Sunday, 2013 Year C

    Matthew 2: 1 – 12 / The Gifts They Brought Intro: Today we celebrate one of the 7 principal feast days on the Christian calendar. It is a fixed day --- the 12th day after Christmas--- so it migrates through the days of the week. Epiphany celebrates the “revelation” or more

  • The Manifestation Gifts - Discerning Of Spirits

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Mar 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual gifts are manifestations of the Holy Spirit. These gifts belong to the church and are supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit and are manifest through Spirit-filled believers. These manifestations are visible expressions of the Holy Sp

    The Manifestation Gifts - Discerning of Spirits 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 - But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same more

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