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Sermons on Galatas 6:12:

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  • "Artificial Righteousness”: Glorifying In The Flesh.

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 16, 2019

    1) Religious Pride (Galatians 6:12a), by 2) Cowardice (Galatians 6:12b), and 3) Hypocrisy (Galatians 6:13).

    This month, heavily armed assailants again attacked an Ebola treatment centre in the heart of eastern Congo’s deadly outbreak. Some community members wary of outsiders after years of deadly rebel attacks have shown hostility to health workers in a region that is facing its first Ebola outbreak. more

  • "Artificial Righteousness”: Glorifying In The Flesh.

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 16, 2019

    1) Religious Pride (Galatians 6:12a), by 2) Cowardice (Galatians 6:12b), and 3) Hypocrisy (Galatians 6:13).

    This month, heavily armed assailants again attacked an Ebola treatment centre in the heart of eastern Congo’s deadly outbreak. Some community members wary of outsiders after years of deadly rebel attacks have shown hostility to health workers in a region that is facing its first Ebola outbreak. more

  • "Artificial Righteousness”: Glorifying In The Flesh.

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 16, 2019

    Paul points to three factors that tend to motivate human works of attempted righteousness. They are often reflect: 1) Religious Pride (Galatians 6:12a), by 2) Cowardice (Galatians 6:12b), and 3) Hypocrisy (Galatians 6:13).

    This month, heavily armed assailants again attacked an Ebola treatment centre in the heart of eastern Congo’s deadly outbreak. Some community members wary of outsiders after years of deadly rebel attacks have shown hostility to health workers in a region that is facing its first Ebola outbreak. more

  • "Artificial Righteousness”: Glorifying In The Flesh.

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 16, 2019

    Paul points to three factors that tend to motivate human works of attempted righteousness. They are often reflect: 1) Religious Pride (Galatians 6:12a), by 2) Cowardice (Galatians 6:12b), and 3) Hypocrisy (Galatians 6:13).

    This month, heavily armed assailants again attacked an Ebola treatment centre in the heart of eastern Congo’s deadly outbreak. Some community members wary of outsiders after years of deadly rebel attacks have shown hostility to health workers in a region that is facing its first Ebola outbreak. more

  • Who Are The True Jews? (Revelation 2:8-11, Romans 2:28-29, Romans 10:1-13) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 11, 2023

    Jesus encourages the church for its faithfulness in the face of persecution from the "ones calling themselves Jews, but aren't, but are a synagogue of Satan."

    There was a time in the U.S. (and Canada) when white people could put on blackface, and people thought it was amusing. You could pretend to be Denzel Washington, or Will Smith, and people would laugh. There was a time when you could wear traditional Native American clothing on Halloween, and more

  • Glory Only In The Cross.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 24, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    “God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world" (Galatians 6:14).

    GLORY ONLY IN THE CROSS. Galatians 6:11-18. As Paul draws towards the conclusion of his letter to the Galatians, he takes the pen into his own hand (GALATIANS 6:11) and emphasizes once more the issue between the Judaisers and himself. The motives of his opponents are suspect: to make a good more

  • Circumcision Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 22, 2024

    Using OT Scripture, Paul proves in Romans 4:9-12 that circumcision is not a prerequisite for justification. Justification is by faith alone. Vital principles applicable today are taught in this passage of Scripture.

    Intro Romans 4 naturally divides into sections: 1. Justification is by faith, not by works (vv.1-8). 2. Justification by faith is not dependent on ritual (vv. 9-16). 3. The kind of faith that leads to justification is exemplified by Abraham (vv. 17-22). 4. Justification is available now for all more

  • The Book Of Galatians – Chapter 4:12-20 - Message 15 – Paul’s Heart Was Outpoured For The Galatians Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jun 1, 2024

    Paul recounts his own bodily illness and looks again to labouring in birth to deliver the Galatians from the bondage of false teachers. Paul’s sensitivities are at the fore in this letter, and his love for the Galatians was yearning for their deliverance from error.

    THE BOOK OF GALATIANS – CHAPTER 4:12-20 - MESSAGE 15 – PAUL’S HEART WAS OUTPOURED FOR THE GALATIANS PART [A] - HUMBLED TO BECOME AS THE GALATIANS WERE {{Galatians 4:12 “I beg of you, brethren, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You have done me no wrong”}} Paul tells them more

  • Walking In The Spirit

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 30, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Sowing to the flesh versus sowing to the Spirit.

    WALKING IN THE SPIRIT. Galatians 6:1-16. ‘If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit,’ said Paul towards the end of the previous chapter (Galatians 5:25). The Greek word translated here as ‘walk’ speaks of our deliberately ‘getting in line with’ the Holy Spirit’s leading in more

  • Cross-Contamination (Part Two)

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jun 8, 2020

    This is part two of two of my series on our need to cross-contaminate. Not with germs, bacteria or a virus...but with the gospel.

    CROSS CONTAMINATION (part two) Cross-contamination is the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect. This term has come up often since the pandemic started. Normally we would do our best to avoid more

  • The Glory Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Aug 7, 2019

    The greatest need of our world today is the need for men of the cross, preaching the message of the cross and bearing the marks of the cross. This is a picture of Paul.

    THE GLORY OF THE CROSS GALATIANS 6:11-18 INTRODUCTION: Paul ended the letter where he began – at the cross. The second verse of that great hymn “When I survey the wondrous cross” says, “Forbid it Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ my God, all the vain things that charm me more

  • Galatians Chapter 6 Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on May 23, 2022

    Verse by Verse Study of Galatians Chapter 6

    Galatians Chapter 6: *This may need to be trimmed or summarized. Gal. 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. (KJV) 6:1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any sin, you more

  • The Anatomy Of A Testimony

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jan 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    If you are a Christian, your testimony — the story of how God stepped in and changed you through His Son — is a direct reflection of the undisputable, life-changing power of the gospel. It’s one of the most effective tools in our evangelism toolbox.

    TITLE: THE ANATOMY OF A TESTIMONY SCRIPTURE: GALATIANS 6:10-17 When God began to reveal Himself to the world, He did not send down bookshelves filled with outlines – theologies – lectures - he began with a story. As a matter of fact, He created a huge picture of His love, which is creation, and more

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