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  • The Fall Of A Community Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jul 25, 2020

    Are you caught in any Sodom? The pleasures of this world are passing clouds. Nothing is permanent except your Salvation and eternal life in Christ. Every green grass will wither and dry one day. Every peak will show you the valley beyond.

    Text: Genesis 13:10-13 Theme: Fall of a Community Introduction: Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Lord is good; His love endures forever. Our monthly theme is, Take heed, lest you fall. The Topic for this Sunday is, Fall of a Community. Bible has several examples of more

  • The Second Fall

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Aug 30, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Humanities second devastating fall came at the tower of Babel with the loss of clear communication. Pride absolutely cripples us as communicators.

    Dakota Community Church July 2, 2006 The Second Fall Introduction: We just came back from a great men’s retreat weekend where one of the themes turned out to be the power of unity and God’s desire for us all to be one even though that idea kind of goes against our natural inclination as men. We more

  • Falling Away - 2

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Apr 21, 2023

    Our need to be part of a community of believers.

    Falling Away April 23, 2023 I really believe God has a sense of humor. I also believe God can be really sarcastic! If you read the Bible you will see some of His questions lead me to that conclusion. But I also believe that because God created me in His image and I’m that way. So, that’s my more

  • The Importance Of Community

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 26, 2005

    Inaugural sermon for fall 2005 series through the book of Acts

    My colleague in ministry, Arnetta Bailey, writes of the fears that we all have when we enter into a new experience with a new group of people: ‘Can you remember what it was like to start a new job or walk into a new church?’ she writes. ‘Perhaps you scanned the room for a friendly face. Was there more

  • Beginnings - Fall Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of 'new beginnings' and second chances in the Bible, using personal experiences and the story of Adam, Noah, and Abraham to discuss the human tendency to sin and the need for personal and communal 'reboots'.

    When we were kids, mistakes were magically fixed with a “do-over.” As adults, God knows we still need “do-overs.” Good thing the Bible begins with a book called “Genesis.” It is not merely the beginning—it tells the story of “new-beginnings.” Generation after generation—Adam, Noah, and Abraham—God more

  • Let's Not Fall Out Over This

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Aug 20, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    This sermon deals with the need to communicate clearly with each other.

    “Let’s Not Fall out Over This” GNLCC Numbers 32:1-34 Ephesians 4:25-32 Joshua 22 Have you ever made a decision, that was misunderstood or misread by someone else, and the person got upset with you. The next thing you know, there has been a falling out of some kind between you and the more

  • The Fall Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Jun 25, 2009

    It is only by understanding and believing Genesis 3 that we can understand salvation and accept Jesus Christ as our savior.

    “The Fall” (Genesis 3:1-13) Today is a difficult day as we cover what is undoubtedly the most important and saddest part of the Old Testament. Today we learn what went wrong, and we learn of our biggest need as human beings. Today we find out why Jesus had to come and how the process of more

  • The Fall

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 18, 2010

    The Fall. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    The Fall Reading: Genesis chapter 3 verses 1-24. ill: Naughty kids and smelly cheese story. • We live in a world that has gone wrong: • Some would say it stinks; • I.e. More wars today than at any other time in history. • Many people live in poverty & will die more

  • Community

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Nov 29, 2023

    In this past week, did you? Did you share the Gospel with someone? What did you do that brought God glory? Church, when I ask you these questions each week, it is actually a self-evaluation for me. Some weeks I score touchdowns. Some weeks I fumble miserably!

    Since we are hosting 5th Sunday tonight, I’ve been thinking about Community in the last 10 days or so. So, this week I’d like to examine: • The Purpose of community • The Importance of community • The Responsibility of community • And wrap it up tonight with: o The Inspiration of more

  • Community

    Contributed by Hiram Withers on Jan 13, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    To begin developing unity in the church you must start with developing a comminuty.

    Sadly, there are many people who claim to know Christ, but then turn around and claim that they don’t go to church because they do not believe in organized religion and of course my first thought is asked him if he liked it better was disorganized? When you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. more

  • Communication Series

    Contributed by Rick Thiessen on May 10, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    After the courtship and story book wedding, a marriage ensues and communication that was so easy before starts to degrade. This has much to do with male and female differences and needs.

    SE050408 AFTER HAPPILY EVER 1. Communication INTRO If you’ve ever read The Little Mermaid story or watched the Disney version, you might think this is every woman’s fantasy. It’s a wonderful, romantic fairy tale of a beautiful girl falling in love with a handsome, rich and dashing prince, more

  • Communication Series

    Contributed by Steven Spillman on May 2, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Assuming you believe that God exists and that He’s interested enough in you that He had a purpose for you, not just when you came into the world but long before that – He had you in mind when He first spun the world itself into existence.

    “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). I used to work at a place where we had daily meetings. Every morning at 8:00 we would sit down for fifteen minutes and go over the day’s schedule, discuss yesterday’s production, correct mistakes and add on more

  • The Fall

    Contributed by Coley Williams on Jun 24, 2001
    based on 14 ratings

    The fall is a constant reminder of the reality of man’s fall and God’s reaction which leads to God’s Judgment and Mercy Provisions.

    Five Basic Points: I. Test of obedience II. Its Violation III. The moral evil it involved IV. The results if produced V. God’s Reaction – Judgment and Mercy Provisions I. Test of obedience a) Just & Reasonable b) Simple and Plain c) No need of the fruit d) There was absolute peace and happiness more

  • The Fall Series

    Contributed by Travis Moore on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 107 ratings

    A look at Adam & Eve in the Garden

    The Fall Genesis 2 & 3 1. The Setting A. Location of the Garden (Gen 2:10-14) B. Description of the Garden(Ezek 31:9) C. Occupation in the Garden(Gen 2:15) D. Operation in the Garden (Gen 2:21-25). God made male & female for Companionship, Compliment, Commitment, Choice, & Chores 2. The more

  • The Fall Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 91 ratings

    Satan uses clever words to disparage the trustworthiness of God.

    Genesis 3:1-7 September 29, 2002 Assume that penguins live with a density of 1,000 penguins per square mile and can run at an average speed of 7 miles per hour on land and swim at 20 miles per hour. Also assume that a polar bear has a territory of 10 square miles, can run at 25 miles per hour and more

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