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  • Free From The Law

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Jul 16, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    This statement, "You are not under law," has been misinterpreted to free people as freedom from any obligation to the revealed law of God." Free from the law is not a license to sin but the liberty to serve and obey from love not compulsion.

    Free From the Law Romans 8:1-11 Romans 6:14 contains these words "...for ye are not under the law, but under grace." This words have become, as John McArthur, points out "a sort of an open door for all kinds of misdeeds and misbehavior. This statement, "You are not under law," has been more

  • Set Free From The Law Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Jan 15, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Forgiveness, the Law, grace, freedom

    SET FREE FROM THE LAW Romans 8: 1-4 (p 800) Jan. 13, 2013 INTRODUCTION: In the middle of Oreo’s is a delicious crème filling…in the middle of the Super bowl is an extravagance known as “ the half-time “ show…In the middle of a hurricane is the more

  • Set Free From The Law Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Nov 11, 2016

    We are set free from the curse of the Law...

    November 13, 2016 Morning Worship Text: Galatians 3:1-14 Subject: Redemption Title: Set Free From the Law – Redeemed Part 1 We want to begin this morning a new series called “Redeemed”. The dictionary meaning of the word redeemed is as such: 1. to buy or pay off; clear by more

  • Free From The Law Covenant To Covenant

    Contributed by John Stackhouse on Apr 26, 2016

    explanation of why we don't adhere to the Levitical laws or the sacrifices. Paul teaches that Gentiles should not enslave themselves to the old Jewish Law.

    During our Bible study in Leviticus, we have been studying the laws that God gave to the Israelites as a result of the Mosaic Covenant that He made with them. When we read these laws, it is very apparent that we no longer keep many of them, but how do we know what to keep and what not to keep? If more

  • Free At Last

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians can be FREE from the "law of sin and death!"

    Free at Last Romans 8:1-14 I. “In Christ Jesus”, 1-4 A. There Is No Condemnation, 1 B. There Need Be No Control by Sin, 2 C. There Should be No Continuance in Sin, 3, 4 II. Insight into “the Flesh”, 5-8 A. The Enemy of the Spiritual Mind, 5, 6 B. The “Enmity” of the Carnal Mind, 7, 8 III. more

  • "Keep Me Walkin"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jun 30, 2017

    The sermon shares with us that we find freedom when we keep walkin with the Lord. Paul believes we find freedom when we walk in the spirit.

    “Keep Me Walk-in” Galatians 5:13-25 We hold these truths to be self-evident,” wrote Thomas Jefferson, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable (impossible to take away or give up) Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of more

  • Freedom's Enemies Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 11, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Stay free from the law and the legalist!

    One morning, during an adult Sunday school class, a pastor in San Angelo, Texas, picked up the podium and walked back and forth with it. When someone asked, “What are you doing?” he replied, “Well, sometimes you just need to take a stand.” (Rebecca Livermore, San Angelo, Texas, “Lite Fare,” more

  • Grace

    Contributed by Gbemisola Fafowora on Jul 3, 2018

    Jesus is God's grace and His grace is sufficient for us.

    Paul was used by God mightily and at a stage he was shown a lot of things by God in 2 Corinthians 12: 1- 7, he had an out of body experience and in this revelations he saw a lot of things : I have to boast, even though it doesn't do any good. But I will now talk about visions and revelations more

  • Free From The Law: The First Question Of Romans 7 Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 21, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    Our sanctification (being set apart for God as holy) does not occur through human efforts to keep the law, but through the power of the Spirit animating, motivating, and empowering us to do God’s will. It is a matter of motives and means.

    Free from the Law: The First Question of Romans 7 (Romans 7:1-6) 1. Sally was married to Bill for many years. Then one evening Bill had a heart attack and died. Several years latter Sally remarried a man named Jack. Jack was in many ways different than Bill. Bill didn’t like to eat breakfast (he more

  • Free For The Law

    Contributed by A.t. Stewart on Jul 7, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    The Christian is not only free from the bondage of the Law, we are also FREE for the blessings of the Law.

    Free For The Law Deut 10:12-22 I. TOMORROW WE WILL BE CELEBRATING OUR NATION’S 229TH YEAR OF FREEDOM FROM THE TYRANNY OF KING GEORGE! A. Today, we are going to be talking about a greater freedom than the one we will be celebrating tomorrow. B. We are going to be talking about the Christian’s more

  • Law And Grace

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Dec 22, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    Sets forth our Lord Jesus as the fulfillment of the Law making us free from the law of sin and death through faith in Him.

    LAW AND GRACE “For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1:17 I. WE HAVE MOSES AND THE LAW: 1, The law includes: the moral law (Exodus 20); the ritual law (Leviticus) and the statutes given to Moses concerning governing Israel. 2. more

  • Freedom From The Law. Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Nov 10, 2014

    What is the Law and how to be Free from it!

    1.) The Reason we are Free from the Law. Vs. 1-3 Vs. 1—The Law has no power over a Dead Man. Vs. 2-3—Illustration of Marriage. Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” (NIV) Key: The contract is binding only more

  • The Gospel Of Grace Applied Series

    Contributed by James Phillips on Jun 18, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    Paul show the church that we are free from the Law.

    GALATIANS 5 The first two chapters Paul defended the Gospel of Grace, in the next two he explained how grace came by faith not by the Law and now he will show how to apply this Gospel of Grace in the last two chapters. The Gospel of Grace Applied 5:1 6:18 A. Position of Liberty: Stand Fast more

  • Is The Law Bad? Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Mar 19, 2012

    Paul tells us we are free from the LAW... does this make the law a bad thing? Well, let me put it to you this way... or as Paul would say it... MAY IT NEVER BE!!!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: March 15, 2012 Date Preached: March 18, 2012 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: A Journey thru Romans Sermon Title: Is The Law a Bad Thing? Sermon Text: Romans 7:7-12 [ESV] Introduction: This morning we will be looking at one of the more

  • The Blessing Of Life Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 5, 2019

    When God saved you, He gave you a new life, not a new law. As you yield to that life, you obey His law. Keep your mind centered on the things of the Lord and seek to please God in all things.

    (25) The Blessing of Life Romans 8:1–11 1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what more