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  • Hebrews Men In The Furnace Series

    Contributed by John Walls on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    The Protection of our God for His Children

    HEBREWS MEN IN FIERY FURNACE Daniel 3:23-26 Introduction: The revelation of Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter two made an egotist of him. It should have humbled him. So in this chapter, he had made a great golden image on the plains of Dura. When it is completed, he ordered all his more

  • The Four Men

    Contributed by Frederick Baker Ii on Jul 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the four friends that took this man to Jesus.

    “The Four Men” Text: Mark 2:1-12 1 And again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. 2 And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door: and he preached the word unto more

  • Fiery Furnace Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 28, 2022

    The great men of the kingdom came from far and near and stood around the image. Among them, by command of the King, were Daniel's three friends, the young Jews, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. For some reason, Daniel himself was not there.

    Fiery Furnace There was in the land of Judah a wicked king-named Jehoiakim, son of the good Josiah. While Jehoiakim was ruling over the land of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar, a great conqueror of the nations, came from Babylon with his army of Chaldean sersoldi. He took the city of Jerusalem and made more

  • David And The Fiery Furnace

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon looks at the examples of David and the three Hebrew boys and finds four charateristics of Courage.

    I. Introduction a. Christians are in need of courage today. b. Nathan Hale epitomized courage when he said, “My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country.” c. We are all in the midst of a battle, and we need the courage to stand up for Jesus. d. We can look to a boy named more

  • Three Faithful Men Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 18, 2021

    God meets generations with his punishments for the attitude of that generation towards God and one another. However, he is mindful of men who are devoted to him. Individual responsibility is emphasised.

    Theme: Three Faithful Men Text: Ezekiel 14:12-23 Greetings The Lord is good; His love endures forever. Last week we have seen about the Kingdom of Truth, and Truth will set you free. In the morning we meditated on the theme of Worship in Truth. Now we will mediate on Three Faithful Men mentioned more

  • Four Men Of Faith And Action

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jun 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Bringing people to Jesus is a partnership. We encourage one another to witness and tell the good news to others about Jesus and His forgiving power. Jesus alone can forgive sin.

    Four Men of Faith Mark 2:1-12 One of the challenges we have in witness to people who have not yet become believers is to communicate in a language they understand. Sometimes our tendency is to use language of the church, “Christianize.” Words like regeneration, propitiation, more

  • Four Men And Three Modes

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Sep 7, 2012

    What does it take in each individual Christian to cause him or her to make a difference? Here are four good examples.

    Four Men and Three Modes Luke 5:16-26 The scene is in Capernaum about 20 miles from where Jesus performs His first miracle in Cana. By now Jesus had performed six miracles all in this same region near Galilee. See: Luke 5:15 so much more went there a fame abroad of Him… Vs.17 There are more

  • Four Become Fishers Of Men Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 6, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    It is very comforting for me to know that He uses simple men like these. They were not super-duper saints and that gives me hope that He may even be able to use a person like me. The important thing is for us to give ourselves to Him.

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 27- Sea of Galilee Four Become Fishers of Men (Psalms 33:9) Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11 This is the record of Jesus’ call to four of His disciples; Peter, Andrew, James and John. -Matthew- And Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two bretheren, more

  • Four Men At A Communion Table

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jul 22, 2024

    In an upper room around a table in the city of Jerusalem, we see Jesus and the apostles. First communion table in history. First table a prophecy: a memorial. First table that looked to Calvary. The table today looks backward to the same cross.

    In an upper room around a table in the city of Jerusalem, we see Jesus and the apostles. First communion table in history. First table a prophecy: a memorial. First table that looked to Calvary. The table today looks backward to the same cross. The most solemn and sacred place on earth without more

  • Four Men At A Communion Table Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 11, 2025

    In an upper room around a table in the city of Jerusalem, we see Jesus and the apostles. First communion table in history. Let's take a look at 4 men in particular who played a big part.

    In an upper room around a table in the city of Jerusalem, we see Jesus and the apostles. First communion table in history. First table a prophecy: a memorial. First table that looked to Calvary. The table today looks backward to the same cross. The most solemn and sacred place on earth without more

  • God In The Furnace!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 20, 2014

    Are you going through pain and agony? Are you silently suffering unable to tell your pain to anyone? Do not worry, He is our comforter!

    Air Cooler! Daniel 2:21”He changes times and seasons..” We were conducting three days training camp in the peak of summer in Hyderabad, hence I suggested to my husband that we should at least have a couple of air coolers though not air conditioners to keep the hall cool. We were more

  • In The Firey Furnace Series

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Feb 18, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    The effect Jesus had on those he encountered in the Firey furnace

    Introduction: Over the past several weeks we have looked at encounters that Jesus had with people when he was here on Earth 2,000 years ago. There has never been a person who impacted the world more than Jesus, and this is evident in his life. Not only did he impact people during and after his more

  • Furnace Faith Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 4, 2013

    If we're going to accomplish the mission Christ gave us of equipping people to follow Him in a hostile culture, then we need to commit ourselves fully to God, communicate that commitment, and count on God to accomplish His plan in the midst of our pain.

    Jack Groppel is a motivational speaker who works with various kinds of leaders to hone optimum performance. On one occasion, at his training center in Florida, he was working with a group of NFL linebackers. He gave them an assignment. They were to run to the fence at the perimeter of the center more

  • Living In The Furnace

    Contributed by Joel W. Lohr on Feb 28, 2002
    based on 117 ratings

    When the pressures of life close in upon us, Where can we draw stregth?

    Our text for today allows us to see God working in the lives of his people bringing salvation to them in the midst of the "heat" and pressures of life. And while we would all agree that this is the purpose of our faith and could draw a pretty good lesson from this fact for our lives, I don’t want more

  • The Purpose Of The Furnace

    Contributed by Bryan Beverly on Aug 19, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    This text encourages us to know that God uses trials to burn up our bondage; God does not want to fry us - He wants to free us.

    King Nebuchadnezzar made a golden statue whose height was sixty cubits and whose width was six cubits; he set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon. 2Then King Nebuchadnezzar sent for the satraps, the prefects, and the governors, the counselors, the treasurers, the justices, the more