Ralph Juthman
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Jesus Our Perfect Sacrifice
Contributed on Nov 3, 2004
This is a sermon preached on communion sunday.
TEXT: Jesus Our perfect Sacrifice and High Priest Text: Leviticus 1:1-8; 8-9, 21 THEME: communion P.S. The sacrificial system, was given to point man to the way to God is through Blood of a perfect substitute. This substitute is Jesus. Introduction: There are all kinds of warnings in ...read more
Restoring Your Passion
Contributed on Oct 4, 2002
This is part Two of the series what makes a Great church
TITLE: How To restore Your Passion Text: rev. 2:1-8: Romans 12:11 Theme: Church, renewal,, spiritual growth P.S. A healthy church begins with a consuming passion for God. Introduction In my last message, I said that the real issue of church growth is not how fast or large is the ...read more
The Churches Priority: Worship
Contributed on Oct 4, 2002
This is the third in a series entitled :What Makes A Great Church
TITLE: The Churches Priority: Worship Text: Acts 2:42; John 4 Theme: Worship P.S. As we seek to fulfill this purpose then our priorates will become clearer and less self serving. Introduction: Illustration: In any construction project there is usually a question of priorities, which ...read more
What Makes A Great Church
Contributed on Sep 12, 2002
Sermon on the qualities that make a dynamic church that people will want to be part of.
TITLE: What Makes a Great Church, part 1 TEXT: Acts 2:42 THEME: Church growth. Health, evangelise P.S. Rick Warren states, and I agree, that the key issue for churches in the 21st Century will be church health, not growth. Because when a congregation is healthy it will grow. ...read more
A Frantic Father, A Brokenhearted Sister, A Desperate Beggar
Contributed on Aug 17, 2002
The theme of the sermon is healing. The message is, Where the need is greatest, God is nearest.
Title: A Frantic Father, A Broken Hearted sister, and a Desperate Beggar Text: Jeremiah 8:22: Mark 5; John 11; and Acts 3:1-10 Theme: Healing, Jesus Name, Believers authority, miracles P.S. Where the need is greatest, Jesus is nearest. Introduction: Is there no balm in Gilead, Is there no ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
What Makes A Great Church
Contributed on Oct 4, 2002
Living With Confidence In Uncertain Times
Contributed on Aug 10, 2002
Overcoming The Grasshopper Complex
Contributed on Feb 9, 2002