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Sermons on following gods leading:

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  • Preparing For Your Future Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Our preparation for the future must be based on God’s loving presence and the good plan He has for our lives.

    Preparing for Your Future Acts 21:1-15 Intro: We live in a world where the future seems less and less certain with each crisis and tragedy that happens. We have people all around us reminding us of the things that could go wrong. Gas prices could soar even higher. The economy could collapse. The more

  • Lead Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Jul 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A life that impacts for Christ is involved in leading others

    Lead Acts 6:1-7 The impact of Jesus on the world is limited to the impact of His followers on the world Follow Influence Connect Lead When God’s hand is on a church, there will be more: 1. Followers v.1a 2. Ministry v.1b Human needs are always spiritual. 3. more

  • Lead On

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Jul 23, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Sermon looks at the need for leadership and qualifications of leaders.

    LEAD ON! Acts 6:1-7 Sunday, May 4, 2008 Pastor Brian Matherlee Background • The leaders of the church were being persecuted and the church was increasing rapidly. Thousands of people at a time were coming to faith in Jesus Christ. • With the blessing of more disciples the responsibilities grew in more

  • Lead

    Contributed by Louis Mare on Sep 10, 2023

    In a rapidly shifting world, the constant call for leadership remains ever-present. But leadership isn't just about positions and titles; it's about influence, integrity, and service.

    Introduction In a rapidly shifting world, the constant call for leadership remains ever-present. But leadership isn't just about positions and titles; it's about influence, integrity, and service. I. Moses – Reluctant but Faithful Leader In-Depth Look: Moses wasn’t born into leadership. more

  • Like A Shepherd Leads Us

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Nov 1, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Ever think of why we don’t follow God’s leading? I don’t know about you, but I can think of at least 3 or 4 GREAT reasons not to follow God -- but are they good enough?

    Psalm 23 has a very clear and comforting image of God leading us as a shepherd leads his flock. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. Which is to say, Since the Lord is my leader, I will not need anything else. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he more

  • Follow

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Sep 18, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus still has the “Follow Me” invitation on the table. We need to Dive in to this spiritual world and follow the Master Diver as He shows us things we have never seen before. The choice is ours to make. So if we choose to follow Him make sure you are following Him for the right reason.

    Theme: Immerse (fall 2013 Christian Hills Church) Series: Dive In Show Handout and highlight: This series is designed to encourage you to grow in your spiritual dimension of life. We should be as Christians viewing things from the realm of the spirit. This realm is very different than the lens you more

  • Follow The Leader

    Contributed by Carl Allen on May 28, 2008
    based on 34 ratings

    As Christians’ we are called to follow the leader - Jesus Christ. Who will lead us to a life of happiest, blessing, and service for him.

    Follow the Leader Matthew 4:19 Intro When I was a boy I used to play Follow the Leader with my friends. The leader would seek to outdo the other boys in the stunts that he was able to perform. The leader might climb a tree and act like a monkey, swinging from one limb to another. If we were more

  • How To Live With Your Mind Made Up

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Apr 6, 2020

    At times, I wish more of the decisions of life were like the decision we made at salvation. A one-time thing. But it seems every day we are called on to make decisions, we just made the day before.

    1. Jesus was confronted with indecision His entire life. a. Not personally, but with and in His ministry b. He was continually giving people a choice c. John 6:60,61, 64-69 d. Matthew 10:32 2. Decisions were not strange to Paul a. Paul chose to serve Jesus b. He could have gloried in the flesh, but more

  • Josiah: The Child Leading Them.

    Contributed by Stephen Carroll on Nov 12, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    A Child stood up faithfully for God even when he had no example to follow.

    1Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. 2He did what was pleasing in the LORD’s sight and followed the example of his ancestor David. He did not turn aside from doing what was right. 3During the eighth year of his reign, while he was still more

  • Lord Lead The Way

    Contributed by Ron Callen on Apr 26, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    God led the children of Israel with a cloud by day and a fire by night. We have the Holy Spirit and God is still leading.

    Lord Lead the Way – Exodus 13:17-22, Numbers 9:15-23 The children of Israel had been in captivity. They served as slaves in Egypt under Pharaoh’s leadership, a man who had forgotten Joseph and what God had done for his country under Joseph’s godly leadership. God sends a man named Moses to more

  • Following The Captain

    Contributed by Jim Wright on Aug 25, 2004
    based on 1 rating

    This passages shows us how to follow the Captain of our salvation as He leads us to the completion of our glourious salvation in the world to come.

    Hebrews 2:5-13 Following the Captain of our Salvation Introduction 1. This year as part of our vacation we planned a camping trip to Sudbury to see Science North (the northern version of Ontario Science Centre) and to experience family camping along the way. 2. Our destiny was Science North, but more

  • The Star That Leads The Way

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Jan 2, 2016

    There is no map to help us find Jesus and there is no star to follow, but we do have the Bible. We can find the way to Jesus by reading God's Holy Word! The Bible is the map and star that will lead to Jesus.

    Good morning boys and girls! Did you have a good Christmas? Did you get lots of gifts? Did any of you go on a trip over Christmas? How did you get there? Did you have to get directions? How did you get them? Did you ask someone? Did you go online and get directions? Did your parents use a GPS more

  • Who Are You Following?

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Jun 15, 2013

    Each and every one of us will follow someone. The person you follow will either lead you to fulfil your potential, or they will lead you to the wrong place.

    Who are you following? 1 Corinthians 10:11 - Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Each and every one of us will follow someone. The person you follow will either lead you to fulfil your potential, more

  • Wilderness Leading

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 18, 2012

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you seen the wilderness? Will you enjoy being in the wilderness? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: General believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that the LORD is victorious in the wilderness, we can be too. IV. TEXT: Mark 1:12 Th

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you seen the wilderness? Will you enjoy being in the wilderness? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: General believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that the LORD is victorious in the wilderness, we can be too. IV. TEXT: Mark 1:12 The Spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the more

  • Lead Us? Not!

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Dec 26, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Before we can even think about resisting temptation,we have to first choose if will we follow Christ.

    Title: Lead Us? Not! Text: Matthew 6:13a (Lead us not into temptation) FCF: Being led is contrary to our natural desires, but when we choose to follow a good leader such as Christ, we end up in a place that is better than we would be naturally. SO: Intro: Winston Churchill is famous for two more

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