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Sermons on Genesis 41:54:

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  • When You Can't, God Can Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on May 22, 2013

    Probably all of us have faced times in our lives when we reach the end of our resources. Today I want to encourage you that the God’s help in your life is MOST RECOGNIZED when our circumstances are at the worst.

    Complete the following phrases …I am ready to throw in the… (towel). …I am at the end of my…(rope). …I am just a bundle of…(nerves). …I am at my wits…(end). …I am in over my…(head). Rick Warren, The Power to Change Your Life, The more

  • Power And Responsibility Series

    Contributed by Josh Foster on Mar 18, 2014

    How does God want to change the “landscape” of your life? ?) How are you handling the blessings of added authority and/or privilege? Do you approach your current station in life with a purpose of integrity and a sense of stewardship?

    God in the Ebb & Flow of Life: Power & Responsibility Scripture Text: Genesis 41.37-57 INTRODUCTION It was a day like no-other… A day in-which the circumstances of a man changed about-as-dramatically as-ever they could! As we’ve followed Joseph’s life, …we’ve more

  • The Gentile Bride Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Apr 30, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Asenath would have been raised in deep paganism and deep spiritual darkness.

    Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church Feb, 2nd 2014 Genesis 41:45-57 The Gentile Bride Intro: life/Joseph/amazing story/providence/power/Almighty God. • Favorite son/Jacob/Betrayed/brothers/sold into slavery. As a slave, Joseph demonstrates a godly testimony in the face of more

  • God Doesn’t Forget!

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jun 8, 2014

    But the end of chapter 40 has these haunting words…Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. But God does not forget.

    Here was Joseph down in the prison, and his only hope of escaping those prison walls, was that the chief butler would mention him to Pharaoh. But the end of chapter 40 has these haunting words…Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him. Verse 1-8 But then something more

  • From The Dungeon To The Palace

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Aug 18, 2014

    After many years of waiting and character preparation, God has finally promoted Joseph from the Dungeon to the Palace. In the same manner, we have to be ready when the Lord will promote us. There are three important things we need to remember.

    FROM THE DUNGEON TO THE PALACE We have been talking about the life of Joseph. Today, we will look at his promotion to be the second highest in the land. The last time we saw Joseph, he was languishing in an Egyptian prison. He was in prison for doing the right thing and honoring God in His more

  • Joseph: A Portrait Of The Glorified Christ

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 3, 2015


    Gen. 41:39-57 JOSEPH: A PORTRAIT OF THE GLORIFIED CHRIST Rom. 15:4 - For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. 1. Both were beloved of their Fathers – Matt. 3:17; 17:5 more

  • Life Of Joseph; Purpose Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Aug 17, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    the trials we go through can be learning lessons for application of our lives.

    Life of Joseph: Purpose Genesis Chapter 41:39-57 Introduction- We have been looking at the life of Joseph- We saw that bad things happen to good people. We saw that things don’t always turn out the way that we would like them too. Just because we are living a life for God does not mean that more

  • Joseph's Rise To Power In Egypt

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 23, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Joseph's rise to power in Egypt in Genesis 41:1-57 teaches us that our sovereign God exalted his suffering servant to rulership in order to save the world.

    Scripture We are currently in a series of sermons that I am calling “Jacob’s Descendants,” based on Genesis 37-50. Previously, we read about young, seventeen-year old Joseph sold by his brothers to Midianite traders on their way to Egypt. The brothers then deceived their father Jacob into thinking more

  • Breakthrough In Relationships Pt 5 - Lessons From Joseph Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 13, 2020

    Our man Joe even in the midst of being at his lowest point in life grows into the man God desires him to be. Joe grows through adversity into a man on the go for God and he learns humility and how to create healthy and whole relationships with others.

    Our Theme this year - Breakthrough 2020 Thesis: In 2020 we are looking for spiritual breakthroughs in our lives, our relationships, our souls, our families, our church, our school, and our community. This is our vision and prayer! But to get the desired breakthrough in these areas requires us to more

  • Life Begins At Thirty Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Dec 9, 2019

    We bring whoever we are with us wherever we go, for better or worse.

    Life Begins at Thirty (Genesis 41) 1. What is the best age to enjoy life? Age 0-20 - You have lots of time, good health but no money, so it can be difficult to enjoy life to fullest as you definitely need money to enjoy. Age 20-65- You might have some money, but you don’t have time to enjoy more

  • Asenath [part 2] Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 12, 2022

    Asenath is a minor figure in the Book of Genesis. Asenath was a high-born, aristocratic Egyptian woman. She was the wife of Joseph and the mother of his sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

    [part 2] Abundant grain (Joseph is in charge of All Egypt’s crops.) Genesis 41:28-67 28 It is as I told Pharaoh, God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. 29 There will come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt, 30 but after them, there will arise seven years of more

  • The Joseph Factor

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Apr 23, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon we look at a very special anointing on Joseph's life, that God wants to release on us today. Joseph had it, and we need it. All we have to do is ask for it.

    I want to talk to you today about the Joseph factor. The first thing I want to say today is that I don't only want you to hear my words today, I want you to hear my heart. I'm not a person given to snap judgments, or to extremes. I'm pretty even tempered, and pretty even-keeled. more

  • Hard Times

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jun 1, 2022

    Life is full of ups and downs. God wants us to always stay focused on Him when times or good or bad. Don’t give up on God, but don’t forget about Him either.

    For the past few weeks we've been talking about things like betrayal, temptation, and the injustices in our lives. Today I want to group all of that together and just talk a little bit about hard times in general. Life is full of ups and downs. A star quarterback throws a game-winning more

  • Joseph: A Dreamer In Prison Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jun 12, 2022

    Joseph did not need to wait until he was standing before Pharaoh and put in charge of the whole land. Faithfulness to God is always the right path. Joseph needed to trust God the whole time he was the forgotten prisoner. And he did!

    There are so many aspects to the story of Joseph. He is the favorite son of the Patriarch Jacob. His brothers burn with jealousy and hatred toward him because his ten older brothers know he is the favored one of his father. The special ornamented coat Jacob gave Joseph made that evident. The Joseph more

  • Dreams Come True! Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    In the place of your affliction, trust Him to use you for His glory, to make you forget your pain, and to make you fruitful as you live your life for Him.

    In 1969, in a science lab in New Jersey, Canadian physicist Willard Boyle and his colleagues invented the concept of an electronic eye. Using their knowledge of mathematics and the behavior of light they provided the science behind digital cameras known as a charged-coupled device or CCD. The CCD more