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Sermons on Ezekiel 37:6:

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  • Revival In The Graveyard Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jul 26, 2020

    A sermon about revival based on Ezekiel 37:1-14

    “REVIVAL IN THE GRAVEYARD” Ezek. 37:1-14 7/26/20 – FBCF Jon Daniels INTRO – I was in a cemetery, or a graveyard, earlier this week, & will be in one again this afternoon. And without fail, every time any of us go to a graveyard, there are 2 types of people there: living & dead. There are more

  • Revival Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 31, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    How God uses 1) The Preaching of the Word (Ezekiel 37:1-6), 2) The Prayer of God’s Servant (Ezekiel 37:7-9), and 3) The Power of the Holy Spirit (Ezekiel 37:5-14) to accomplish Revival.

    Ezekiel 37:1-14 The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. 2 And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry. 3 more

  • Them Dry Bones Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Dec 7, 2023

    The life of Ezekiel was an object lesson for the nation that had become a dead people. A people that had become a nation of dry bones. There is no hope for this disgraced, disobedient and defeated nation. God’s question to Ezekiel, Can dry bones live?

    Them Dry Bones Ezekiel 37:1-14 Sing it with me: The foot bone connected to the leg bone, The leg bone connected to the knee bone, The knee bone connected to the thigh bone, The thigh bone connected to the back bone, The back bone connected to the neck bone, The neck bone connected to the head more

  • Dry Bones, Live!

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 19, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon speaks to what God can do, but questions is we believe God will do. This sermon is a part of our 2030 vision for our church family.

    Dry Bone Live! (Ezk 37:1-14) Intro: A. When a rich young man asked Jesus what he needed to do to be saved the end result was, “go sell all that you have, give it to the poor and come, follow me.” The young man went away sorrowful, for he had great riches. Right after that the disciples said more

  • The Kingdom Of God "Kingdom Riches”

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jul 16, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    In our message we’ll be looking at what it takes to get into the Kingdom of God. And in our study we’ll see something unimaginable that even stumped the disciples. Join us in this remarkable study.

    Pre-Service Message: Come Breath of Life Watch on YouTube channel:  Can these dry bones live? This was the question presented to the prophet Ezekiel when the Lord took him to the Valley of Dry Bones. The Lord told Ezekiel to say to these dry more

  • The Bones Come Alive

    Contributed by Michael Bates on Aug 19, 2024

    Do you feel scattered or hopeless? Do you see yourself as a failure? God doesn't see you that way. So, go to Him today. God wants to transform you and give you a new beginning.

    The scripture for today's message comes from; Ezekiel 37:1-14 ESV --The hand of the Lord was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the more

  • What Is The Greatest Commandment?

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 20, 2024

    The prophetic word would wrap the bones with muscles and sinews and skin, and then the prophetic word would bring the people back to life.

    Friday of the Eighteenth Week in Course 2024 Today’s OT reading from the prophet Ezekiel is one of the most dramatic and memorable lessons from the Scriptures. It has even been popularized as Gospel songs like Dry Bones. But entertaining as the thought may be of millions of bones coming together more

  • That These Bones Might Live.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Aug 28, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    How long-dead sun-bleached bones revive, and become an exceeding great army.

    THAT THESE BONES MIGHT LIVE. Ezekiel 37:1-10. The valley into which Ezekiel was transported “in the Spirit of the LORD” was “full” of bones (EZEKIEL 37:1). They were very many, exposed in the open valley, and very dry (EZEKIEL 37:2). The question is: can a vast miscellaneous collection of more

  • Can These Dry Bones Live?

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Sep 30, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    All of us at some point and time have been in a season of drought. Everywhere we look, all we see is what used to be alive but is now dead. And for some of us, we're glad it's dead. But for the rest of us, we are still mourning what has been lost to us.

    All of us at some point and time have been in a season of drought. Everywhere we look, all we see is what used to be alive but is now dead. And for some of us, we're glad it's dead. But for the rest of us, we are still mourning what has been lost to us. We have people all around us telling more

  • Dem Bones - Listen To Them Speak Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Oct 9, 2023

    God speaks to Ezekiel in this vision. Let’s walk with him as he learns what it means to be regenerated, renewed and refreshed in God’s Word and in the power and presence of God’s Holy Spirit.

    Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14 THEME: Ultimate Victory God speaks to Ezekiel in this vision. Let’s walk with him as he learns what it means to be regenerated, renewed and refreshed in God’s Word and in the power and presence of God’s Holy Spirit. INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, more

  • The Valley Of Dry Bones

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Oct 11, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    God wants you to speak words of faith and hope over your dry bones! It wouldn't have been easy for Ezekial either. While Ezekial was seeing a valley full of dry bones; God was seeing a valley with a vast army. And when he spoke, miracles happened.

    The prophet Ezekiel was a contemporary of the prophet Jeremiah. God had a particular mission for Ezekiel. After the Babylonian exile, Jeremiah ministered to the children of Israel who were still in Jerusalem. But Ezekiel was carried off with the second group that was taken to captivity by the more

  • God Pours His Spirit Into Us

    Contributed by Sylvan Finger on May 29, 2024

    The story from Ezekiel is an original story about things coming to life. As this passage has been trending lately, how ought it to minister to the Christian's heart?

    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Can you remember a time when a picture you saw come to life? Maybe it was when you had a color television in your home for the first time. Maybe it was when you had a black and white photo restored in color, or when you saw more

  • Bringing Life To Dead Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 9, 2024

    Throughout the Bible, we read about Israel's faithfulness and unfaithfulness to God. Yet, God is not finished with them. He restored Israel as a nation and will make it the centerpiece of the new earth at Christ's return.

    The thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel presents what on the surface seems to be a story of desolation and ruin that is beyond any hope of restoration by human standards. This chapter describes a tragic episode in the history of Israel as a nation. It paints a bleak picture of its past but also more

  • Made Alive In Christ Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 18, 2024

    Paul prays that we grow in our knowledge of God. Our salvation is a miracle of God. No one is beyond redemption. Our celebration of God's grace last forever.

    Eph 2:1-10 MADE ALIVE IN CHRIST Paul started this letter with a doxology in chapter 1, praising God for the work of the Gospel. • He praises God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for their roles in saving us and giving us the hope of eternal life. • Before time begins, in time and beyond more

  • The Breath Of Life Series

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on May 19, 2018

    The breath of life is key to occupying effectively for the Lord. Once you have the breath of life on the inside of you, you are the one God is depending on to occupy for Him.

    The Bible is very intentional about the things that are mentioned in scripture and the things God’s word is silent about. For instance in Luke 19:11-26, in the parable of the king who entrusted money to his servants and told them to occupy with what he had given them until he returned, nothing is more

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