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  • Is This The End Again" Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Oct 31, 2018

    A study of how people have seen the signs of the coming of Jesus in every century from the First Century to ours

    The Christian Faith The End of Time IS THIS THE END- AGAIN? “When you see all these things take place you will know the end is near- I tell you the truth this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place.” (Matt. more

  • They Lost Their First Love

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 24, 2001
    based on 180 ratings

    This is a passage of scripture that really bothers me, & yet it has a tremendous message. It is part of one of the 7 letters to the churches in the Book of Revelation.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK I'm going to read a passage of scripture that bothers me, & yet it has a tremendous message. It is part of one of the 7 letters to the churches in the Book of Revelation, & is found in chapter 2, vs's 1 5. more

  • Stephen, First Martyr Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 2, 2022

    Stephen: "a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit." What is known about him is what is truly important. He was faithful, even when faced with certain death.

    Stephen, First Martyr Who was Stephen in the Bible? Acts 6:5 introduces a faithful man of God named Stephen: "a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit." Nothing is known about the personal life of Stephen—his parents, his siblings, or whether he had a wife or children; however, what more

  • First Place Only Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    It is important to see that our part is to seek and exert the energy in diligent search. It is God's part to see that we find.

    Gerald Kennedy in his book The Christian And His America tells of hearing the head of one of the largest airplane companies at a luncheon where he was reporting on the situation facing America in the field of air defense. He described the growth of our air force, and the probable growth of the more

  • Peter's First Message

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Feb 11, 2003
    based on 51 ratings

    Peter Addresses the crowd assembled at Pentecost

    Peter’s First Message Acts 2:14-36 Jeff Hughes – February 9, 2003 Calvary Chapel Aggieland I. Introduction a. All of us here can probably relate to our first time speaking or performing in public. Unless you are one of those individuals that has ice water in their veins, it was no doubt a more

  • Stephen: The First Martyr Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 23, 2013

    Stephen brings up eight charges against his accusers. His sermon was what ultimately led to his death.

    Last time we saw that Stephen was seized and dragged before the Sanhedrin and put on trial. We closed chapter 6 seeing a heavenly glow showing from Stephen’s face, indicating that God’s presence was there. Tonight we begin a very long chapter 7 and we look a little closer at more

  • Restoring The First Love

    Contributed by Samuel Young on May 16, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon outlines the simple formula established by God 2000 years ago for church growth.

    -- Introduction -- When Dr. Larry Wong decided to step-down as the Head Elder, Ps. Yuen and the other elders asked me to step-up as become the head elder of this church. I prayed and asked God what is it that He wanted me to do? What do You want for the Loma Linda Chinese Church? During one of more

  • The First To Follow Jesus Series

    Contributed by Paul Shafit on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    How do you relate to the personalities of the first disciples?

    The First Disciples To Follow Jesus John 1:35-51 John the Baptist had a wonderfully productive ministry. He did precisely what he was sent to do. He was chosen before his birth to be the herald of the Messiah. He was the last Nazarite from birth more

  • That First Resurrection Morning

    Contributed by Ronald Keller on Mar 28, 2004
    based on 86 ratings

    A Lenten or Easter sermon using the people, things and events of Matthew’s resurrection story.

    INTRODUCTION It is redundant to say, “Easter Sunday.” Why? Because Easter is always on Sunday. Sunday has become the Christian Sabbath ever since Jesus arose from the dead on that first day of the week. He became the first fruits of the dead.(1 Corinthians 15:20) His resurrection has given more

  • The Feast Of First Fruits Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 11, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    First Fruits represents a commitment by God to us and by us to Him. He is committed to work out His will, and we are to be committed to serve Him.

    First Fruits (HaBikkurim) (Leviticus 23:9-14) 1. “Kokomo is known as the "City of Firsts," a civic claim made by other towns, though likely not with the conviction of this mid-Indiana hub of innovation. For the record, Kokomo boasts it is the birthplace of the FIRST push-button car radio, the more

  • The First Hand Witnesses

    Contributed by Samuel Stone on Nov 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Learning from the first hand witnesses

    2 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” 4 And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you more

  • No Place But First Place Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Jan 17, 2013

    Dominant Thought: God’s desire and rightful place is the first place in every aspect of our lives

    There’s a new crisis forming in the Strait of Hormuz with Iran. That could lead to a gas price crisis. There’s a global economic crisis that keeps erupting in pockets in Europe. There’s a new worldwide crisis called Lady Gaga, but I want to direct attention to a crisis in our more

  • The Church's First Opposition Series

    Contributed by Jay Tigner on May 7, 2016

    Satan attacked the church and attacks the church often by using opposing philosophies and beliefs held by man.

    The Book of Acts is the record of the “firsts” of the Church: First Sermon. First Invitation. First Salvations. First Baptisms. First Corporate Commitments. First Recorded Miracle… First Opposition ACTS 4:1-12 “What About Mother’s Day???!!!???” I more

  • The First Controversy In The Church Series

    Contributed by Richard Mcnair on May 1, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    What does a church in action do with problems? How do we handle controversy? By following the example of the early church.

    The First Controversy in the Church A church in action will still have some problems. ILL>>>Perhaps the only way to avoid quarreling with your wife is to let her go her way and you go hers. ILL>>> Sue Martinuk, War had broken out between my roommate and me. We dealt with our anger by not more

  • The First Melancholy Christmas

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Dec 22, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The Christmas season is a difficult time for some to celebrate when they have suffered tragedy during the year. That first Christmas also had their share of tragedies.

    Matthew 2:13-23 The First Melancholy Christmas Introduction – I Heard the Bells Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was filled with sorrow at the tragic death of his wife in a fire in 1861. The Civil War broke out that same year and it seemed this was an additional punishment. Two years later, Longfellow more

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