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Sermons on El Apocalipsis 2:7:

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  • We Ought To Be Praying For The Church Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Jan 11, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus taught us how to pray for the church when He spoke of the seven churches of Revelation.

    INTRODUCTION Last Sunday, we introduced a new series called “This One Thing”. The idea is that when someone says remember this one thing or they say do this one thing, the idea is what they are telling us is of upmost importance, and it will require our action. Jesus used that phrase “this one more

  • A Message For New Year’s Day, 1-1-2023

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 11, 2023

    The Church at Ephesus started off right but somehow lost their first love. For this New Year, may we be reminded to remember, repent, and re-do what we did at the first.

    (Note: This message is based on and edited from a sermon preached at First Baptist Church, Chamois, MO, on 1-1-2023; but is not an exact transcription.) Introduction: This morning we celebrate the start of a brand new year. It’s really kind of difficult to zero in on something that hasn’t been more

  • Ephesus: The Forgetful Church Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jan 12, 2023

    The apostle John is asked by the resurrected and victorious Christ to write to the seven churches of Asia, a message that, although directed to specific churches, applies to the church universal.

    A. Revelation 2:1 (READ) 1. Today we begin to take a look at the individual churches that make up the SEVEN CHURCHES of Asia Minor that the GLORIFIED Christ is addressing through the Apostle John, beginning with the church of Ephesus. COMMENT: One thing had DRAWN these more

  • A Refreshed And Renewed Bride Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jul 6, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The Church of Ephesus

    Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7; Matthew 22:36-40 Theme: Seven Churches of Revelation Title: A Refreshed and Renewed Bride – Ephesus INTRO: Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Good morning! I want to invite you to go with me on a wonderful adventure over the next more

  • The 7 Churches Of Revelation (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jul 9, 2023

    Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation, and each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it. Although sometimes subtle, there is a very common theme to each letter: a church that allows the world to influence it is NOT being faithful to Jesus Christ.

    Alpha and Omega, Part 26, Revelation Part 3 The 7 Churches of Revelation (Part 1) Revelation 2:1-29 Introduction - Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation -- Each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it -- Although sometimes subtle, there is a more

  • Respond To Christ’s Call To Love Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jul 17, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Just as the church at Ephesus had its opportunity to respond to the Lord's call, so do we. We too are called to be a shining light for Christ and share the love of God with others. Let us consider the lessons we learn from the church at Ephesus and seek to renew our love for Christ.

    Visionary View: Respond to Christ’s Call to love Today, as God's church, we draw nearer each day to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some of you may search for signs of His imminent return and find many Biblical prophecies fulfilled already. Yet, remember Jesus' own words in Mark more

  • "the Crown Of Life" Series

    Contributed by John Huyser on Jul 18, 2023

    This city’s unique relationship with Rome made Smyrna a primary target for persecution. Assuring them he knows what they are about to go through, Christ promises them (and us) the crown of life.

    To best understand the letter to Smyrna, we need to understand this city’s close relationship to Rome and the Empire. Compared to the others, Smyrna and Rome are the most closely aligned for good reason. Two hundred years before Christ, Rome was at war with Hannibal and the Carthaginians. That more

  • "too Much Of A Good Thing" Series

    Contributed by John Huyser on Jul 18, 2023

    Blessed with the Spiritual Gifts of faith knowledge and perseverance, Ephesus' greatest strengths led to their greatest weakness. Indeed, you can have too much of a good thing when love is absent.

    SLIDE 1: Winnie the Pooh Sometimes, a children’s story from the past can help set the stage for new topics. A fitting one is Winnie the Pooh. He knew it was lunch time because his empty stomach told him so. He headed off to Rabbit’s house because Rabbit always had honey. “Rabbit – Are you more

  • The Seven Churches Of Asia Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Aug 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Study #1: This introduction contains and quick overview of The Seven Churches of Asia, showing how they represent periods of time in the church age, culminating with the present day; thus showing that we are nearing the end.

    NOTE: This Bible study on the end times comes from the perspective of a pre-tribulation Rapture. Introduction Throughout history people have found Revelation to be a confusing book, and some have even said that it is completely useless. So, why in the world should we study Revelation? Turn more

  • The Rewards Of An Overcomer Part Ii Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Aug 21, 2023

    I give my full permission for this sermon to be used in its fullest for the glory of God. The Bible overflows with magnificent promises, and in the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ the ultimate promise keeper, reveals seven of the most awe-inspiring promises found anywhere in scripture.

    THE REWARDS OF AN OVERCOMER PART II Please open your Bible to Revelation 21:7 as we continue our series on the eternal rewards of heaven with today’s message, “The Rewards of an Overcomer Part II.” Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My more

  • Do You Remember Your First Love

    Contributed by Tamela Walker on Sep 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Turning back to our First True Love in Jesus Christ

    DO YOU REMEMBER YOUR FIRST LOVE? Church, let us all take a moment and visualize how the ways of life have transformed the Word of God into the World and not the World into the Word of GOD. Society has attempted to displace the truth of the Word of God. The acceptance of lifestyles living today is more

  • Ephesus PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 2, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    Explores understanding God's heart in Revelation, rekindling our initial love for Him, and aligning our actions with this renewed love.

    Good morning, beloved family of God, gathered here today to delve deeper into the mysteries of His Word, to uncover the treasures hidden within its pages, and to align our hearts with His. We are gathered here today under the banner of His love, united in our shared faith, and bound by the common more

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