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  • Empowered For Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:10-11 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In Ephesians 6:10-11 the apostle Paul exhorts us to be strong in the Lord and to put on the full armour of God. This is a call to spiritual warfare, reminding us that we are engaged in a battle against the spiritual forces of evil.

    Empowered for Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:10-11 Introduction: Today, we delve into the powerful words of Ephesians 6:10-11, where the apostle Paul exhorts us to be strong in the Lord and to put on the full armour of God. This passage is a call to spiritual warfare, reminding us that we are more

  • What Really Happened At Pentecost

    Contributed by Frank Walker on Oct 15, 2001
    based on 38 ratings

    God empowered the church greatly on the day of Pentecost.

    What Really Happened At Pentecost? (Acts 2:1-4) I. The Power Of God Was Released A. A Sure Agreement (v. 1) 1. Notice that God has to first have something worth working with. 2. God will not work with a group of back-biting, self-centered, arguing, ill-tempered Christians. 3. Learn to agree more

  • Remembering God

    Contributed by Mark Roper on May 25, 2008
    based on 50 ratings

    Remembering God empowers, transforms, and liberates us.

    Remembering God Life is unfair, Life is hard, and Life is challenging. At the same time satan works to discourage us, defeat us, and destroy us. What are we to do? REMEMBER GOD! Ps 121 NIV 1 A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from? 2 My help comes more

  • Reunited In God Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Nov 30, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The empowering of the Church began at Pentecost, and continues to this day.

    Reunited in God Series: ROOTS Brad Bailey – October 2, 2011 Intro Begin with video: “Group Rescue of motorcyclist” (Currently on YouTube at - Following video: Some of you may have seen this event just a couple weeks ago (Monday, Sept. more

  • Step Up Your Believe

    Contributed by Ed Lu on Feb 9, 2022

    A New Year message to encourage, edify, and empower. Well each New Year persuades us to leave behind the old stubborn stains of yesteryear and look forward to the new unvarnished canvas with anticipation. Like a new brush with fresh oil in hand, we are ready to paint a future with brighter outlook and more

  • Grace And Sanctification

    Contributed by Andy Moyle on Feb 13, 2016

    Grace justifies us and leads to and empowers sanctifciation

    Grace is amazing. John Newton, slave trader was saved by it, knew the breathtaking enormity of it and penned the fabulous him Amazing Grace! Let's review where we have got to in this mini series * We have been rescued from being by nature objects of God's wrath to become objects of God's mercy. more

  • Empowered For God's Work Colossians 1:29 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on May 3, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In Colossians 1:29 the apostle Paul reveals a profound insight into the source of strength for believers. Let's delve into this passage to uncover how God's truth transforms and equips us for His kingdom work.

    Empowered for God's Work Colossians 1:29 Introduction: Today, we explore the empowering truth found in Colossians 1:29, where the apostle Paul reveals a profound insight into the source of strength for believers. Let's delve into this passage to uncover how God's truth transforms and more

  • Be Strong In Grace

    Contributed by David Quackenbush on Mar 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    An examination of the empowering work of the Grace of God in the life of the Believer

    Introduction: In 2Timothy the Apostle Paul is writing to Timothy his son in the faith. Paul is coming to the end of his “race” and is writing to exhort and encourage Timothy to continue and advance in his ministry. To continue on in the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ even after more

  • The Next Chapter Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jun 17, 2013

    The church engages the world empowered and informed by the Holy Spirit.

    John 16:12-25 "The Next Chapter" INTRODUCTION Today is Trinity Sunday. It is a time when we contemplate and attempt to understand to a greater degree the God whom we worship. Often it is a rather boring Sunday as pastors around the world attempt to explain the Trinity. "The trinity is more

  • The Beginning Of… Rest Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Apr 15, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God empowers our work by enabling our rest.

    Scripture Introduction For those listening to a recording, it might help to know that our service this morning focused on the fourth commandment. Much debate about this law centers on the definition of the “work” in Exodus 20.10: “the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall more

  • Don't Just Sit There

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Jul 17, 2010

    Faith generates action - faith empowers the work of the church.

    Don't just sit there James 2:14-2:18 Just a couple of weeks ago we finished up on a series of messages that I had hoped offered encouragement for the members of this church to be ready to receive God vision …perhaps even to spark a yearning to look for what God wants to do with us. more

  • It's In Your Hands To Make It Better

    Contributed by William Wyne on May 15, 2012

    As believers we are expected and empowered to make this world better.

    During Word War I the city of Strasbourg (a city in France on the German borders) was bombed; it destroyed that old city and one of the great Cathedrals of that city. Very little remained and the people gathered to save and salvage what they could. As the people began to retrieve what was usable more

  • "Christ's Example Can Empower All Of Us To Endure Injustice.”

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry Morrissey on Apr 18, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    April 21, 2002 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 1 Peter 2:19-25 Title: “Christ’s example can empower all of us to endure injustice.”

    April 21, 2002 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 1 Peter 2:19-25 Title: “Christ’s example can empower all of us to endure injustice.” Although the author is speaking specifically to Christian slaves in this section, what he says applies to all Christians. More correctly, what applies to all Christians, more

  • You Have A Helper Who Empowers You, I Promse! Series

    Contributed by David Owens on May 26, 2020

    After Jesus returned to heaven to the Father's right side, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and live in us to empower, transform, guide, and comfort us.

    A. The Apostles’ Creed is an early statement of Christian belief that has been embraced by many Christians over the years. 1. I like the story told about a children’s catechism class that was learning the Apostles Creed. 2. Each child in the class had been assigned a sentence from the creed to more

  • How Jesus Instructed His Disciples Through The Empowering Spirit

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 2, 2001
    based on 31 ratings

    How Jesus taught the disciples through the Spirit’s power

    How Jesus Instructed The Apostles Through the Empowering Spirit Acts 1:1-5 Illustration:William A. Ward has said, "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Progress Magazine, December 23, 1992. 1. Jesus instructed more

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