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  • "It Can Be This Good"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jun 23, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about "being" the Church.

    Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37 “It Can Be This Good” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN 37412 In the movie As Good as It Gets Jack Nickolson plays the part of Melvin Udall, a very lonely, cranky and most unhappy man. In one scene, Melvin angrily more

  • Why Belong To A Local Church

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jun 26, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Many go for years without ever becoming an active member in a local congregation. A myriad of excuses are given for not joining. We need to understand what the church is and the reasons for belonging to a local church.

    Why Belong to a Local Church? Acts 2:41-47 Introduction: Often I meet people who have become Christians but for whatever reason fail to follow Christ in baptism and to become members of a Bible believing church. Some have been obedient in baptism but go for years without ever becoming an active more

  • Understanding Pentecost Series

    Contributed by Joseph Ricohermoso on Jul 8, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Originally delivered on Pentecost Sunday, this message reviews the highlights of this historic event as recorded in Acts 2 namely: the bestowal of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church in Jerusalem.

    Understanding Pentecost (Acts 2) Introduction: Do you know that today is Pentecost Sunday? In Italy it was customary to scatter rose petals from the ceiling of the churches to recall the miracle of the fiery tongues; hence in Sicily and elsewhere in Italy Whitsunday is called Pasqua rosatum. The more

  • How Can Our Church Survive And Thrive?

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 17, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    1. By spreading the good news about Jesus (vs. 36-41). 2. By studying God’s Word (vs. 42). 3. By seeking more reverence for God (vs. 43). 4. By sticking together (vs. 44-46). 5. By sharing what God has given to us (vs. 42-47).

    How Can Our Church Survive and Thrive? Acts 2:36-47 Sermon by Rick Crandall Adapted from message preached at McClendon Baptist Church - Sept. 5, 2010 BACKGROUND & INTRODUCTION: *Over the last few years, at least four Southern Baptist Churches around here have shut their doors forever. Five to ten more

  • Life As It’s Meant To Be

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Dec 24, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The early church provides a stirring example of life among the followers of Jesus Christ.

    “A Consecrated Life: Life as It’s Meant to Be” Acts 2:42-47 A Federal office in California sent the following letter to a Social Security recipient: “We want to talk to you about a notification in our office that you are deceased. Please let us know if you are.” Now that’s a pretty grave letter! more

  • The Power Of Small Groups

    Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Jan 4, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a sermon to encourage more participation in small groups

    Title: The power of small groups Text: Acts 2:42-47 Introduction A.A contradiction putting “power” and “small” together B.Because we are conditioned to believe that the power is always in the big things C.The bigger things are - the more powerful they are D.but not always so with more

  • Making Disciples Series

    Contributed by Erik Estep on Jan 20, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    if we’re going to be a biblical community, a community that’s different, then we have to take seriously the command Jesus gave us to make disciples.

    Intro: I’m a huge baseball fan. It doesn’t matter who’s playing on TV, I can pretty much watch the game. Now I do enjoy watching the Braves more than anyone but one of the best World Series games I’ve ever seen was between the Yankees and the Arizona Diamondbacks. I more

  • Article 22. The Sabbath And Worship Series

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Jan 30, 2010

    This sermon looks at the narrower sense of worship upon the Lords day. The call, the centre and the content of Worship on the Sabbath.

    Baptist confession of faith 1689. Article 22. Worship and the Sabbath. The essentials of Worship Intrinsic in the heart of every human being is the desire to worship – (that’s why your here today to enter into worship) it’s like a default mechanism in built in every more

  • Get In The Game Series

    Contributed by Steven Buhr on Jan 19, 2011

    People have different feelings about sports; they either love, hate, don't care, or don't know anything about them. The same feelings can apply when it comes to sharing our faith; we either love to, hate to, don't care to, or don't know how to. We need to get in the game

    Get in the game Jan. 9, 2011 • Do you like sports? Are you a sports fanatic? Are you involved in sports? • Playoff time in NFL – Seattle pulls off great upset against last year’s champion NO Saints. The Jets actually win a game that counts and move on… • Hockey – great time to be a Canucks more

  • The Dynamic Presence Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Jan 28, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    What follows the Holy Spirit taking up residence in those that believe and follow the Lord Jesus Christ?

    Intro: What follows the Holy Spirit taking up residence in those that believe and follow the Lord Jesus Christ? To find out we turn to the book of Acts. The Acts of the Holy Spirit show us the working of God’s holy Spirit in indwelling, empowering, enabling, and pressing the Apostles and more

  • Practice Hospitality Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Feb 4, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Looking again at the First Church, another aspect that made them so effective was that they practice hospitality. It is more than sharing lemonade and cookies.

    Practice Hospitality Acts 2:43-47 Heb 13:2 Matt 25:31-46 The effective church practices hospitality. In Romans 12 Paul commends the Roman Christians to practice hospitality. Yet what is that exactly how do we practice hospitality? Do we: 1. Open our homes to take in strangers? 2. Do we work to more

  • A Growing Church

    Contributed by John Perry on Feb 12, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Everyone today wants to know the secret for a growing church. There are an endless number of seminars & workshops on how to ahve a growing church but I believe that the ebst workshop is the one where we sit down & study how the first church in the books o

    Bunbury Sun am 13/02/11 “A growing church” Intro: T/m I want to speak on something we are all interested in & if we are not interested we should be! I want to speak about a growing church & how our church can be a growing church. It’s the kind of church we read about in the more

  • The Blessed Life - Pt. 2 - The Shared Life Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Feb 17, 2011
    based on 9 ratings

    Fortune cookies, horseshoes, 4 leaf clovers, rabbit's foot . . . Luck. Athletes would often rather be lucky than good.However, living a blessed life is even better than trying to live lucky.

    The Blessed Life Part 2 – The Shared Life I. Introduction You can choose to live your live based on luck. However, if you do that you must also be prepared to experience a hit or miss type of life. Luck is fleeting. Luck can’t be counted on. Luck gives you no guarantees. That is why I more

  • Preparing For A God Visit - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Jan 7, 2009

    Sermon to prepare for the 40 Days of Community campaign, introduces the purposes and encourages people to get involved to experience God at work.

    Next Sunday we will begin day one of the 40 Days of Community, it’s our kickoff Sunday (six week series called "What on Earth Are We Here For?"). We aren’t doing this just for something to do this fall, giving us one more thing to keep ourselves busy with church. Our leadership has chosen to do more

  • Part 3 - Everyone Needs A Little Help From Their Friends. Series

    Contributed by Bryan Fink on Feb 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    I want them to know that it is God’s plan for disciples to be actively involved in a small group so he can transform their lives.

    Today is the last message in a series “Three Secrets for a Better New Year.” Our hope has been to share some insights from the Scriptures that if affirmed and practiced would make someone’s 09 superior to their 08. And today’s message is no different, other than to say that this secret, has the more

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