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  • The Ten Commandments – More Than Just A Name Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – More Than Just a Name We have been brought into an intimate relationship with God whereby we not only have the privilege of calling upon the Name of the Lord, but we can call God our Father. May we not be guilty of treating the Na

    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • The Ten Commandments– The Practice Of Proper Worship Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS– The Practice of Proper Worship

    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • The Ten Commandments – Only One God Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings


    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • God's Word From The Mountain Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 21, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    How does the Law of Moses compare to the legal codes of mere men? And does it still apply to us today?

    OPEN: Commenting on the Bible, Ronald Reagan once said: “I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.” History gives a lot of credence to that comment. Someone has made a list of some of our nation’s more famous more

  • How To Remember The Ten Commandments

    Contributed by Rusty Tardo on Jan 3, 2007
    based on 60 ratings

    How would you like to remember the Ten Commandments, in their proper order, in just ten minutes? Here’s how you can!

    How to Remember the Ten Commandments You Can Memorize the Ten Commandments, in their proper order, in just ten minutes! Dr. Russell Tardo Exodus 20:1-17 This is a test! You won’t be graded, but let’s test your memory. Quickly, name 10 more

  • How To Handle Your Neighbor's Reputation Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Nov 4, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    God says that we must never be guilty of lying on our neighbor thereby causing him to suffer. We are exhorted to always be truthful and absolutely honest when dealing with another person.

    How to Handle Your Neighbor’s Reputation Exodus 20:16 Introduction As we continue to go through the Ten Commandments, we find ourselves at the 9th Commandment which has to do with controlling One’s tongue. A very important, but extremely difficult task. James tells us that the tongue cannot be more

  • Cómo Manejar Vecino Reputación

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Nov 10, 2009

    Ese pedazo pequeño de músculo detrás de los labios y dientes, es una cosa destructiva poderosa que no hombre puede domesticar. Pero está gracias a Dios que puede hacer todas cosas.

    Cómo Manejar Vecino Reputación Exodo 20:16 Introduction de Su Como continuamos atravesar los Diez Mandamientos, nosotros nos encontramos en el Mandamiento noveno que tiene que ver con controlando la lengua. Una tarea muy importante pero muy difícil. Las mermeladas nos dicen que la lengua no puede more

  • Exodus 20 - You’re Always Telling What I Can And Can’t Do! Give Me A Break! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Dec 28, 2009
    based on 19 ratings

    All of us have broken the 10 commandments in our lives. In fact the NT says that they were given so that I would realize that I am a sinner in need of a Saviour. Boundaries aren’t enough.

    Exodus 20 - Boundaries and Freedom I remember stealing a bag of lollies from a shopping centre as a kid. I would have done it again and again, except the guilt of that act stayed with me for years. I regretted being so dishonest. All of us have broken the 10 commandments in our lives. In fact the more

  • The Blessings Of The Law Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Jan 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Because Christ is the living Word, submission to the Scriptures will bring spiritual victory!

    I. The Law provides a glimpse of the glory of God! A. God’s glory is revealed through His actions. 1. God chooses to give blessings. 2. God has a right to give commands. B. God’s glory is revealed through His Law. 1. The more

  • Obey And Be Blessed

    Contributed by Steve Keeler on May 9, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The Laws of God are NOT outdated! They will never be outdated! They can never go out of style, never be considered old fashioned or powerless.

    Obey and Be Blessed by Steve Keeler Exodus 20:1-17 After 400 years, the Israelites have finally left Egypt and the life of slavery behind them and have now been traveling for 3 months. They have come to the foot of Mt. Sinai where they have established their boundaries. They were afraid to go more

  • Sacrifices: Multiple Choice Or True Or False Lifestyle Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focuses on how we live our lives for Christ.

    Sacrifices Part 3: Multiple Choice or True/False Christian Living Scripture: Exodus 20:7-17; Matthew 5:13-7:27 Introduction Last week I shared with you from Psalm 109 where David cried out to God for revenge. At the close of that message, I asked you a question. The question I asked was more

  • Sacrifices: Multiple Choice Or True Or False Lifestyle Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 10, 2009

    This message continues with the series on making sacrifices and what it truly means for our lives.

    Sermon Pre-Test 1. Serving other gods can be defined as: A. Anything that I cherish so much that I place it before God. B. Those little figurines that people buy and place on their shelves and pray to. C. My car, my house, my spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. D. There are no other gods today – more

  • The Two Commandments Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This message from Exodus deals with the 10 commandments found in Exodus 20, and also points to how Jesus interpreted the 10 commandments by making them into just two.

    The Two Commandments Exodus 19-24 CHCC: April 5, 2009 INTRODUCTION: There was a Gallup Poll taken in 1990 which indicated that only 47% of the adult population in the United States knew more than five out of ten of the commandments. In fact, more people claimed to live by the ten more

  • Obey And Be Blessed Series

    Contributed by Mark Nichols on May 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s boundares are designed for our good!

    TEXT: Exodus 20 TITLE: The Journey Towards Holiness - “Obey The Law!” or “Obey and Be blessed” SERIES: Lessons Learned from God’s People TOPIC: Obedience OCCASION: Burnside Christian Church, May 3, 2009 PROP.: Obedience is the next key word to holiness! INTRODUCTION: We are in a series more

  • The Value Of Honesty Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    An application of the ninth commandment about lying, demontrating the value of honesty in honoring God, healing relationships, and helping ourselves gain personal credibility.

    The Value of Honesty (Exodus 20:16) At midnight, one spring evening in 1987, a terrible thing happened: Seven million American children suddenly disappeared. No, it wasn’t a mass kidnapping or a serial killer. It was the IRS. They had changed a rule for the night of April 15, which for the more

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