The Fall
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Fall. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
The Fall
Reading: Genesis chapter 3 verses 1-24.
Naughty kids and smelly cheese story.
• We live in a world that has gone wrong:
• Some would say it stinks;
• I.e. More wars today than at any other time in history.
• Many people live in poverty & will die of hunger or illness before the end of the meeting.
• In our own country crime figures seem to be constantly rising;
• Are prisons are full to overflowing.
• Drunkenness, immorality and violence
• Will take place all over your city this evening!
• Watch the news or pick up a newspaper;
• And you will see that we live in a world gone wrong!
Question: The question people often ask is Why?
• Why did God allow evil to enter into his perfect world?
• Why did God allow it to spoil his beautiful creation?
• That is found in Genesis chapter 3 is not WHY but HOW!
• We are not told why God allowed evil to enter the world,
• But we are told how,
• We are given the events, the circumstances of how evil entered the world.
• The way I am going to look at Genesis chapter 3;
• Is as a true historical story.
• Some people believe Geneses chapter 3 is merely a fable or myth or ledged,
• Others believe it is just an allegorical story.
• ill: Aesops fables.
• A story with a true or a wise message.
I believe Genesis chapter 3:
• Is a real story, a real event, a real incident,
• We are dealing with historical facts here and not fiction.
• I believe this narrative is true if for no other reason,
• Jesus Christ himself believed it and taught from it.
• On various occasions he used Adam & Eve in his sermons;
• To teach from people them, and he taught them as fact.
• The Apostle Paul who wrote 13 of the 21 New Testament books called letters/epistles,
• Also believed in a literal interpretation of Genesis chapter 3.
Now at the same time as saying that this story is physically true:
• This chapter is also full of spiritual truths,
• And just to take it with strict literalness is to deny its fullest value.
• The promise made in verse 15 about bruising the heel of man and the head of the snake;
• Is obviously symbolic and not literal.
• The narrative is like two sides of a coin,
• Not heads & tails but physical and spiritual truths.
Quote G. Campbell Morgan:
“The fact is that this is the story of actual events in physical life, of a spiritual nature”.
(1). The tempter (verses 1-5):
(1). A Serpent (Verse 1):
"Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made".
Of all the creatures in the Garden of Eden:
• One is brought to our attention:
• A serpent or snake.
• This serpent was a reptile with legs,
• It may have looked more like a lizard, than a snake.
• Science agrees with the Bible that snakes once had legs
• But it disagrees on how they lost them.
• Theory of evolution says it happened over millions of years.
• The Bible tells us in verse 14 that it was in an instant.
Now what made this reptile very unusual:
• Was not so much the fact it had legs,
• But that it had a voice it could talk.
There are probably three possibilities that explain this:
(a). A disguised devil:
• Some people have suggested that this serpent was not an ordinary snake,
• But the devil disguised as a snake.
• Throughout the Bible, the devil is pictured as a masquerader and a deceiver.
• And is called on Revelation chapter 20 verse 2 “ancient serpent”.
The Bible clearly teaches the existence of a spiritual being called the devil:
• Jesus encounted him in Matthew chapter 4 verses 1 to 11.
• And he warned his disciples about him on numerous occasions.
• So one explanation of this talking snake;
• Is that the devil came in the disguise of a serpent.
(b). An abnormal creature.
• Another explanation for this talking creature is that it was abnormal;
• Abnormal means; “Unusual, deviating from the norm”,
• Some have suggested that this snake was a ‘one off’ creature.
• Ill: Jonah and the large fish (“The Lord prepared a fish” – one off?)
This may have been a ‘one off’ creature:
• Speaking animals have been known;
• Today some animals can speak,
• ill: Parrots and Mina birds etc.
• Although their tongues were obviously not made for this they are able to talk.