Sermon Series
  • 1. The Leaders' Overlooked Ingredients - (Part 1 Of 7)

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 80 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime and still not completely reach. We ought to take this list seriously but also graciously and realistically. I. The Overlooked Ingredient 1 Timothy 3:1 "Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on more

  • 2. The Leaders' Temperament - (Part 2 Of 7)

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime

    Now, we will discuss the qualities of spiritual leadership in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Don’t be discouraged as you work through this list. No one meets these qualifications 100%! We’re not looking for perfection, but rather solid evidence of growth in each area. The Leader’s Temperament 1. more

  • 3. The Leaders' Interpersonal Relationship-(Part 3 Of 7)

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime

    It’s interesting that Paul uses four negative expressions to specify how the godly leader must live. Some things simply must not be present in his life. Those four are counter-balanced by one positive characteristic. 1. Not violent 1 Timothy 3:3 I like the King James rendering-"Not a more

  • 4. The Leaders' Reputation - (Part 4 Of 7)

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 23 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime

    1. Above reproach 1 Timothy 3:2 This phrase serves as a general summary of all the character qualities a leader should have. The Greek word describes a garment without any "folds." When applied to personal character, it means that leader must be free from any secret or hidden pockets of more

  • 5. The Leaders' Spiritual Life - (Part 5 Of 7)

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime

    1. Not a new convert 1 Timothy 3:6 The word for "new convert" is neofuton-from which we get the English word "neophyte." It literally means "new plant." Don’t put a "new plant" in a position of leadership. "New plants" need nurturing, they need fertilizer, they need someone to pull the more

  • 6. The Leaders' Family Life - (Part 6 Of 7)

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime.

    Churches suffer when this category is ignored or downplayed. Paul listed three very specific requirements concerning a leader’s family life. We ignore them at our own peril. 1. Husband of one wife 1 Timothy 3:2 Unfortunately this qualification has been so wrapped up in controversy that we more

  • 7. The Leaders' Personal Habits - (Part 7 Of 7)

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Paul sets before us a worthy goal-which most of us will work on for a lifetime.

    This final category touches the leader in his relationship to alcohol and money-two areas of perennial tempta-tion. Don’t overlook God’s Word on these crucial points! If you do, you will regret it later. 1. Not given to drunkenness 1 Tim 3:3; Titus 1:7 Literally this phrase means "not more