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Sermons on enlighten my eyes:

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  • Psalm 13 Title: How Long? How Long? How Long? Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 25, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Four times the words formed on David’s lips—“How long?” Pursued relentlessly by Saul, David wondered what was delaying the chariot of God.

    March 10, 2014 Tom Lowe Psalm 13 Title: How Long? How Long? How Long? To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. Psalm 13 (NKJV) 1 How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? 2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart daily? more

  • That Your Eyes May Be Enlightened

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Aug 10, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    This is the second in a letter study of Ephesians. This sermon looks at what happens when our eyes are enlightened to the things of God.

    That Your Eyes May Be Enlightened Eph 1:15-23 All the world is looking for enlightenment. The Buddhists and Hindu’s meditate seeking to find in themselves the enlightenment that will bring them to salvation. The new age gurus chant and meditate and seek to find enlightenment in the same eastern more

  • Praying That The Eyes Of Your Heart Would Be Enlightened

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 15, 2005
    based on 118 ratings

    A shoe manufacturer who decided to open the Congo market sent two salesmen to the undeveloped territory. One salesman cabled back: “Prospect here nil. No one wears shoes.” The other salesman reported, “Market potential terrific! Everyone needs shoes.

    Praying that the Eyes of Your Heart Would Be Enlightened (Eph. 1:16-20) "I pray that the Father of Glory may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation (of insight into the mysteries and secrets) in the deep and intimate knowledge of Him. By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so more

  • Open Our Eyes Lord: Prayer For Enlightenment Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    11th in the series dealing with Paul's prayer that God enlighten the Epheisians concerning the blessing that has been accomplished for them.

    I. Our Wealth and Worth In Christ 1-4 A. Paul blessed God for blessing us with every spiritual blessing 1:3-14 1. Specially Chosen 1:4 2. Purposefully Adopted 1:5-6 3. Freely Redeemed and Forgiven 1:7-8a 4. Spiritually Enlightened 1:8b-10 5. Surely Deemed God’s Inheritance 1:11-12 6. Securely more

  • The Servant Enlightens Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Apr 9, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus deals with spiritual blindness.

    SERIES: WALKING WITH JESUS “THE SERVANT ENLIGHTENS” MARK 7:1-8:26 OPEN Rose Crawford had been blind for 50 years. Then she had an operation in a hospital in Ontario, Canada. In response to the effectiveness of the surgery as the doctor lifted the bandages from her eyes more

  • The Enlightened Heart

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jul 23, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    In Eph. 1:18 Paul prays that their hearts would be enlightened. To enlighten means to make clear or inform. The Greek word Paul uses means to shine; to illuminate. Paul wants their hearts to illuminate and shine with the things he goes on to describe.

    THE ENLIGHTENED HEART Eph. 1:15-21 In our passage today Paul prays that their hearts would be enlightened. To enlighten means to explain or make clear. It can also mean to tell or inform. Our hearts can be enlightened by being told something new as well as having something we know to be more

  • My Heart And My Eyes Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 21, 2013
    based on 84 ratings

    The path to greater spiritual strength and depth. 1- We keep pride and haughtiness far from us 2- We are not concerned with matters beyond us 3- We have become quiet and still before God

    INTRO.- My heart and my eyes. How important is your heart and your eyes? Both are important to life and one to a better life. ILL.- A lady said to her doctor: "Doctor, take a look at me. When I woke up this morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair all wiry and frazzled up, my more

  • To See What You Can See. Series

    Contributed by Colin Mcgeer on May 1, 2023

    To see for me is the most important sense of the five senses. The physical realm without the spiritual is meaningless. We need a revelation of who Christ is. We need our spiritual eyes to be opened by the Holy Spirit.

    I think if I had to choose the most important sense amongst the 5 senses, I would choose sight. I love colour and unique objects in the environment. I am always looking to see something new or different. With our eyes we can discern so much about people. We can see what they are feeling, if more

  • Clearly Enlightened Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Feb 14, 2011

    8th in the series dealing with God's enlightenment of belivers in including them in the mysteries of the universe.

    Mystery Revealed Eph 1:8-10 REVIEW I woke up Saturday morning with some different applications of the message on grace that were in the original notes what had already been printed. I am including them here so that you will have them to review. Application to the message of Grace 1. Understand more

  • Sermon On Enlightenment

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jul 25, 2022

    Amongst the many possible definitions, enlightenment is considered a concept of understanding, insight, awareness, and a learning process that may clarify uncertainties in life.

    Jagadish "Jaggi" Vasudev, better known as Sadhguru, an Indian yoga guru and proponent of spirituality once remarked: “If all your energies are focused in one direction, enlightenment is not far away. After all, what you are seeking is already within you.” John 16:13 confirms: “When the more

  • Spiritual Enlightenment

    Contributed by Norris Harris I on May 8, 2004
    based on 38 ratings

    First in a series of Lectures on the Gifts of the Spirit. This lectures treats that Main Thing in Spiritual Matters.

    The Church must maintain its Distinctiveness amid a Corinthianizing Culture! A distinction God-made, not man-made. That was the fundamental failure of the Church at Corinth. It had failed to maintain its distinctiveness amid the corrosive culture of Corinth. The Maintenance of Distinctiveness is more

  • Entanglement Or Enlightenment

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Sep 24, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    David and Goliath is more than a story but a type of the believer in their battle against the enemy and a mediator Jesus Christ who brings victory. A refreshing view of this scripture involving The Problem - The Power - The Proclamation

    ENTANGLEMENT OR ENLIGHTENMENT 1 Samuel 17:1-52, 1 Samuel 18:7 This is more than a story but a type of the believer in their battle against the enemy and a mediator Jesus Christ who brings victory THE PROBLEM 1 Samuel 17:1 Now the Philistines gathered their armies together to battle, and were more

  • Enlightened By Grace Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Mar 7, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    God has made known to us "the mystery of his will."

    [If you would like to receive Jonathan's "Sermon of the Week," please contact] MYSTERIES REVEALED Most people are intrigued by mysteries. How did the Egyptians build the pyramids? What’s the truth about the Bermuda Triangle? Who was Jack the Ripper? God has shown his more

  • Eyes To See Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 3, 2022

    In this sermon the focus is on the story of the blind man that Jesus cured, and the consequences that followed that healing for both he and us.

    If you have your Bibles with you please open up to the gospel of John 9:26. You may recall we have been in the gospel of John since about February. Most recently, we have been looking at the miracle story of Jesus healing the man who was born blind. You may recall that Jesus was walking along more

  • Open My Eyes

    Contributed by John Beehler on Apr 10, 2002
    based on 108 ratings

    Our eyes are opened in the breaking of the bread

    Open My Eyes Our scripture for today reminds me of another scripture passage from 1 Kings 19. (Read 1 Kings 19:11-13) We get so wrapped up in our conversations and we’re so focused on what we’re going to say that we aren’t listening. I have been in conversations like that myself. more

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