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  • Tell Your Family What The Lord Has Done!

    Contributed by B. D. B Moses on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    If God can use the former demoniac to reach his family, he can use you to reach your family too. The power of new believers simply telling his story is tremendous.

    We are about to discuss something that should be dear to your heart, your family. You can be assured that your family is dear to the heart of God as well. I want to emphasize your family using the story of the demoniac in Mark Chapter 5. Now I am not going to compare the demoniac to your family, more

  • The Life And Times Of Elijah Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Compares Elijah’s time at the Brook Cherith with military boot camp and how God prepares us for service.

    When you say the word boot camp, the civilian and enlisted, retired and reserved all conjure up pictures of freshly shaved heads, dog tags, fatigues and, as Chuck Swindoll says, fatigue. It is through the doors of boot camp that an 18-year old from Kiowa, Kansas is shaped into a soldier by doing more

  • Building Our Life On A Firm Foundation

    Contributed by Brandon Queen on May 27, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon takes a look at our foundation as Christians.

    ENGAGE: The gospel is the ultimate truth that brings us hope, peace, and salvation to all who believe in it. The teachings of false gospels or our own gospel may come in many different forms, but they all lead only to confusion, despair, hopelessness, and eternal separation from God. It gives us a more

  • The Next Super Bowl

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Nov 12, 2018

    This week we will look at two pieces of Paul's instruction for Timothy's focus.

    Text: 1 Tim 4:6-10, Title: The Next Super Bowl, Date/Place: WHBC, 5/27/18, AM A. Opening illustration: Peyton Manning’s training for football: “I called him the piranha,” Arians said in a statement released by the Cardinals. “I could never get him enough information, whether it was about the more

  • Course Title: Disciple-Making 101, Professor: The Apostle Paul Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Aug 23, 2002
    based on 66 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the Scriptural priority of and gives an overview of the process of disciple-making.

    Course Title: Disciple-Making 101 Professor: The Apostle Paul Acts 18 August 15, 2002 Intro: A. [Finger of God] An old deacon was leading in prayer using one of his stereotypical phrases, which was “Oh Lord, touch the unsaved with Thy finger.” As he intoned this phrase in this particular prayer, more

  • F.a.t.h.e.r.s.

    Contributed by Jimmy Dillon on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This message is to encourage fathers to be great Dads to their children. FATHERS is an acrostic for each point in the message.

    "F A T H E R S: The Compass of the Family" Eph 6:4 - Honor our fathers today - Fathers are responsible for setting the pattern for their children to grow in - Fathers are to be the compass of the family - What is purpose of a compass? It is an instrument that guides us in the right more

  • Word In Season

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jul 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In this verse, the Lord gives his servant a learned tongue so that he will know how to speak a word in season to the weary.

    “The Lord God has given Me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to hear as the learned.” Isaiah 50:4 In this verse, the Lord gives his servant a learned tongue so that he will know how more

  • God's Pruning

    Contributed by Jim Miller on Nov 4, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    As Max Lucado says, God loves you just the way you are, but too much to leave you that way.

    John 15:2; Hebrews 12:4-11. We’ve covered 17 verses I the last 2 weeks, think we’re going a little too fast! So I want to go back and pick up on some things we kind of hurried over. David and I were out examining our lemon tree the other day, lots of lemons, getting yellow, noticed there were more

  • Exercising Towards Godliness

    Contributed by Jason Smith on Sep 25, 2013

    Godliness is not something that happens over night. It takes work and discipline. It takes exercise!

    Do you remember the last time you left a service all fired up to change? You were determined to be different. "This time," you said, "I mean it; I am going to become the person that God wants me to be!" "No Really! I'm going to change! I won't give in to that temptation. I will read my Bible every more

  • The Charge

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Aug 3, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    We are to live Godly lifes and continue in the ways that we have been taught from our elders. When is the last time you have been charge to carry the cross, as Paul charged Timothy.

    The Charge 2 Timothy 3:12 – 4:5 * Background of Saul/Paul and his letters to the different churches and Timothy. 1. We are to live a Godly life (3:12) a. Involves a aggressive witness such as that of Paul 2. Continue in what you have learned (3:14) 3. God breathed scriptures (Teaching, more

  • The Message Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Jun 23, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    The cross is the symbol of the Christian faith. It is our central message.

    CSI: Easter 5 of 5 in Series The Message of the Cross INTRODUCTION A teacher’s aide in Pennsylvania was suspended for wearing a necklace with a small, one inch cross. Prior to the suspension, Brenda had been warned by her supervisor either to remove the cross or to conceal it under her blouse more

  • A Recipe For Successful Parenting Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jul 2, 2001
    based on 315 ratings

    Originally from a "Survivor" Series. Cake baking and child rearing are both best achieved by following the recipe.

    “A Recipe for Successful Parenting” I made a startling discovery soon after our child was born, they do not come with an instruction manual. The way that we dealt with this emergency was to call our moms, with questions that went something like this, “Mom she doing so and so, is she suppose to more

  • A Recipe For Successful Parenting Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Feb 19, 2001
    based on 144 ratings

    Cake baking and child rearing are both best achieved by following the recipe.

    Survivor’s Series How to Survive in the Real World Sermon # 4 How to Survive Parenting “A Recipe for Successful Parenting” The contestants in the “New Australian Survivor Series” have to overcome such challenges as venomous more

  • Ten Common Factors In Church Planting Movements

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 1, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    Ten common factors in church planting movements by David Garrison

    Ten Common Factors for Church Planting Movements (David Garrison) Beyond the 10 universal elements found in every Church Planting Movement, there are at least 10 frequently, though not universally, found characteristics. These are not listed in any particular order of priority or frequency. In more

  • Helping Spiritual Young Adults Help Others Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Mar 20, 2014

    Making Disciples; Making a Difference Helping Spiritual Young Adults Help Others

    Making Disciples; Making a Difference Helping Spiritual Young Adults Help Others Mat 20:25-28 We started this series seeing that Jesus defined the win for us as making disciples. A disciple is someone who follows Christ, is being changed by Christ, and is committed to the mission of Christ. Then more

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