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  • Is There A Sin God Will Not Forgive?

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on May 9, 2001
    based on 80 ratings

    A fresh look at the sin of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

    Sermon.964 “Is There A Sin God Will Not Forgive?” From the pulpit of Bayview Baptist Church. Matthew 12:31,32 One of the most difficult truths to come to grips with is that God’s Amazing Grace is big enough to extend to every single person. The Bible teaches that all who receive Jesus more

  • The Lord Majors In Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 2, 2001
    based on 20 ratings


    BIG IDEA: BECAUSE THE LORD MAJORS IN FORGIVENESS WE CAN CONFIDENTLY WAIT FOR HIS ABUNDANT REDEMPTION INTRODUCTION: Many Aspects of Redemption: positional redemption – we already have obtained this blessing completion of our redemption – applies to even our bodies Also Many Applications of more

  • Uncompromising Saints Forgive

    Contributed by Guthrie Veech on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 19 ratings

    What draws a person to a saving knowledge of Christ? Is it the sudden awareness of the ugliness of one's sin? For many years that was the case.

    What draws a person to a saving knowledge of Christ? Is it the sudden awareness of the ugliness of one's sin? For many years that was the case. Today we have redefined ugly and it has become a good thing. Several years ago someone held a collegiate "National Ugly Competition." The University of more

  • Father, Forgive Them

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 44 ratings

    These words of Jesus confront us as we consider what the implications are for us.

    Introductory Considerations 1. This cross on whom my Saviour died remains a mystery to me. I cling to it because it is the center symbol of my faith. I know my Saviour died for me. I know he took upon Himself all of my sin. I have heard countless sermons about the cross and preached many about it more

  • Forgiving One Another Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Nov 16, 2000
    based on 87 ratings

    An incomprehensive study of the 'one another' verses. Part 5

    Corrie Ten Boom was arrested, along with her father and her sister, Betsie and two brothers, for helping to hide Jews from the Nazis during World War II. That’s a very simplistic statement of their work and all that happened to them; but what I want to say about them here is that her father more

  • Is There A Sin God Will Not Forgive?

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 21, 2000
    based on 114 ratings

    What does Jesus means when He says blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin?

    Max Lucado says that one of the most difficult truths he has had to come to grips with is that God's grace is big enough to extend to someone like Jeffery Dahmer. If you recall, Dahmer was the young murderer in Milwaukee a few years ago who cut up the bodies of his victims. While in prison, Dahmer more

  • Forgive One Another

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Dec 20, 2000
    based on 185 ratings

    Three essential ingredients in getting rid of hostility and anger.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX ILL. I want to read a letter this morning that was written to Ann Landers & printed in one of her columns. "Dear Ann Landers, I am a 46-year-old woman, divorced, with 3 grown children. After several months of more

  • Forgiving Vs. Unforgiving

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Oct 19, 2002
    based on 145 ratings

    Recognizing the effects of these two word’s in a Believer’s Life, and the Power God has given us through forgiveness to brake down the enemies strongholds.

    FORGIVING Vs. UNFORGIVING Mark 11:22-26; Matt. 18:21-35; Luke 17:3-4; 1 Pet.3:8-12 Pastor Greg Mc Donald The topic of today’s message is “Forgiving vs. Unforgiving”. In the Church’s today to many people are taking this topic to lightly. The reason that is, is because I don’t believe they more

  • The Gift That Keeps On Forgiving

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Oct 23, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    The three stages to forgiving our brother from Christ’s parable of the unmerciful servant.

    Christ’s "Parable of the Unmerciful Servant" is preceeded by a succinct set of guidelines on what to do when a brother sins against you. (Matthew 18:15-17) 1. First, try to keep the matter private. Hopefully, this will be all that’s necessary to restore fellowship and friendship. (Verse 15) 2. more

  • Becoming A Forgiving Person

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Oct 25, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    This is a revamp of a 1997 message. Jesus shares with us insights as to how to become a forgiving person. I do not remember where I got the wording for the 5 point outline.

    INTRODUCTION • A man lay on his deathbed, harassed by fear because he had harbored hatred against another. He sent for the individual with whom he had had disagreement years before; he then made overtures of peace. The two of them shook hands in friendship. But as the visitor left the room, the more

  • God Will Not Forgive You!

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Oct 29, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    God will not forgive your transgression or your sin! Wait a minute! Haven’t I always been taught that God was ready and willing to forgive my sins the very moment I say I’m sorry? Is this a contradiction in the Bible? What does this mean?

    GOD WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU! Joshua 24:14-27 Introduction: God will not forgive your transgression or your sin! Wait a minute! Haven’t I always been taught that God was ready and willing to forgive my sins the very moment I say I’m sorry? Is this a contradiction in the Bible? Won’t God always more

  • Tapping Into The Power Of Forgiveness!!!

    Contributed by Jess Bousa on Aug 10, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Looking through the eyes of the adultress woman is the key to understanding God’s Forgiveness!!!

    I heard a story of a boy who went off to college. The story goes as he was hooking up his computer, stero, cell phone charger, his lamp, printer, and palm piolit at his desk when he went to turn on his computer, nothing happend. He went back and looked at his wiring and everything was connected more

  • The King's Need For Forgiveness

    Contributed by Lee Black on Nov 2, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    Even the great King David saw the need for Salvation

    Ps. 32:1-11 The King’s Need Of Forgiveness Intro:David was one of the greatest Kings of Isreal. He was a man after God’s own heart. David was a great man. He was a man’s man. He had killed bears and lions. He had gone into battle against a giant and won. But, David was also a sinner. more

  • Learning How To Forgive

    Contributed by Greg Addison on Nov 28, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    God can teach how to accomplish the hardest thing we struggle with as humans - learning how to forgive.

    Learning How to Forgive Ephesians 4:32 Today, I would like to talk with you about what I believe is the most difficult thing we are asked to do as a human being and that is to forgive. You remember the old cliché: To err is human, to forgive is divine. Yeah, no kidding right? I’m not more

  • Jesus Is The Way To Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by Danny Anderson on Oct 28, 2006

    We have seen that Jesus is The Way to a better life, even here on earth; but, much more importantly, Jesus is the way to forgiveness for our sins! The purpose of this message is to help us to better understand why we need forgiveness and how Jesus provide

    Jesus Is The Way To Forgiveness Text: John 14:1-7 Introduction: We have seen that Jesus is The Way to a better life, even here on earth; but, much more importantly, Jesus is the way to forgiveness for our sins! The purpose of this message is to help us to better understand why we need more

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