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Sermons on Exodus 3:16:

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  • It's Not You, It's Me Series

    Contributed by Brian Vickers on Feb 12, 2008

    A sermon illustrating the fact that the call of God on our lives is about being used for God’s glory.

    It’s Not You, It’s Me The Story of Moses Exodus 3:10 Let me ask you a question this morning. Let’s say that you were once involved in a dating relationship with someone and that you had spent a lot of time together over several months. You believed that the relationship was going well when one more

  • Cold Feet At A Fiery Bush Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Feb 17, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    God uses broken people.

    COLD FEET AT A FIERY BUSH Exodus 3.1-22 S: Change C: God’s call to mission Th: Movin’ On Up! Pr: GOD USES BROKEN PEOPLE. Type: Inductive I. ROUTINE II. CURIOSITY III. “HINENI” IV. MISSION V. DOUBT VI. “YHWH” VII. SUCCESS PA: How is the change to be observed? • Understand that when God is on more

  • If God Is, Now What

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Aug 11, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    This sermon deals with the reality that if we believe God is, then there is certainly going to be a change in the way we live our lives.

    If God Is Now What 5/23/04 NLF Exodus 3:1-22 1 Cor. 10:1-3 Let’s suppose for a moment that your car insurance payment and your house insurance payment both came due at the same time. You had misplaced the bills, and had received your final notice that your insurance would be cancelled if more

  • Building An Altar Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Stuart Blount on Aug 10, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    God is looking for a people who will build an altar of worship. It is that concept that some captured my attention. In particular the place that the altar plays in Old Testament worship, and it’s accompanying challenge to you and I.

    Egypt is synonymous of our world and it’s accompanying bondage. God’s desire for Israel was that they would be free from Egypt to worship him without constrain, that’s the story of Exodus. The first 2 commandments – EXODUS 20:1-6 Worship is that central affirmation of God in our lives, above more

  • Who Is God? Series

    Contributed by Miles Mc Pherson on Dec 12, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    A message about who is God and why it’s so important.

    Let’s see your bibles today, let’s see your bibles today. Take a deep breath in. Hold up-hold up-hold up-holdup. Take a deep breath in. Say wooooooooooooooooooord. Let’s see your pens, lesson plan. Let’s turn to Exodus 3, 2nd book of the bible, Exodus 3, Exodus 3. Let more

  • Fire- Moses And The Burning Bush Series

    Contributed by Rob Ketterling on Jun 14, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Moses and Burning Bush

    Fire - Part 1, Pastor Rob Ketterling All right. Well, we are starting our summer series a little bit early even though the weather is not agreeing with us. How many know that? It's like out there it was snowing on me the other day when I was mowing the lawn, and I thought, "This is May." I more

  • The God Who Acts

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on May 6, 2013

    God called Moses to not only deliver the people from bondage, but also to reintroduce them to God. He reveals himself to Moses as a God who is known by his name, his relationships, and his promises.

    THE GOD WHO ACTS Exodus 3:13-20 Dorn Ridge Worship Service at Centennial Park July 15, 2012 (Do not recall if any of this outline was borrowed from another or not.) INTRODUCTION: 1.) This morning I want us to look at Moses and his famous encounter with God as he received a call to lead God’s more

  • God’s Revelation To Moses

    Contributed by Bishop Johnathan Hester on Sep 8, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Imagine you’re taking a walk on a lonely hillside on a hot summer day.... A furze bush catches fire, but instead of burning up it just keeps on ,,, burning! That,,that would take your attention and make you think, “What’s going on? Is s

    God’s Revelation to Moses Exodus 3:1-3:15 Imagine you’re taking a walk on a lonely hillside on a hot summer day.... A furze bush catches fire, but instead of burning up it just keeps on ,,, burning! That,,that would take your attention and make you think, more

  • God Uses The Ordinary To Do The Extraordinary

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 2, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    God can use Moses, God can use abraham, and God can use you. A look at moses at the burning bush.

    God uses ordinary people to extraordinary things Exodus 3:1-17 Intro- Have you ever sensed God leading you to do something , but hesitated because it would interrupt your everyday life, change your schedule, or cause you to have to do something you don’t want to do? Good more

  • Jehovah Series

    Contributed by Doug Gregory on May 5, 2008

    A look at who God says He is...

    YHWH – Yahweh – JEHOVAH – LORD Genesis 2 Psalms 68:4 CEV “Our God (Elohim), you are the one who rides on the clouds, and we praise you. Your name is the LORD (YHWH), and we celebrate as we worship you.” Isaiah 42:8 CEV “My name is the LORD (YHWH)! I won’t let idols or humans share my glory and more

  • Yahweh "The Eternally Self-Existent One" Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Mar 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Even though we find the name Yahweh in the Bible many times before Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush, it is the first time that the name is explained to us.The name Yahweh is used more than any other name for God in the Old Testament. It occur

    Purpose: To describe the comprehensive nature of the name Yahweh. Aim: I want the listener to gain a deeper affection and reverence for God. INTRODUCTION: The first name for God in the Bible (Genesis 1:1) is the Hebrew name "Elohim" which reveals God as "The Mighty or Strong One" and often more

  • Excuses Excuses Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Feb 26, 2018

    Moses was called by God to do work but he came up with excuses; how about us?

    Please open your bibles to Exodus chapter 3…. We noted in v1-6 of Exodus 3 how holy God is and wherever He is is holy ground. God is holy but He calls unholy people personally to Him. God, who has created everything, is to be approached with humility, respect, and holiness! God is the Creator; more

  • Have Confidence In God Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Feb 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Moses had confidence in God. We also can have confidence because God "is", He "was", and He "is to come".

    Have Confidence in God Exodus 3:13-22 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Exodus, and as we study, we’re asking, “What can I learn about honoring God from this passage?” - Last week, we looked at what it means to trust God’s call. - In order to trust God’s call, we first need to be more

  • The God Of Israel Is.... Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 5, 2018

    God's characteristics are plain to see in Exodus chapter 3 and He is the same God for Christians today!

    Let’s continue to worship our God by continuing to learn from the Book of Exodus Chapter 3; please open your Bibles there…. Read along with me again Exodus 3:10-22….. We have noted from previous messages…. v10: God gave Moses a job to do. v11-14: Moses came up with excuses but God answered him more

  • I Am That I Am Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 7, 2018

    YHWH declared his name to Moses as I am that I am. He is a God one who always lives forever and Ever. No one on the earth can claim like Him. No Politicians, No religious leaders, No wise men and woman, no beauties can ever claim that they liver for ever.

    Ex.3:14 I am that I am Praise the Lord! Halleluiah!! Lord of Host was our God for many years!!! Some of you are very proud that you are worshipping in a Church more than 25 years, 40 years and 50 years and so on. Some are proud that you are worshipping for many generations. Some of you have the more

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