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  • Meaning Of Righteousness Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ken Mowery on Jul 14, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus refutes the teaching of the churchmen of His day and makes clear the intent of God’s Law.

    The Meaning Of Righteousness? Part 2 Last week we listened as Jesus spoke to us about basis and foundation of absolute truth, absolute right and wrong. And as you may recall Jesus made it clear that until heaven and earth pass away, Gods Word remains authoritative and in fact absolute truth and more

  • Hunger And Thirst For Righteousness Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Feb 23, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    The Beatitudes: Building Blocks to Be Like Jesus #4

    ✎ Americans love to eat! Annually we spend over 4 trillion dollars on food (yes that was T trillion). About five percent of our food money goes for snacks; that’s a mere 20 billion dollars each year (amazing how our pocket change adds up). The proof of Americas love affair with food is in more

  • Fasting As Taught By Jesus

    Contributed by George Barton on Jan 22, 2006
    based on 8 ratings


    FASTING AS TAUGHT BY JESUS Study the following four points concerning fasting, and the texts which illustrate them. 1. Jewish people, including John the Baptist and Jesus, and Gentiles, strongly influenced by Jewish traditions, practiced fasting in New Testament times. (Mat 4:1 NIV) Then Jesus more

  • Mercy: God's Greatest Blessing

    Contributed by Robert Simmons on Mar 12, 2002
    based on 194 ratings

    Let us build a bridge of mercy and extend the mercy we have received to the guilty.

    Mercy. The gift given to the guilty. Mercy is a word you will hear used in the legal system. After the conviction has been made, the jury has unanimously declared your guilt, and the sentence is about to be handed down, MERCY is begged for. Your advocate may say, “We would like to throw more

  • Blessed Are The Merciful Series

    Contributed by Don Jones on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    The message deals with mercy. 1. The Principle of Mercy, 2. The Provider of Mercy, 3. The Power of Mercy, and 4. The Person of Mercy

    Blessed Are the Merciful Matthew 5:7 Introduction Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. We are now halfway through the beatitudes. The first four beatitudes deal with the inner attitudes of the heart and mind. We are to be "poor in spirit" or humble. We are to "mourn" over more

  • Sermon # 30 - The Blessings Of Obedience Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Aug 10, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Obedience to God and His word has rewards, and disobedience also has its consequences. The experiences of some from the bible will help us learn how we too can be recipients of God’s blessings in our lives.

    We read in Genesis 22:18, “Every nation on the earth will be blessed through your descendants. I will do this because you obeyed me." (ERV) We also read in Genesis 3:14, “So the LORD God said to the snake, "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all the wild or domestic more

  • Simple Truth Telling Series

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Jan 7, 2002
    based on 168 ratings

    We must keep our promises and people of our word.

    Relationships in the Kingdom – Part 4 May 13, 2001 INTRODUCTION Could you function if you always had to tell the truth? Someone who had to come to terms with this question was Fletcher Reede, the slick lawyer played by Jim Carrey in the movie “Liar, Liar.” Fletcher doesn’t have much of a more

  • Keep Your Promises Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Apr 2, 2005
    based on 158 ratings

    Christ-followers need to be people of integrity who faithfully do what they say they will do.

    (based on Southeast Christian Church’s series “Living a Life of Integrity”) SERIES: “WORDS OF WISDOM FOR KINGDOM LIVING” TEXT: MATTHEW 5:33-37 TITLE: “KEEP YOUR PROMISES” INTRODUCTION: A. A wealthy businessman lay on his deathbed. His preacher came to visit and talked more

  • Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Series

    Contributed by Frank Lay on Oct 12, 2004
    based on 76 ratings

    The first step of a blessed life is the recognition that we are poor in spirit, that we have a deep need in our lives, a need caused by our sin. The second step is to mourn over our sin.

    BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO MOURN Matthew 5:4 The first beatitude confronted us with our deep need. "Blessed are the poor in spirit." The first step towards God is the recognition that we are sinners in desperate need of a Savior. That idea is frowned upon by the world today. However it is the more

  • Abc - The Building Blocks Of Faith - Creation Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Apr 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The biblical account of creation is a pillar of our faith and worldview.

    Today we continue our series entitled, The ABC’s of faith. The larger idea is based on the idea that we learn over time through an exploration process of success and failure. Everything we come to know and understand is built over time on the foundation of trial and error. We learned last week, more

  • Easter Sermon On Leviticus

    Contributed by Warren Bird on Dec 15, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    Christ jumps out at us from almost every page of Leviticus - and when Christ jumps out at you it will change your life! This sermon provides an overview of the sacrifical system in Leviticus and its meaning for Christians in the light of Easter.

    One of the most famous Christians in the world would have to be Billy Graham. He is a great preacher who has spoken about Jesus to many millions of people all over the world during the past 50 years or so; he has been a personal adviser and pastor to Presidents; a rarity among American evangelists more

  • Sermon On The Mount (Kjv)

    Contributed by Samuel Low on Jul 26, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    An outline on giving, prayer, fasting, treasure, and the Kingdom of God from Matthew chapter six.

    Sermon On The Mount Matthew 6 I. How To Give Alms (6:1-4) A. Alms Given Incorrectly (6:1-2) 1. Done For The Praise Of Others (1) 2. Tooting Your Own Horn (2) B. Alms Given Correctly (6:3-4) 1. Done In Secret (3-4) 2. Rewarded By God (4) II. How To Pray (6:5-15) A. The more

  • Sermon On The Mount (Kjv)

    Contributed by Samuel Low on Aug 9, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    An outline of Matthew Chapter 7 looking at judging others, prayer, eternity, false teachers, the kingdom of heaven, and building your life.

    Sermon On The Mount Matthew 7 I. How To Judge Others (7:1-6) A. What goes around comes around (7:1-2) 1. Judge Not (1) 2. Measured to you again (2) B. Look at yourself first (7:3-6) 1. The little things in the lives of others (3-5) 2. The big things in your life (3-5) 3. Know the difference more

  • The Greatest Sermon Of The Year

    Contributed by Scott Cody on Aug 14, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    A collection of passages from the Bible that tell God’s great story in one brief sermon.

    It’s a bit presumptuous for someone to claim to deliver the greatest sermon of the year, but I make no apologies for today’s lesson or it’s claim. That’s because God’s going to do the preaching today. Sometimes, preachers get in the way of God’s powerful message of hope. So let me quit sharing my more

  • Communion: A Living Sermon

    Contributed by Marc Bertrand on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Communion pictured as a living sermon proclaiming I. Christ’s Death, II. Christ’s Church, III. Christ’s Coming

    Intro: A woman in the church once shared with me a humorous story about her son. Once after a church service he had complained to her that the adults had all been given a snack, but none had been given to the little children. At first Candy was unsure of what he was thinking, but when she asked more

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