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  • What Do You See?

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Dec 19, 2000
    based on 106 ratings

    Solomon dealt with the right questions, but he came up with the wrong answers at first.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX A. With the end of the Christmas season I’m sure most of you have seen the headlines reporting that most retail stores did not do as well as they had hoped. We Americans didn’t charge nearly as much as we have in more

  • Walled In Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 19, 2018

    Message 9 in our exposition of Nehemiah celebrating the completed wall project.

    Chico Alliance Church "Walled In" REVIEW I. REBUILDING THE WALLS 1-7 A. Recognizing the needs through inquiry B. Responding to needs through intense intercession C. Resolving needs through planning and perseverance D. Resisting opposition through prayer and perseverance 1. more

  • Get Set, Go! Series

    Contributed by Greg Carr on Feb 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Part two in my challenge for the church towards leadership. But I warn you that my definition of church leadership that I am challenging you with today is a little different from what you might be thinking leadership within the church is all about.

    Let’s pray. Father, Open my eyes so I can see Your truth. Open my ears so I can hear Your voice. Open my mind so I can understand Your Word. And open my heart so I may receive all that You want me to receive. AMEN Last week we took up the topic of being a leader. We are examining the more

  • Overcoming Discouragement Series

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on May 19, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A look at Elijah’s experience of discouragement and how he was led to renewal

    1 Kings 19:1-8;12-14 Purpose Statement: We need to return to the Bread of Life for renewal and encouragement. Background: Elijah runs for his life to the southern most city in Judah-Beersheba. Beersheba was named by Abraham (Gen 21:31) when his servants dug wells there and means “well of the more

  • God's Unfailing Love

    Contributed by Scott Cheatham on Feb 9, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    God’s unfailing love shown through the relationship between the prophet Hosea and his adulterous wife, Gomer.

    God’s Unfailing Love Hosea 2 Rev. Scott Cheatham I think most everyone here today would agree that the greatest human need is to be loved. Professionals from all areas of the medical field have stated this in their writings. From the moment a baby is born, it craves the love and attention its more

  • The Leaders' Personal Habits - (Part 7 Of 7) Series

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime.

    This final category touches the leader in his relationship to alcohol and money-two areas of perennial tempta-tion. Don’t overlook God’s Word on these crucial points! If you do, you will regret it later. 1. Not given to drunkenness 1 Tim 3:3; Titus 1:7 Literally this phrase means "not more

  • Wise Men And Women Still Seek Him

    Contributed by John Beehler on Dec 11, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    If we are wise people we can say with conviction, "we have come to worship".

    Wise Men (and Women) Still Seek Him 1. Revisit the familiar story of the Magi. a. Called 3 kings or 3 wise men. Could have been 2 or 4 or 20 b. Pretty sure men & not women c. Wise women would have: 2. History of Wise Men – little is known a. Magi – plural for magus, Matt. Tells us more more

  • The Truth About The Father's Heart

    Contributed by Ed Warfield on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The truth about the Father’s heart is that He wants you to come to Him and get to know Him as He truly is: Lover, Forgiver, Restorer, Hero and Eternal King

    The Truth About the Father’s Heart Intro.: Man’s great misconception is found in Psalm 50:21, “You thought I was altogether like you…” Isaiah 55:9 is much more accurate, “But as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” God more

  • The Inseparables

    Contributed by Mark Mccool on Sep 13, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    There are two eternal things that God has committed to the trust of the church: truth and love.

    THE INSEPARABLES Mark McCool 2 John 3 3 Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. KJV There are two eternal things that God has committed to the trust of the church: truth and love. Truth is eternal. Truth more

  • Inside Out Means Looking Pass Me Just So You Can Know Me

    Contributed by Preacher Fo Real on Feb 20, 2014

    Viewing People From The Inside Out Is Looking Pass The Outside So You Can Truly Know Them. It Is The Way God Sees Us And The Only Way We Should View Ourselves And Others In The World.

    The last few years of the 1960's were some of the most turbulent times for the African-American community. However, as a lad lost inside the safe and carefree world of my infancy, I did not have a clue the world saw me as inferior to the Caucasian race. I did not own this widely held notion because more

  • Ordination And The Role Of Women In The Church Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 9, 2015

    The twin command of Jesus to clergy is important to consider in any decision regarding ordination.

    Thursday of the 6th Week of Easter 2015 Joy of the Gospel This is one of those liturgical days that is a little schizophrenic. In the historical Church, it is forty days after the Resurrection, so it is Ascension Thursday, as it was for almost two thousand years. But May 14 is the Feast of St. more

  • Walking - Daily Lesson 7 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 18, 2023

    What is involved in spiritual walking?

    A. INTRODUCTION “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7, NKJV 1. My encounter with Jesus was not salvation, but I dedicated myself more

  • Giving Is Loving Our Neighbor Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Oct 12, 2017

    Loving our neighbor (those in need) is at the center of the teachings of Jesus. God meets our needs abundantly and asks us to share those blessings and love our neighbor.

    1 John 4:5-12 “Giving is … Loving Neighbor” INTRODUCTION We are on disaster overload. Monday morning we woke up to the news that the worst mass shooting in United States history had taken place in Las Vegas. A week ago we were dealing with the devastation in Puerto Rico, which was caused by more

  • Five Traits Of A Super Bowl Christian

    Contributed by Mark Land on Dec 24, 2003
    based on 254 ratings

    By using the analogy of football during the super bowl season this sermon seeks to challenge Christians to a higher level of discipleship through desire, discipline, commitment, sacrifice, and character.

    FIVE TRAITS OF A SUPER BOWL CHRISTIAN In a few minutes a game of great importance will be played. Large men will face off across a line of scrimmage. A call will be made, leather will slap, and bodies will collide and crash. A battle has begun. For four 15 minute quarters men will expend more

  • Power Failure

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on Aug 21, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    When this power failure hit the North East, Midwest, and Canada it was catastrophic. When we have power failure in our Christian lives; it can also be catastrophic

    August 17, 2003 Title: Power Failure Text: Mark 9:14-29, Mark 6:45-51, Matthew 14:23-33 Introduction From the Ocala Star Banner: The largest power blackout in U.S. history rolled across a vast swath of the northern United States as well as southern Canada on Thursday, driving millions of more

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