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  • Bon Fire

    Contributed by Carl Finney on Sep 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    showing how a Christian should B-On Fire

    The “B – on Fire” Christian Main Passage: Matthew 7:21 – 23 Albert Barns “Notes on the Bible” Volume 12 pg. 184 “ ‘I never knew you’ that is, I never approved of your conduct; never loved you as my friends. See Psalm 1:6; 2 Timothy 2:19 and 1 Corinthians 8:3. This proves that, with all their more

  • The Fire Of God!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Sep 25, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    The fire of God sermon outline deals with the call, provision and supply of God in our lives. This begins in the bushes of our lives and flow with in us through the Holy Spirit.

    FIRE OF GOD by tony abram (Exodus 3:1) "Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb." (Exodus 3:2) "And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a more

  • Fire Or Funeral

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Jan 3, 2005
    based on 144 ratings

    The Christian heart is the Holy Spirit home so think and talk like the God of Elijah who answers by fire.

    Luke 3:16: “John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water (he did not deceive them), but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose; he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.” In this scripture, we see three baptisms: more

  • The Fresh Fire

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Aug 25, 2006
    based on 251 ratings

    More than any other time beloved, we need the fresh Fire of the Holy Ghost upon our lives today.

    Isaiah 64:1-2: “Oh that Thou wouldest rend the heavens, that Thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at Thy presence, as when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make Thy name known to Thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Thy more

  • Stoke The Fire

    Contributed by Dale Pilgrim on Sep 9, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a time to seek to know God in your life and at work in your world. It is a time to have your passion for God awakened. If you have been there and want to keep that fire burning, you must stoke that fire of God’s presence through Bible study, Fello

    Many of you know the experience of stoking a fire. Stoke: to poke, stir up, and feed ( E.g. I remember my youthful years when cutting logs with dad for a new house. When the morning cut was over and we sat for lunch around our open fire it would become embers in more

  • Fire In The Bones

    Contributed by Jimmy Stewart on May 3, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    We need to let the fire of God burn deep inside us, and flow out of us

    Fire in the Bones Bible tells us about a prophet of God named Elisha. Elisha was called to take over the prophetic office after the departure of his predecessor Elijah. Elisha was a farmer who lived with his parents at Abel-meholah. When Elijah met him he was plowing with twelve pairs of oxen, more

  • Church On Fire

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Oct 6, 2011
    based on 17 ratings

    God told His people that they should never let the fire go out on the alter. As priests of God, we can never let the fire go out in our churches.

    CHURCH ON FIRE LEVITICUS 6:8-13 Intro. There was a church in a small town out in rural America. One night the church building caught fire and burned down. While the building was burning, many of the town folk were standing around and watching it burn. The pastor had been called and as he drove up more

  • Strange Fire

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Feb 26, 2012
    based on 9 ratings

    In Leviticus 10 we have a lesson about the worship of God. As we look at the account of Nadab and Abihu we will see that in the worship of God there’s a proper way and a wrong way to worship God as they offered strange fire unto the Lord.

    Strange Fire Leviticus 10:1-11 Introduction: Romans 15:4 tells us that “…whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” In Leviticus 10 we have a lesson about the worship of God. As more

  • Hearts On Fire

    Contributed by Greg Burcham on Jun 25, 2016

    This sermon deals with the self inflicted damage we do to our spiritual hearts and God's prescription for healing.

    Hearts On Fire, Luke 24:32 Luke 24:32 “And they said to one another, did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while he opened the scriptures to us.” Did you know that the word “heart” appears in the King James Bible 830 times? Only the more

  • Jesus Fire

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jul 27, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    JESUS CAME TO BRING FIRE - A FIRE THAT IS 1. Finely FOCUSED 2. Divinely IGNITED from Heaven 3. Purifies us towards a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS and 4. It to be EXPERIENTIAL

    Scripture: Luke 12:49-56 Theme: Jesus' Fire Proposition: Jesus came to bring fire - A fire that is: 1. Focused 2. Divinely Ignited 3. Righteous 4. Experiential INTRO: Grace and peace from God our Father and from His Son Jesus Christ who came to take away the sins of the world. more

  • Light And Fire Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Sep 21, 2016

    Assyria pridefully thinks it is the great power, but God will demonstrate that it is but a tool in his hands.

    Isaiah 10:5-19 Light and Fire 3/11/01e D. Marion Clark Assyria the tool of God. 5 “Woe to the Assyrian, the rod of my anger, in whose hand is the club of my wrath! God’s purpose for his tool. 6 I send him against a godless nation, I dispatch him against a people who anger me, more

  • The Power Of The Fire

    Contributed by Mike Schmelzer on May 15, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    We must have the Power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It's a promise from God and available to everyone! If you would like the PowerPoint presentation that I have put together for this message, email me and I will send it to you.

    SLIDE: Luke 3:15-16 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not; 16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to more

  • The Fires Of Anger Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 30, 2015
    based on 15 ratings

    God hates it when we lose our temper. But how do we stop doing that? What does God tell us we can do to get rid of our anger?

    There’s a story about an actor who was playing the part of Christ in a Passion Play.As he carried the cross up the hill a tourist began to heckle him,and make fun of him, and shouted insults at him. Finally, the actor had taken all of it he could take. He threw down his cross, walked over more

  • Tending The Fire

    Contributed by Kerry O'neill on Dec 24, 2014

    It is ALL about a relationship with Jesus and it takes discipline to pursue Him. It is NOT meant as a guilt trip for those who do not have a daily quiet time, but practical helps on how to. *May be better preached as series. Lots of content, a bit rushed.

    The Fire on the Altar - Leviticus 6:8-13 The LORD said to Moses: 9 “Give Aaron and his sons this command: ‘These are the regulations for the burnt offering: The burnt offering is to remain on the altar hearth throughout the night, till morning, and the fire must be kept burning on the more

  • Fire On The Mountain Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 8, 2015

    We are confronted with choices daily. The BIG choice is what to do with God when we see his presence. This becomes a choice about Relationship; Repentance; Rulership; and Renewal.

    1. Ski Lift Choice A woman getting onto a ski lift was given instructions that the moment the lift's chair touched her backside she was to sit down and lift her feet from off the ground. Instead when the chair came against her she sat down but was nervous about the height of the lift. Her more

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