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  • Prayer And Formal Requests

    Contributed by Steven Boyns on Feb 4, 2006

    For the last few weeks we’ve been sharing with you a series of messages on one of the most crucial practices of every Christian – that of prayer. And we said from the beginning, that the action of prayer ought not be viewed as an option for the Christian

    For the last few weeks we’ve been sharing with you a series of messages on one of the most crucial practices of every Christian – that of prayer. And we said from the beginning, that the action of prayer ought not be viewed as an option for the Christian, but as an obligation. And prayer, as it more

  • About Formalism In Worship.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 31, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    It is not good when our worship is nothing more than a formality, rather than an engagement with the One whom we are supposedly worshipping.

    ABOUT FORMALISM IN WORSHIP. Psalm 50:7-15. Taken as a whole, the content of this Psalm appears as a court case, with El Elohim Yahweh, “the Mighty God the LORD” (cf. Psalm 50:1) presiding as Judge (cf. Psalm 50:6) - and God’s covenant people in the dock (cf. Psalm 50:5). Here the more

  • Covenant People In The Dock.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 30, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    When He calls His covenant people to judgment, those bound to Him by sacrifice, it is not necessarily something to strike terror into our hearts: because that covenant is true, and that all-sufficient sacrifice is Jesus.

    COVENANT PEOPLE IN THE DOCK. Psalm 50:1-8, Psalm 50:22-23. “A Psalm of Asaph,” reads the superscription. Asaph was a chief musician contemporary with King David (1 Chronicles 16:4-7). Asaph is also referred to as a ‘seer’ (2 Chronicles 29:30). Taken as a whole, the content of this more

  • Triumphant Joy Defended Series

    Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Mar 19, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Paul reminds us that our Joy must be defended against things that rob of us of Joy.

    NTRO: 1. So far Paul has taught us that it’s important for us to understand or define triumphant Joy, then he revealed to us how we can refine or develop that Joy… but tonight Paul sees it important to remind us that our joy must always be defended. 2. It may came as no surprise for more

  • Why Is It Unwise To Underestimate People With Less Formal Education?

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 35 ratings

    In this passage we read, "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus." (Acts 4:13) There is a tendency for the formally educate

    In this passage we read, "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus." (Acts 4:13) There is a tendency for the formally educated to look down on those without formal more

  • Let Holy Spirit Help Lead In Formal And Informal Settings

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 34 ratings

    General John Galvin, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe was asked what was it like to be in charge of a variety of forces. His reply: “I often feel like the director of a cemetery. I have a lot of people under me but nobody listens

    Learning to Lead in Formal and Informal Settings (I Cor 9:19-27) Some leaders are comfortable in formal settings but are awkward informally relating to people. Jonathan Edwards, the former President of Princeton Seminary was dismissed as the Pastor of his local church for that very reason. more

  • Praise Him

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Feb 27, 2009
    based on 23 ratings

    True praise to God is more than a formal exercise; it is a heartfelt way of living that expresses itself in exultation to God.

    Praise Him Griffith Baptist Church – 3/1/09 P.M. Service Text: Psalm 47 Key verse: Psalms 47:1 - O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Premise: True praise to God is more than a formal exercise; it is a heartfelt way of living that expresses itself in more

  • Consecrated Life - Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Donald Stanley on Nov 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    There is an evangelism program that 100% of Christians can be involved in and effective in. This program involves no formal training and is long-term effective.

    Joshua 3:5 5 Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.” • Consecrate = To be set apart, Holy, Sanctified. • Before the people could follow God into the Promised Land, they had to separate themselves from all that was unholy. o They more

  • Lessons For Living

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Apr 17, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Book III of the Psalms, a collection formalized at the time of the Exile, features the teaching psalms (maskil) of Asaph, a Levite who led a choir that praised God.

    LESSONS FOR LIVING PSALMS 73–78 “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds” (Ps. 77:11–12). Book III of the Psalms, a collection formalized at the time of the Exile, features the more

  • Mentoring Men Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 2, 2004
    based on 92 ratings

    Teaching does not have to be in a formal setting; in fact, the best kind of learning takes place in every day life, when we simply speak spiritual truth.

    As we turn today to Titus 2, the focus, as John MacArthur states, “changes from the pastors to the people, from the elders to everybody, and from the leadership to the laity.” Specifically, Paul’s passion is for people to live out the transforming power of the gospel and not to look like the “same more

  • What Not To Wear

    Contributed by John Mayes on Jan 17, 2006
    based on 96 ratings

    Why would a king invite the good and the bad to a formal party and then reject one of his guest because he was not dressed as well as the others? Click here and find out!

    What not to wear. The Learning Channel, (TLC) has a program where a person gets picked to come on their show and receive $5,000.00 to use on a complete fashion makover. There is one catch: The more

  • Shavuot Sunday

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Oct 8, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Today is Pentecost Sunday. It has been faithfully celebrated at Catholic & liturgical (formal/high) churches for centuries but many Protestant/Evangelical congregations do not give it as much as a nod.

    Shavuot Sunday Dr. Mike Fogerson June 27, 2012 Introduction: A You may not know it (or its significance) but today is Pentecost Sunday. 1 It has been faithfully celebrated at Catholic & liturgical (formal/high) churches for centuries but many Protestant/Evangelical congregations do not give it more

  • The Now Condition

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 7, 2013

    Once we are saved we have laid down the old and and put on a new person. The sermon shares how are now condition is different from its formal condition.

    Our Now Condition 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 WE are saved redeemed, forgiven, justified, fixed for entrance into the kingdom, Reconciled, the old account is settled, God is content with are now condition. If we have accepted Jesus we have what I call a Now Condition: 1. more

  • Baptsts And Church Membership Series

    Contributed by Nathan Eyland on Mar 14, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    This is a fictional account of a young lady, Michelle Peterson. The purpose of this story-preaching is to try and demonstrate some of the reasons why Baptists developed a formal church membership along the lines that they did.

    This is a fictional account of a young lady, Michelle Peterson. The purpose of this story is to try and demonstrate some of the reasons why Baptists developed a formal church membership along the lines that they did. Michelle Peterson was born in London, August 5th 1615. Her parents were traders. more

  • Follow The Leader To His Trial Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 30, 2021

    There were two trials the night Jesus was arrested. One was illegal but formal. The other trial was in the court of public opinion. Peter didn't do so well in his trial.

    You can hear the audio of the sermon at: ? During the pastorate of Henry Ward Beecher in Indianapolis he preached a series of sermons upon drunkenness and gambling, incidentally scoring the men of the community who profited by these sins. During the ensuing more