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  • The Empty Tomb

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 27, 2016

    Easter message on the resurrection of Christ

    The Empty Tomb Luke 24:21-34 Introduction- Last week we looked at Palm Sunday and Jesus coming into Jerusalem to finish what He had started. It was His triumphant entry into Jerusalem where we saw a crowd of people hailing Him one minute and cursing Him the next. Maundy Thursday- Last supper more

  • The Proof Is In The "Putting" Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jan 11, 2016

    Jesus offers us a costly freedom from our enslavement to sin. It cost his life and ours. When we live obedient lives, we learn the truth of God and enjoy his freedom. The proof of our discipleship is seen by what we "put off" and "put on" in our lives.

    1. Braveheart In the movie Braveheart Mel Gibson plays the role of a man from Scotland whose name was William Wallace. Wallace was trying to win Scotland's freedom from the cruel rule of the King of England, Longshank. His hatred for both Scotland and Wallace grew as Wallace won many victories more

  • The Sovereignty Of God Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Mar 8, 2015

    God’s the infinite Ruler of all; He is “running the show.” Nothing can prevent His predetermined plan. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Those who see God’s hand in everything can best leave everything in God’s hand.

    It’s been said, “How do you make God laugh? Tell Him your plans” (G.K. Chesterton). Our plans aren’t always in line with God’s. We may try to fight God’s will, but someone pointed out, “Your arms are too short to box with God” (J. W. Johnson). The more

  • 4th Of July - A Declaration Of Dependence

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jul 9, 2012
    based on 10 ratings

    This is a brief 4th of July message suitable to present to Civic groups, and in situations when time is restricted.

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK Text: Deuteronomy 8:7-14; Proverbs 14:34 Last Wednesday we celebrated the birthday of our nation & the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It was a momentous decision for each more

  • Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 9, 2013
    based on 20 ratings

    Joint heirs with Christ are rich, and people whose names are written in heaven are famous!

    Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Ephesians 1:1-3 audio: That TV program focused on temporal things. The Bible focuses on eternity and things of lasting value. It’s a good thing we can’t choose what family we are born into, for our nature would choose a more

  • Blood May Be Thicker Than Water But Love Is Thicker Than Blood Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Dec 29, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In the stress of our modern families what can we learn from the family that was Joseph, Mary and Jesus?

    …………….. Bob tells his wife “I want to see our kids every other weekend and once midweek” “But Bob, we're married and live together so you have to see them every day.” Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home. Please go play with your brother. That's basically the reason more

  • Don't Get Too Comfortable

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jan 13, 2019

    When the Church lost sight of the full extent of the Great Commission God allowed persecution to drive them out

    Sermon Don’t get too comfortable Jose Rodriguez, a bank robber who lived in Mexico, but preferred to rob American banks. In the wild days of the west before Donald Trump built his wall, Jose would slip across the border into Texas, rob a few banks and flee back into Mexico. One day, a Texas more

  • How To Become A "Bitter" Woman Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on May 20, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    8 steps to help you become a bitter woman

    I want to begin today with a story. It is the story of a businessman in Chicago whose name was H. G. Spafford. He was a dedicated Christian who, like us all, at times made earthly and unspiritual decisions. He had some serious financial reversals and he lost his home. He realized his family needed more

  • The Cry Of Victory Series

    Contributed by John Bartol on Sep 1, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ's cry, It Is Finished, was not a cry of despair but of glorious victory. Christ's sacrifice was stainless, perfect, complete. Also, Satan and the powers of evil received a death blow from which they never will recover.

    The Cry of Victory In John 19:30 we read, “When Jesus had received the drink he called out with a loud voice, it is finished!” In the original Greek language of the New Testament this phrase, it is finished, is one word of 10 more

  • Are We More Concerned About Living Like A King, Or Living For A King?

    Contributed by Peter Fisher on Mar 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon for Palm Sunday, the importance of living for the King, rather than living like a king

    Zechariah 9:9-13 & Mark 11:1-11 Introduction What do you think of Elizabeth? What do you think of Elizabeth? Not, our youth worker – whose away at her friends wedding, nor our band leader, but Elizabeth II, our queen. It's her diamond jubilee year. Very few kings or queens make it this far more

  • Encouraged To Endure Sermon I: Encouraged By A Hope That Is Sure Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Feb 7, 2020

    Going through difficult times causes anxiety and uncertainty, even among devoted Christians, but God our Father has provided for our survival and encourages us to endure by the certainty of a hope that is sure.

    Encouraged to Endure by a Hope That Is Sure “Encouraged to Endure by a Hope That Is Sure” is a fitting motto for those of you who, like me, have joined the Four Score Overtime Club. It is also a motto apropos to the 1st more

  • Swapping "pasei Sophia Didakontes...." For The God Who Speaks Our Language. Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Oct 24, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    A sermon for Bible Sunday preached in 2011 at Holy Trinity Barkingside

    ................................................................................................... [begin reading in ancient Greek...] "Ho logos tou Christou enoikeitO en humin plousiOs, en pasEi sophia didakontes kai nouthetountes heautous, psalmois, humnois, Oidais pneumatikais en tE more

  • A Troubled Dreamer Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 22, 2021

    Here is a pagan king and God communicates to him in a dream. He may not have listened to a prophet, but a dream is so personal that he cannot refuse to pay attention.

    When John Wesley returned to England from his fruitless visit to America, he learned that on another ship in the harbor his friend Whitefield was about to sail to America. This depressed Wesley for he had hoped to have fellowship with Whitefield. Early in the morning he sent a message by boat to more

  • Appealing Spirituality

    Contributed by Paulson Pulikottil on May 4, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Our spirituality should attract others to Christ. Sometimes Christians live their lives in such a way that makes non-Christians would avoid going near a church.

    An Appealing Spirituality 1. Introduction One can appeal or repel. The secret of a magnetic spirituality. 2. The Dangers of a Repelling Spirituality Isa. 56.3: The Church is meant to be a culture solution. A place where people can find nourishment and grow. But what happens in the Church most often more

  • Compassion

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on Nov 19, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Real ministry shows compassion that flows from one heart to another. It is true that the deepest theology ever written flows from Paul’s pen but his writings changed the world because they first touched the human heart. This passage shows the secret of hi

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: The story is told of General William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, and the day Queen Victoria of England asked to meet with him. Because she had heard so many favorable things about his work in the slums, she asked him for the secret of his success. “Your more

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