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  • Facing Trials Series

    Contributed by Steven Pace on Apr 19, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    This is the first in a series that is out of the book of James I hope to add each sermon to the web sight as I write them. Use my experiece as a former foundry worker as to harden metal and then relate it to life and how God strengthens us

    Facing Trials James 1:1-8 Special thanks to Pastor Ted Sutherla and his wonderful sermon God’s Perfecting Process 4 of the illustration came from this talented pastor. Today’s, starts our journey through the book of James. Today we will look and James 1:1-8 facing the trials in life. One thing more

  • Facing Trials With Joy

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jan 16, 2012

    Some people consider it pure joy when they escape trials. But James calls us to consider it pure joy when we face trials. This seems like an impossible thing to be able to do. What do we need to have if we are going to have joy in the midst of trials?

    FACING TRIALS WITH JOY James 1:1-12 INTRODUCTION: Some people consider it pure joy when they escape trials. But James calls us to consider it pure joy when we face trials. This seems like an impossible thing to be able to do. What do we need to have if we are going to have joy in the midst of more

  • Wisdom For Facing Trials Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 11, 2018

    3rd in a sermon series on James dealing with wisdom for facing trials.

    “Wisdom for Facing Trials” Review This is the third episode in our journey through James. James wrote this letter of instruction to those he warmly called his dear brothers. He wrote this letter to validate genuine faith. How does real faith in Jesus behave when encountering life in a broken world? more

  • The Truth About Trials

    Contributed by Ralph Juthman on May 16, 2002
    based on 719 ratings

    A sermon about the purpose of trials in our life

    TITLE: The Truth About trials TEXT: James 1:2-12 THEME: trials, faith, believers under test, testings, perseverance P.S. The Christian does not have to be a victim of his circumstance, but can have victory even in times of trials and testings. INTRODUCTION: Max Lucado, In the Eye of the Storm, more

  • Why Christians Face Trials

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Oct 12, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    lessons learned in the midst of the trials of life

    Intro: over the last few months with Lauri facing cancer surgery and chemo treatments, I have thought a lot about the reasons God allows His people to go through trials in their lives. The Bible is filled with people of God facing trials, so it is very clear that just because you serve God you are more

  • Trials And Persecutions

    Contributed by Timothy West Sr. on Aug 11, 2010

    There are many reasons we face trials in life.

    Why Do We Face Trials I. We must all face trials and persecutions in our walk with God. A. Our trials are fiery trials  I Peter tells us that as believers there WILL be times that we will face problems, persecution, and trials of our faith!!  He compares our trials to the more

  • Trial By Felix

    Contributed by Jeff Hughes on Feb 2, 2008

    Paul faces trial by the Roman authorities and appeals to Caesar.

    I. PRAYER II. Introduction a. This week, the Presidential race officially began. The Democrats were seen heating up the airwaves and newspapers in Iowa, as the American public sees their potential voting field trimmed down somewhat. b. President Bush, on the other hand, addressed the nation in a more

  • Trial By Fire Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 13, 2011

    Why do we face trials? How are we to react to them and why?

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Do you ever wonder why we face so many trials in life? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to coast through life problem and trial free? I think it would. • Have you noticed that since you gave your life to Jesus, the trials of life have not stopped? What’s with that? • I more

  • "rowing Through Life" Series

    Contributed by Joshua Neal on Nov 22, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Anyone who has lived understands that in life there are hinderances and obstacles. Many of us have faced hinderances and have often wondered if Jesus recognizes where we are and what we have to deal with. The disciples are rowing and are hindered by a wave as Jesus passed was passing them by.

    “ROWING THROUGH LIFE” Mark 6:45-52 intro: Famous Painting = Under the Wave off Kanagawa, about 1830–31, Katsushika Hokusai. Woodblock print (nishiki-e) in Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji. William Sturgis Bigelow Collection, Museum more

  • How To Face Trials? James 5:7-11

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Feb 17, 2018

    Are you going through a trial? Read this sermon how to face trials and the purpose of trials and have a divine perspective on facing trials.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. more

  • Tribes, Trials, Trust Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Aug 12, 2024

    In this sermon, we consider James' opening remarks to believers as they face trials and persecution.

    How do you respond when your rights as a citizen or resident of the United States collides with the life that God has called you to live as a follower of Christ? Can there be a conflict? This week, one of the the guys who came through for training was a man named Stephen. Story: malfunctioning more

  • Enduring Trials Series

    Contributed by Rich Anderson on Feb 22, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    When we face trials in our lives, do we complain or do we trust that God will help us through?

    Did you hear of the man who was dyslexic, agnostic and an insomniac? Yes, he stays awake all night long wondering if there really is a “Dog.” Michael Josephson, the founder of the “Josephson Institute of Ethics” in Southern California writes about an old legend that tells more

  • Turning Trials To Triumph Series

    Contributed by Larry Thompson on Oct 6, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    This message explains why the Christian will face trials and what God’s desire is for the believer through the tests we face in life.

    “EXTREME MAKEOVER” – PART TWO TURNING TRIALS INTO TRIUMPH JAMES 1:2-12 - ©DR. LARRY L. THOMPSON (2004) INTRODUCTION: Diamond Test Illustration: To test the genuineness of a diamond, jewelers often place it in clear water, which causes a real diamond to sparkle with special brilliance. An imitation more

  • Who Are You - Introducing Job

    Contributed by Samuel Young on Nov 10, 2016

    Ask the core question of who a Christian really is. Examines the story of Job and other stories to find the answer.

    Introducing You I remember the first time someone called me "uncle". It was Clayton Koh. I still remember where we were. He was walking out of this very fellowship hall with two hands full of stuff. I held the door open for him and he said: "Thank you uncle Sam." He probably didn't think of it. more

  • Don't Back Down When Facing Trials

    Contributed by Palitha Jayasooriya on Oct 16, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Tom Petty sang 'I won't Back Down' probably referring to earthly challenges.This mini sermon encourages Christians not to back down when facing spiritual challenges. It is based around the life-threatening challenge faced by the Prophet Daniel.

    Don’t Back Down When Facing Trials Popular singer/songwriter Tom Petty passed away recently after a highly successful career. One of Petty’s most loved songs was titled ‘I Won’t Back Down’. Some of the lyrics go like this: Well, I won't back down No, I won't back down You can stand me up at the more

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