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  • We Have Found The Messiah: An Exposition Of John 1:35-42

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Dec 31, 2018

    Do we find Him, or does He find us?

    We Have Found the Messiah: An Exposition of John 1:35-42 The previous passage was accented by John’s verbal testimony of the Christ when he calls out: “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.” John the Baptist not only used the sign of water baptism as a testimony, but also more

  • Jesus, The Light; The Child's Friend Series

    Contributed by William Baeta on Feb 19, 2022

    “For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true).” (Eph 5:8-9)

    Introduction: Today is children’s Sunday and our theme for reflection is Jesus, the Light, the child’s friend. When we think about light the first thing that comes to mind is light from the sun. It is this light that wakes us up in the morning and makes us see our way as we prepare for the more

  • Blessed Be Your Name: When I'm Found In The Desert Place Series

    Contributed by Stephen Colaw on Nov 11, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    Part 2 of 2: When God gives and when He takes away, our only right response is praise.

    THE POINT: When God gives and when God takes away, our only right response is praise! ME Last week we took some time and we practiced praise. Let me hear you again today… Give me a sample of what praise sounds like! Now, as we saw last week. Praise is more than just making noise, even if more

  • The New Wine Of The Kingdom

    Contributed by Owen Bourgaize on Nov 12, 2000
    based on 190 ratings

    The miracle of Jesus changing water into wine at Cana is a sign pointing to the new wine of the Kingdom found only by obedience to Mary’s prophetic words to the servants "do whatever he tells you".

    THE NEW WINE OF THE KINGDOM Have you ever wondered how the stories recorded in the Gospels came to be selected out of the many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of the events in the earthly life of Jesus? (John 20:30; 21:35). The evangelist John gives us the reason for their inclusion in Scripture: more

  • "The Authority Of Jesus Gives Freedom”

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 26, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We celebrate the values of Freedom by our Founding Fathers. And we celebrate the "freedom" from the fear of death because Jesus conquered death and proves His authority is from God, freeing people from demon possession, disease & death.

    In Jesus Holy Name June 30, 2024 Text: Mark 5:28, 41 Pentecost VI Redeemer “The Authority of Jesus Gives Freedom” (read the text) “56 men in wool suits and high collars met for weeks in cramped quarters in the hot, muggy, Philadelphia, more

  • The Rejection Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Dec 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Think about what Jesus gave up when He came to earth. What are you willing to give up for God and others?

    [If you would like to receive a free sermon each week by email, please contact] THE IDENTITY OF THE SERVANT This week I caught a few minutes of Oprah’s Favorite Things episode. You have probably seen one of these episodes. Oprah reveals all of her favorite things and more

  • The Wise Men

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Dec 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The Wise Men saw the Light, followed the Light, and found Jesus.

    Text: “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem” (Matthew 2:1). Who were the wise men? Where were they from? How did they receive the message? Why did they come? What did they bring with them? The name or term more

  • Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Ii: Love Found A Way Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 14, 2020

    Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, mature Christians choose to follow the New Testament model of giving and sharing as practiced by first century disciples of Christ.

    LOVE FOUND A WAY TO REDEEM OUR SOULS, MAKE US WHOLE, BIND US TOGETHER My doctor reminded me that it’s about time for me to undergo my wellness checkup. At our age and stage in life, it’s a good idea to do this on a regular basis, is it not, in keeping with the axiom, more

  • No Jesus

    Contributed by James Parker on Mar 6, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    There is power in the name of Jesus. Many people around the world know the name of Jesus. But, is knowing the name enough?

    Random Thoughts "No Jesus" Last week we talked about idolatry. the idea that people make god to fit in their minds and pockets. They say things like "my god wouldn't judge anyone" or "my god wouldn't allow suffering" and of course "my god would never send someone to hell". We discovered that more

  • Jesus

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Sep 26, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Urging men to look to Jesus

    No one can go in the wrong direction and reach the right destination. God has made it very plain that the way to the Father is through Christ If man refuses God way, - what are the alternatives? One alternative is Alteration Avenue. Travelers on this way say, "I have sinned, but I have turned more

  • Jesus

    Contributed by Thomas Bell on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    What the name Jesus means to me and my personal relationship with Him, written for our Christmas Eve service.

    JESUS LUKE 2: 1-20 ISAIAH 9: 6-7 Christmas Eve Service Dec. 24, 2005 Pastor Thomas N. Bell, Campbell-Erwin Baptist Church Tomorrow, so many thousands of years ago the world received the greatest gift of all mankind, a gift that altered the history of man forever. A gift of hope, peace, joy and more

  • Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Mar 13, 2015

    What betrayal convicts the heart of man?---not the heart of the man who committed the offense, supposedly but the one who suffered the offense. Is the heart of the sufferer on the mercy seat as much as the offender who committed the offense, supposedly.

    JESUS by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (March 13, 2015) “And he answered and said, “He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.” (St. Matthew 26:23, King James Version (KJV) [The last supper]. “But, behold, the hand of him that more

  • Jesus Is . . . ! Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Dec 16, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A look through the book of Hebrews looking at who Jesus is.

    Jesus Is . . . ! Hebrews 13:7-25 November 19, 2017 I was going to start my message with this . . . Well, today is the day. Today we are finishing our study of the book of Hebrews. We’ve taken a look at discovering who Jesus is in our lives. Early in the book, we discovered Jesus is bigger and more

  • Jesus Is . . .! Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Aug 26, 2017

    A look through the book of Hebrews discovering who Jesus Is.

    Jesus Is . . . ! Hebrews 10:1-39 August 27, 2017 Has anyone ever had to repeat themselves to you? Have you heard the same thing over and over until you know what’s coming? It’s kind of frustrating, isn’t it? You think and maybe even say, “I know, I know! Don’t worry!” Especially when it’s a more

  • Jesus Is . . . ! Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 25, 2017

    A look at who Jesus is through the book of Hebrews

    Jesus Is. . .! Hebrews 11:14-38 September 10, 2017 have you ever met an athlete or musician you admire? Sometimes they seem bigger in life than in your mind. It can be a little intimidating. It’s kind of like going to the Hall of Fame. You see pictures and videos of people while they were more

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