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  • Remember When God Appeared

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jan 14, 2013

    Exposition Of Remembering

    Text: Gen 28, 32, 35, Title: Remember When God Appeared , Date/Place: NRBC, 1.13.13, AM A. Opening illustration: "sir what was it that i said in my message that caused you to come and get saved?" B. Background to passage: I want to trace the route of God’s work in Jacob’s life as it more

  • Face To Face With God’s Great Grace Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 2, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    How can we see the greatness of God’s grace? 1. Look at the torment of our sin (vs. 10-11). 2. Look at the treasures of our Savior (vs. 12-15). 3. Look at the transformation of our salvation (vs. 16-22).

    Old Testament Encounters with Christ Part 11: Face to Face with God’s Great Grace Genesis 28:10-22 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 1, 2012 BACKGROUND: *We have been exploring Old Testament encounters with the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ, Jehovah, the Lord God Almighty, more

  • Bethel

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Dec 15, 2016

    Jacob, following an amazing dream in which he saw a ladder or stairway extending between heaven and earth, with the Lord standing above it, exclaimed "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."

    Note: I have developed a simple set of slides in PowerPoint to use in the delivery of this sermon. They're not fancy, but they do help to keep attention focused on the points being presented. If anyone is interested in having the PowerPoint file, email me at with the word more

  • The Fugitive Encounters God’s Grace Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Oct 11, 2016

    The Patriarchs The Fugitive Encounters God’s Grace Genesis 28:10-22

    The Patriarchs The Fugitive Encounters God’s Grace Genesis 28:10-22 David Taylor August 21, 2016 We are in the midst of a series, “The Patriarchs,” and have started looking at the life of Jacob. As a review, Genesis starts with God created humanity in his image to represent him more

  • Jacob's Ladder Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 23, 2018

    Continuing on with our sermon series in Genesis. In this sermon we look at Jacob's encounter with the Lord, and how God directs him, and provides for him, because of God's purpose in election

    Jacob’s Ladder Text: Genesis 28:10 – 22 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) You know… our salvation is first & foremost about what God has done; and only secondarily about our response to what He has done, and I personally can’t think of many passages in the Bible which make that more clear than what more

  • Promises Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Mar 6, 2018

    God is living and he makes the Promises to his followers and Devotees. He keeps up the promises and he expects his disciples to follow throughout their life journey. That is known as Covenant life.

    Genesis 28:10-22 Introduction: Promises are not the vision given to people. Promises are given beyond imagination against odd situations. Promises are made to inculcate faith, trust, integrity and to rely on God. Promises in the Bible are very unique, though common in all languages. Unchanging more

  • Starting Fresh Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Mar 22, 2018

    As Jacob flees for his life after deceiving his brother, God meets him at Bethel. He is not lost and alone, for God has not lost him! God shows him a stairway to heaven, which prefigures Jesus (John 1:47-51). God invites us to walk with him into a new lif

    STARTING FRESH—Genesis 27:41-28:22 We are just a few weeks in a new year, and for some of us, a new year is a time for a fresh start. Maybe we refocus on what is most important, and invest our efforts there, with new energy. Maybe we lay aside some of the bad habits that keep us from our best. more

  • Every Sunset Is An Opportunity To Reset. Genesis 28:1-22 Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Apr 17, 2017

    A sermon based on Jacob’s dream that encourages us to trust God at difficult times of our life. God dis with you. A closer look at Joseph’s dream.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Are you going through a sunset experience in life? Maybe you had great more

  • Jacob: 3rd Generation Faith Lesson Lesson 1 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 24, 2017

    Who was Jacob?

    A. WHO WAS JACOB? 1. Second twin son born to Isaac and Rebekah. a. Famous grandfather Abraham. b. Fraternal twins. c. The line to Messiah, Christ. d. Predicted leader. “The older shall serve the younger” (25:23). 2. Jacob’s name means deceiver. a. Birthright, spiritual more

  • When God Shows Up

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jul 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob had an encounter with God that shook him to his core. This fugitive on the run discovered that his ancestors' God was his God, and that this God would be with him wherever he went. Great lessons for us to learn on our faith pilgrimage.

    Genesis 28:10-19 When God Shows Up In today’s story, Jacob was in a strange place to meet God. You might expect to encounter God at a church retreat or a revival meeting, or in an inspiring church service. You might expect to find God when you are serving him with all your heart. But Jacob had more

  • Jacob's Dream At Bethel Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 16, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob's dream at Bethel in Genesis 28:10-22 teaches us that God will be with his people wherever they go.

    Scripture We are currently in a series of sermons on "Isaac's Descendants." After twenty years of barrenness, God gave Isaac and Rebekah twin sons, whom they named Esau and Jacob. As a young man, Esau despised his birthright and sold it to his twin brother, Jacob. Much later, Jacob deceived his more

  • This Bed Is Hard As A Rock! (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Nov 10, 2014

    First he had manipulated the birthright from his brother Esau. Then he stole his father’s blessing. Jacob was on his way to greatness. It was as exactly as his mother had told him She had been told by the Lord that the elder would serve the younger.

    Genesis 28:10-19-Now Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran. So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. Then he dreamed, and behold, a more

  • Anointing And Vision

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Mar 8, 2012

    Certain people want to have a new life and a new vision but they still want to use the structures of the past.

    1. THE FLOW OF THE ANOINTING BUILDS A NEW CHURCH Genesis 28: 17 He was afraid and said, How to be feared and reverenced is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gateway to heaven! 18 And Jacob rose early in the morning and took the stone he had put under his head, more

  • Two Ways To Build God's House Series

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Oct 27, 2018

    There are two ways to try build God's House, there is a right way, the Bethel Model, or the wrong way, the Babel Model.

    TWO WAYS OF BUILDING GOD'S HOUSE. The Babel Model - the wrong way! Genesis 11:1-9 Now the whole earth had one language and one speech.2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there.3 Then they said to one another, “Come, more

  • Jacob’s Night At The "Hardrock Hotel"

    Contributed by John Gaston on Apr 8, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob had lived on his father and mother's faith. Forlorn and alone, he's ready to meet the God of his fathers. This encounter became the guiding light of his life, and he returned with his family to it much later. We all must have our Bethel experience!

    JACOB’S NIGHT AT THE "HARDROCK HOTEL" Genesis 28:10-22 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Five-year-old Mo was amazed by his grandfather's false teeth. He watched as Gramps removed his dentures, washed them, and put them back in. Mo asked to see it done again and again. "Okay," said the grandfather, more

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