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  • Lover Of Knowledge Or Plain Stupid. Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Nov 18, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Wisdom seems hard to obtain. Wisdom is different than having knowledge. Knowledge is defined as having information through experience, reasoning or acquaintance. Whereas wisdom is the ability to discern or judge what is true.

    Lover of knowledge or plain stupid. Prov. 12:1-10 The topic of wisdom comes up over and over again throughout the pages of Scripture. In fact one whole book (Proverbs) is devoted to the topic . Wisdom seems hard to obtain. Wisdom is different than having knowledge. Knowledge is defined as more

  • Stumbling Blocks Or Stepping Stones Series

    Contributed by Stuart Blount on Apr 24, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    The things that we think get in the way of us serving God are the very things he can use to help us progress.

    MAXIMISING YOUR MINISTRY Part Two : Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones Many of us resist stepping out in ministry or involvement because of perceived stumbling blocks in our lives. We feel there are issues that stand in the way of God using us. Of course there are those who do not want God more

  • The Crowd's Miscalculation

    Contributed by Joseph Barraclough on Jul 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is an expository sermon preached to demonstrate the foolishness of turning away from Christ and seeking fulfillment apart from Him.

    Introduction: Have you ever placed little value on something, only to miss it dearly once it was gone? We’ve often heard the saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Example: Earlier this year while itinerating to raise up our missions support, after completing a missions service more

  • Fix Your Mind On These

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 21, 2013

    To enumerate the things needed for your mind to fix on.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have a mind? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To enumerate the things needed for your mind to fix on. IV. TEXT: Philippians 4:8 (Amplified Bible) For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, more

  • Grace And God’s Body Series

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Jun 1, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Our responsibility is to discover our gifts, use them effectively, and work in harmony with other believers.

    Romans 12:3-8 Introduction: A. There is nothing like a well oiled machine. B. Take the car engine for example. Some of us know the intricate parts of it while others just know we’re glad it starts and lets our car take us where we want to go. We tend to take it for granted. C. But a lot of more

  • Do Not Ye Judge Them That Are Within?

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Jun 13, 2024

    Someone says, “Do not judge lest ye be judged.” Another says, “You cannot judge me. The Bible says not to judge.” yet Apostle Paul says, “Do not ye judge them that are within?” 1 Cor. 5:12.

    Someone says, “Do not judge lest ye be judged.” Another says, “You cannot judge me. The Bible says not to judge.” yet Apostle Paul says, “Do not ye judge them that are within?” 1 Cor. 5:12. What is the consistency of the Bible concerning judging? Are we to not judge anything? Are we to judge some more

  • Stretch

    Contributed by Arnold Anoya on Mar 1, 2007
    based on 41 ratings

    Success is not a magic nor a work of a genius but success is due to our stretching to the challenges of life.

    Like rubber bands, our personalities, talents, and gifts are different. We are not effective unless we are stretched. There’s no person who comes into the world fully equipped for success. Success is not a magic nor a work of a genius but success is due to our stretching to the challenges of more

  • Five Astonishing Facts

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 6, 2015

    Five Astonishing Facts

    Isaiah Ch 52 v 13 - Ch 53 Here are Five Astonishing Facts In Isaiah 53 – 1. Here is An Astonishing Report – 1 Who hath believed our report? I. HE IS PICTURED AS A SERVANT, HE WAS more

  • True Humility Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Feb 8, 2018

    Fifth in a series from Philippians dealing with maintaining the right attitude of humility

    REVIEW Paul wrote this letter from a Roman prison along with letters to the Jesus Followers at Ephesus and Colossae known as the “Prison Epistles (letters). By the frequency of reference, the overall theme of his letter seems to be joy. But not just joy, it is joy in the face of the obstacles and more

  • Heaven-Like Hospitality Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 26, 2021

    Why was Jesus so concerned that we have a love for strangers? It was because Jesus came into this world as a stranger, and he knows what it is like to be rejected. He came unto His own and His own received Him not.

    Earl M. Finch became one of the most popular bachelors in Hawaii because he had the gift of hospitality. It all started in Hattiesberg, Mississippi when he saw a Japanese soldier reading the menu on the window of a drugstore. He felt the impulse to go over to the G I and say, "Are you hungry more

  • Leadership In The Early Church Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 7, 2021

    By necessity, any group of people who hope to attain certain goals has to have leaders. Organization is an essential component in the body of Christ, just as it is in the existence of any living organism.

    By necessity, any group of people who hope to attain certain goals has to have leaders. Organization is an essential component in the body of Christ, just as it is in the existence of any living organism. If there is one thing that the universe compels us to believe about its Creator, it is that more

  • Hunting For Humility?

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 25, 2000
    based on 311 ratings

    Christianity would benefit greatly if there were more humble individuals in both pulpits and pews

    When asked what were the three most important Christian virtues, Augustine replied, "Humility, humility, and humility." Yet, this great virtue is in rather short supply in our culture. Even very good people seem to have a hard time being really humble. One day Linus tells Charlie Brown, "When I more

  • Pride: Bringing Home The Beacon Series

    Contributed by Michael Hollinger on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Pride: Confidence is good, Arrogance is bad, and humility lets us tell the difference

    Long Branch Baptist Church Halfway, Virginia; est. 1786 Sunday, April 29, 2007 Enter to Worship Prelude David Witt Meditation & Invocation Psalm 8 *Opening Hymn #182 “For the Beauty of the Earth” Welcome & Announcements Morning Prayer [See Insert] *Hymn #622 “Humble Thyself” *Responsive more

  • The Importance Of Passion

    Contributed by Doug Henry on Dec 29, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    A look at why passion is important in the life of the believer.

    The Importance of Passion Nehemiah 8:1-6 How many of you like to eat? It is no secret that I am one of those people, but there is one particular type of food that I love to eat. I love to eat a delicious meal that I cooked on my own. Does anyone else love to cook? When I have the time, I love more

  • Learning To Play Second Fiddle

    Contributed by David Watters on Jan 2, 2005
    based on 17 ratings

    Becoming a servant, just like Jesus

    Scripture: John 1: 26-27 Sermon - Learning to Play Second Fiddle One day there was a young boy practicing his fiddle. He dismally scraped back and forth across the instrument, while his dog set up a plaintive howling and wailing. Finally his sister stuck her head in his room and said, “Can’t more

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